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79--. ~ U 414 .~ <br />reason necessary to protect or conserve trust assets, liquidate the <br />assets, distribute and close The Trust at any earlier date deter- <br />mined ty them. The Trust shall be proportionately and in a pm rata <br />canner distributed to the beneficiarles. In the event this instru- <br />ment has been recorded, they shall then file xith said Recorder a <br />notice that The Trust ryas terminated and ceased and thereupon, The <br />Trustees shall automatically be discharged hereunder, PROVIDEil, their <br />administration and distribution have been made in accordance xith the <br />ter~ts and provisions of This Trust Inden+.ure. Othenrise, a court of <br />equity may be invoked to review and correct any tort or error. <br />At the expization of this Agreement the then Trustees, if they so <br />desire and believe that said Trust should not be closed,aay renex <br />this Agreement for a like or shorter period. A resolution of said <br />renexal shall be entered upon the minutes and. also recorded in the <br />Recorder's Office (in the event this Agreement has been retarded} at <br />least 120 days prior to the expiration hereof. Public notice shall <br />be made in a county newspaper of general circulation not less than <br />60 days prior to the expiration hereof. <br />Ths expressed intent of this instrument is to convey property to <br />Trustees, to constitute a Trust (Estate} for- the benefit of the <br />beneficiaries, held by the Trustees, in Trust and in point tenancy for <br />the $uration he3'e~±fi anrt ± ~,+F.yidg fCr o pr!.d°^t ~d cw. ua` :ai ad- <br />sinistration by natural persons acting in a fiduciary capacity, to <br />BAGIH AT ONCE and not to be deferred until after the death of any <br />creator. senior or maker, as occurs xhen such Trust Estates are <br />created by Last Yill and Testament. <br />By creating this Legal Entity, The Creator of THIS TRUST is exer- <br />cising his constitutional rights and has done that xhich ie right <br />for himself, thereby demonstrating and implementing his individual <br />Religious Beliefs. <br />IIi YITNffiS if}R~AEOF the Creator hereof and hereto and the Acceptors ' ' <br />hereof, fbr thex.selves, their heirs, successors, and assigns, have <br />hereunto set their hands and seals in token of the conveyance, de- <br />livery and acceptance of property, assets, or other things of value <br />and the obligations and duties as herein assumed as Trustees of said <br />Trust and assent to ali stipulations herein as imposed and e~r~s~ed. <br />YIT4dE53 (DA5 SE~IL} <br />~.-. , CREATO& <br />COUNTY OF . 1~0.1~ /i 1?7!'~?Zz7 ~ ,~ 7`~,>.,~ ~~_ <br />STATE OnnF ~~~rGSKc~ SS <br />On (v10.y i}-, 1a l4 the undersiP~ned, Notary <br />Public in k.e~d for said State, personally appeared~2F{nh 4{a55~1t" <br />knoxn to me to be the person xhose name is subscribed to the within <br />instrument, Creator of This Trust, and acknoxledged the .> h ~=. <br />executed the above andpforegoingJ~ru§f,.i~~~for the uses and <br />purposes therein set forth, lliii~//~N"~, <br />Notarial commission a ices <br />e (,_ <br />r7. Sit~tu~q ~1~~-. <br /> <br /> <br />