<br />That ttw Mortgagor wits pa}• the indebtedness as hereinhe(ore provided.
<br />That-the Mortgagor-is.the-owner of said Property in fee simple and kws good right and lawful authority to sell and-
<br />wnvey the same and that the-same is free and clear of nny lien or encumbrenc^; and that bYorigagor will warrant and defend the
<br />title to said premises against the claims. af•ali persona whomsoever.
<br />To pay immediately when due and payable all general taz ~, special taxes, special assessments. water cha; gas, sewer serv-
<br />ice charges, and other-taxes and charges against said property, and alk-taxes Im•ied on the debt serured hereby, and to furnish the
<br />Ia4ortgagee, upon eey^uest, with the original or duplicate receipts therefor. -The Mortgagor agrees that there shalt be added to
<br />each monthly payment required hereunder or under the evidence of rlr~ht .reared herereby an a;nuunt estimated by the mortgagee
<br />t~fo be sufTrcien# to &riabie -:the-~htartgagee-to pay, as they become due, all taxes, as-aeasments, and .imitar charges upon the prem-
<br />Ices sahjcct thereto; any deficiency because of the Snsufficirncy of such additional payments shall be forthwith deposited by tha
<br />Lfartgagor ,with the Mortgagee upon demand by the \iorigage r. Any default aortae this paragraph shall he drr:ned a default in
<br />payment of taxes, assessments, or similar charges required hereunder.
<br />.~ The Mortgagor sprees that there shall also he added to each monthly payment of principal and interest required taere-
<br />under an amount. estimated by the Mortgagee to be sufficient to enable the ;lTorigagrr to pap, as it hecnnnes due, the insurance
<br />premium p;r any-insurance policy delivered to the Ivfortgagec_ Any de ficicncy hc•cause of the insufficiency of such additional pay-
<br />, ~ meats Shall Im fartfiwith deposited by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this
<br />paragraph shalt be deenx~ct a defau!i in the pay;-nent aC insurance P_emiums. IE the policy or policies rlepacited are curb as `rtume-
<br />~ownere nr all risk 1xAicies, and the deposits see insult-icient tr. pay- the et+.tir~ pr mium, the ;Aiortgagee may apply the depr_cit to
<br />pay premiums on risks renuirrd to be insured hp this mortgage
<br />Payments made by the \iurtgag,.r under :he above paragraphs mac, at the option aE the A4artgager, he held by it and
<br />cxrmmingled wiih other such funds or t!. ++wr, ftenrls fur tl+r payment of such items. and until set applied, such payments are hereby
<br />pledged a_c security for the unpaid balsnrn of the morteaer irdrhtedness
<br />Ta P xure; dein e,- tn- arc a+amtain for th.- h. nrtit =+f the \iortgagre durirr the life of this mortgage original pohcirs and
<br />zenewals there ~F, deiicere-d at 1<•a>t te•n days !x-f, rr- the rsprtst:~.•n of anc :uch ;>llirirs, insuring against fire and ut her insu raktle
<br />?•,orar~ ...~.ra?t: ~, o..~ ~,... - .~,z- a_ ti:e Diu:+e<<.y. ;;- .,, ,.. ~ ............... .. ... the indeLaedn~,s .~. ur2d t:y tt:
<br />MoY,gage, and in companies iaccepL hlr to the \4 ortga,r.•.:.,th 1,-„<payahf. clause in favor of and in form acceptahie to the'vfortga-
<br />get. In the event any ixatcr a not r w,;1 .:..rz k*t-f.:rv• tan days of its ezpir-anon the Afortgagrr may prcxurc insurance on the
<br />improvements, pay fhe premium th:-refer, and Ruch -~_.. :;:al; hec.rme immzdiah°Ir due and payable with interest ai the rate seI
<br />_ forth in sand haute anti( {role and =hall M~ ~..~u red M th<? :n~.-rt,~ae:• Failure on the part of the hortgagor to furnish scch rrne•wats
<br />as are here. r. required ur failure h; par a. v arm> advanet~i he reundrr shall. at the optiaa of the Aivrtgagee, constitute a default
<br />under t}:e terms of this m,xigage The ~:r.n _ .+f ~urh pr,!ici.•s chap m the event of default, rnnstihtte ar. alignment of the um
<br />- earned. prz-mium.
<br />Any sums received : _~ tt;e \ :rtgagrc by rer~.:+r, , ;tom. : damage i cun~d against Wray hr retsined by the bortgagee
<br />and applied taw~ard the payment of the debt hereby .... are t.. .: at the option cif t:.^.e \iortgagc-r. such sums richer wholly or in
<br />part may t+e paid over M the 'vlortgaKor to tx used fn re pair =:: ctt buildings r to build new buih!ings in their place or for any
<br />ache: purpae or object satisfactory :u the Mortgag w;;h,:v~ afErcLng the lien on the mortgage for the full amount se,ured here-
<br />by before such payment ever took place.
