<br />79- Uta43"74 I~AOR1~diAGE
<br />THIS INDENTURE, made this- 27th day ~ -Tune 18 79 by and between
<br />William P,. Wilson, an unmarried person,
<br />of Ha`L'1 Cowry, Nebraska, ae mortgagors: and Grand Iaiand Ttuat Company of Grand Island, a cortwratian
<br />otgeaized and ezisting under the laws of Nebraska with tts principal office sad place of business et Grand Island, Nebraska, ns mortgagee;
<br />W ITNESSETH: T'aet said mortgagor ~_ ,for sad inconsideration of the sum of
<br />**Six Thousand Nine hundred Eighty-four and 73/1H~ths** _ Do>lerat~-fi_,.a4~4,%78 I
<br />the rece -of which is hereb ackmw "~ ~~ ~ ~ ~
<br />ipt y kedged, do ~ by these presents mortgage and warrant unto seed ~morttg'if!-.aA~~+ss~"f ~ aselgas.
<br />forever, ell the following described reel estate. situated in the County of llal l ~ ~ _
<br />and State of Nebraska, to•wit:
<br />Lot Ttaelve (12) and the North Ten reef (10') of Lot Fourteen (141,
<br />in Block Seven {7}, in College Addition to West Lawn, Hall County,
<br />Grand Island, Yeoraska.
<br />Ta4etha w6h ail heating, air conditioning, lighting, sad plumbistg equipment and fiztures, including screens. awnings. storm windows and
<br />doors,. and window shades or blinds, used oa of in mnnaetion with acid property, whether the same am sow kxated on said property or her~her
<br />- F
<br />Y'fl HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all sad singular the tenements, 6ereditaments and appurtenancm thereunto be-
<br />lo~, or m anywise appertaining, forever, a~ warrant the title to the same. Said morgegor-hereby covenant s with swirl
<br />onrrgagse that ~ he is , at the delivery hereof, the lawful owner of the p*».++ «~ above conveyed sail deeen'bed,
<br />aod~~~ seized of a good aril indefeemble estate of inheritance therein, free and clear of all enwmbrences, a~ that_he_will
<br />ws'reat sail dMeod the fitkr thereto foreve against the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever. - '
<br />PROVIDED ALW Al`S, and thin iastrvment is rxecuted sad delivered to secure the payment of the sum of
<br />**Sfx Thousand ;dine Hundred Eighty-four and 78j100ths** Doli~ls 6,984.78 1
<br />with iatereeL tttereon, together with such chargoe sad advmtes ae may )>e due end payable to said mortgagee under the terms and conditions
<br />of-the pmmimory mte of even date herewith and set~md hereby, ezecuted by said mortgagor to said mortgagee, PaY~ ns e=P~ffid
<br />fn said note. sod w eeture the perfornnutce of all the terms and coaditime contained therein. The terms of acid cote are hereby incorporated
<br />beam try this refineace.
<br />It is the inteaf5on and agreetoent of the parties hereto that this mortgage shall also secure soy future advances made to said mortgag'or-
<br />by acid mortgagee, and say and all indebtedness in addition m the amount above stated which said mortgagors. or any of them, may owe to
<br />said mortgagee, however evideaoad, wtutt6er by note, hook mount or otherwise. This mortgage shall remain in full force end effect between
<br />the parties hatt#o and their bars, pereoaa! representatixes, successors and assigns. until all amounts seateed hereunder, including future
<br />edvancea. are paid in fuIl with iatereat.
<br />The mortgagor- Inmeby assign S-t- said mortgagee all rents and income arising at any and all times fmm said property and
<br />hereby authorize said awrtgmgne ~ its agent, at its option, upon default, to take charge of said Property and r"8ect ell rents and income
<br />therm std apply the same to the payment ~ iaieeeat, principal, insurance premiums, fazes, aaeessmeatn, repairs or improvemmLs
<br />aeceseaty W keep acid property in tenmtsbk mndition. or to ocher chazgea or payments provided for herein ar in the note hereby secured. This
<br />rwt sasigontmt shall caatmae in fema uaL7 the unpaid balance of said note is folly paid. The taking of possesaioa hereunder shall in no manner
<br />prev~t a retard said mortgagee in the rnliection ~ mid soma by Eoredosure or otherwise.
<br />The taifura of the ntortgagse to assert any of eta rights hereunder nt any time shall not !x wnstrtted as a waiver of its right to assert, the
<br />lama at sap latm time, sad to insist upon sad enforce strict aomplisnoe with ate the terms and proviaioas of said mm sad of ttus mortgage.
<br />If sail mortgagor shalt cause to he paid to acid mortgagee the entire amount due it hereunder. sad under the terms and provaioas
<br />of saM na4a 9 eecurad. iaeladlag fu~re sdvexsa. sad any ertteasioaa or reskervals tirraaof ea accordance with the terms and oroviainna
<br />thormaf, sod if said mortgagor-shall Comply with aIl the provieione of said note soil of this mortgage, [hart tbae preaeats shall be void:
<br />otJterwies io rrmsin in Ertl! forte sad e$xP., scud safd mcetgagee shall beawtitRed to the possesaan of all of acid propety, and may. at iW option.
<br />dxtara the while d sail note nail a8 iadebndmes rued thereby tto be immdiately due aml psyebk. sad may fereckise this mortgage
<br />a Lalte any aver legit ettim to prates[ its tilt. Apprai~at waived.
<br />This atmtgge aEeH be Ir~ding wpm salt shill enure to the benefit of the heua, executors. admiaistaatore, surcessore and eeaigns of the
<br />a Parties hatuto.
<br />IN WP1g4E~ YVHEREOF, sped Mortgagor- ha 8 hers~mW aet_ his hand--the day and yeu-fast above
<br />written.
<br />td>_1 ism ° ~ son
<br />