<br />~.
<br />Thm avamnu Genrrel ?: uyyly i3uuse, Lincoln, NeLr.
<br />203Yz-REL£A&E OF MORTGAGE--Cozposerion
<br />.. ~~_- ~ lk ~ ~-Z
<br />a. ~_ _._. _-._ - -
<br />I_N CONSIDERfITION c; tlse payment of the debt nansed thezein, the Bank Of Doniphan
<br />Doniphan, Nebraska hereby releases rise mortgage made to
<br />The 3-D Company, A Nebraska Corporation, Doniphan, Nebraska
<br />by
<br />Bank of Doniphan, Doniphan, Nebraska,
<br />a» tlEe falloering described real estate, to-wit:
<br />of Section in Touvuhip ,Ran-qe og the P. M., Ball !
<br />County, State of Nebraska which is recorded in Book 165 of Real Esta#e Mortgages, page 61i.$
<br />of the retards of said County.
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHERF_OF, the said Bank of Doniphan, Doniphan, Nebr. has caused
<br />i these 4rescuts to be executed by its president and its Corporate Seal to be affixed hereto this 2$th -
<br />~y of June , 79 79
<br />;Witness: --Han .. of...Dnuar ..Boni. han,...NE...--- '
<br />- -.. BY.-~{~ ~j- ~, President
<br />._ ..........-° -- ...... --- - - _._-- __ -- - .....fittest ._ ~-r-'`::r:.*.'..-~T?..~. _fi~..-~.h~CGashier, 5rerehtry
<br />STr1TE OF ..- Nebraska ---... 1 i._ ,a:_ 952+h ,t„_. r i„na - .............. ice.-7Q-- - -
<br />Hall County ;ss before tne, the undersigned, a IJotary Public in and for said
<br />Geor e H.---Wanitschke.-.-.._-._------ ............................_.---------------• President of the
<br />County, personally.came--- .................g..--.--
<br />' - ---------- -.-H~~- Qf --J1CZAipY1aI1.,...12oSliphan, NE ...... . . . ......._. ---- ...-....._...._._._...-.._.. - - a Corporarion
<br />to me personally hnaz;•n to 6e the President and identical person whose name is affixed to the above release and
<br />ackn:rwledged tine execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such off[cer, and the voluntary acl and deed
<br />of s,<irt Corparation.
<br />- rial Seal at.-_D.oz~lphan.,...Neb -- -.--...-, i said County the day and year
<br />~~ '
<br />.J.L?..__-.., r9 ~Q - - ~ ... ~~_.... r..-.., Natarv Puhkc
<br />rte East care Third (~./3) ar &ot Six (b), in Block Six (b), or the Original
<br />Yi13sg~ 4t ~mipbar,, kall CGterty, Nebraska, (Having a Frontage of 25 Feet on F
<br />Pig Street iA said Pillage,-and a depth oS lk2 Feet)
<br />Cotmmencing at a point T-tenty Five (25) Feet 4:est from the South East Corner
<br />of Lat No. Six (6) in Block No. Sis (6) of the Villa€e of Doniphan, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, RurtninR thence North One Hundred Forty Two (lk2} Feet,
<br />Thence Ylest Trtentp Five (25) Feet along the alley, Thence South Orte Hundred
<br />Fa~ty t~ (lb1) Feet, Thence East Tutenty Five (25) Feet to the place of
<br />begiryting tha cams being the aiddle the Third of Ivt No. Six (6).
<br />
<br />J
<br />
<br />