<br />To promptly repair. restore or rebuild anv buildings nr tm.procemrnts now or hrreaiter un the premises which may he-
<br />came damaged or destroyed: to keep said premises in plod ennditton and repair and free from any mcrhanic's lien nr other lien or
<br />claim of lien not exprealy subordinated to the lien herrnt~. not to suffer or permit any uniaw~ful use of e:r any nuisance to exist on
<br />said grape: *_}• nor to permit waste un said premises, nor to do arey other act whereby (fie property hereby corveyeti shall become
<br />ie~ valuable, nor to diminis$t ar impair it value b_ any act or nm tvawn r.. act to : r,m p!} ~~+"ith all requirements of taw with respect
<br />to the mortgaged Premises and the use thenz~f.
<br />' That should the premises or an-y part thereat be taken or damaged h} reason of an} public irrmpr~.-wement ar rondemnation
<br />procecvding, or under the right of eminent dc+rtain, or in anc uthu manner, the \lortgagee shat! be enu[ied to alt compensations,
<br />awards, and any other payment or rntief therefor, and chalk tee entitieti, at its option. to rnmmetrce. appear in and prosecute in its
<br />own name any action or proceeding. ur to rnskr any compromise oz settlement in connection with such taking or damage. Alt such
<br />-- campesaation. swards, damages. right of acting and proceeds are he reb}• assigned to the Mrstgagrr. who may, attet deducting
<br />ibere#raat ale its attpe~, re,easa soy maney~ as rn°s..-..d by it ar apply the ssnse an any indehiocin~s s=r.rrad hereby. 'Thz '-aiatt-
<br />gsgor agrees to etcecsrte such further assignments ai any enmpen: shun, awards, damages, and righu n? action arrd procecKls as the
<br />Mortgagee may require. ~-"
<br />__ 't:`>
<br />That in rase of failure w perform any of the covenants herein. the kf artgaRee may' do un the MortgaKai s behalf everytiaing -
<br />so onenatited; ttst the Maxrigagee may also du any act it may deem necessary to protect the Lien thereof: that the Mortgagor will
<br />Y
<br />repay Ryon demand any moneys paid oz disbursed by the Mortgagee far any of the abc:ve purposes. and sur_h moneys together with t^^
<br />intareal thereon at the rate prrnzded in said note shall ttemme sa much additional indebtedness hereby secured and may be in- '--
<br />" duded is say decree foreclosiag this mortgage and be paid out of the renrs or prtxrcds aE sale of said prnmise: if not otherwise
<br />paid; that it shall not be obiigatary upon the i~4ortgagee to iaquire into the solidity of any- lien. encumbrances, or claim in ad-
<br />varsdeB maoeye as ahwe authorized. but nothing herein mntaiaed shall t*r canstruo6 as requirinK the w4origagee to advance any
<br />tasmeya tar any such ptxrprate oat to do any act hereunder: and that Mortgagee shall not imvr any personal kiahility trcausr of any-
<br />'.hittg it sisy do ar exsit to do hereurdar.
<br />~" Ia Ilte event of the default by Mortgagor in the payment o- any insfailment. as required by the Note secured hereby. cr
<br />in the performatxe' of the obligation in this mortgage oz in the rxote secured thereby, the Mortgagee shall be entitked to declare t}fe
<br />deh4 sooared Irernby due and payable without notice. and the Mortgagee shall be entitled of its option, without notice, either by itself
<br />or by-a i'eceivei to be appain#ed try ilea mart thereof, anal without regard to the adegttaty of anY secutiiy fur the indebtedness se-
<br />emed hereby, to enter-upon and take pasd'essian of the-mortgaged premises, and to collect acrd receive the rents, issues and profits
<br />tltered; erd apply the ~trre, leas costs of aperaiior. and coilectian, upon llte irtdebttdnesa secured by this mortgage; said rents,
<br />issues-and prri6ta being hereby aaagired W tine I+iartgagec as €irrthrr serurify far the payment o[ atI indebtedness srrured hereby.
<br />The Mnet~i:.~. ahatl hays ttte po+i±er t+z appoint any ageat or agents it may decirr fot the purpose of r!•pairing said prem-
<br />toes; resting the same; aoYCe~ting the rents, revenues amd income, and it may pay out of said income all expenses iatvrred in rent-
<br />ing and tsaraging the acme--and ~ to0irtirsg the rentals Lheret rum. The balance remaining, it any, shall br applied toward the
<br />diaefurge ~ 4tre pgttjltg'! igekbtrdaeaa. This aaaigsment sa to terminate and become nail and void upon release of this mortgage.
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