<br />79--. 0 ~) 4 ~ 4
<br />'` or investment, as hr rein :pc•ciatly noted, .,t ih<•ir di:;cretiou far ti,e benefit of Tti1S
<br />TkUS1', such as, vie: huy, sell, convey or lease land, including the surface or min-
<br />eral rights; Guy or sett uu;rt};a};es, securities, bonds, notes, leases of :r 11 kinds,
<br />contracts or credits ul auy 1'urm, puteul::, trademarks, ur copyrights; Guy, sell or
<br />conduct mail-order business, or br:utrhe:; thereof; uperaCc stores, strops, factories,
<br />warehouses or other trading establishments or places of Gusiness of any kind; con-
<br />~truct, Guy, set?., lease or rent suitable huiidirtgs or"other places of business;
<br />udverl.lse dtllereut art.ictes or business projects; borrow money for auy GU5Tne5S
<br />pru,j ccC, plodgtng T!m 71 us1 pi op c,ty lur the paywcnt lhr~r~t; typo Urr cato assets,
<br />property, or both, of The 'Trust iu Gusiness projects; own stock in, or entire charters
<br />of corporations, or other such properties, companies, or associations as they may deem
<br />advantageous. A Ptinute of kesolutions of The Board of Trustees authorizing what it is
<br />they determine to do or have done shall be evidence that such an act is within their
<br />`power. All funds paid into the treasury are and becu:ne a part of the CORPUS o£ THIS-
<br />. TRUST.
<br />The '1'rustecs by their resulutiou ul purpose may perform and function for auy purpose
<br />on behalf' of any individual, group or combination of individuals, severally oc collec-
<br />tively. Lt such instaucc~s the powers and authority of The 'Trustees snail be defined
<br />and limited to the general purposes set forth by the Declaration•of Trust and The
<br />Trustees DeFlaratiort of purpose.
<br />The Trust era shall re};ard tLis instrument as Cl,etr sufficient guide, supplemented from
<br />,,` time Lo time Gy their resolutions (said resolution to be ratified ALWAYS by a fAJORITY
<br />-- of the Trustees then in office and participating in the issuing meeting} covering con-
<br />tingencies as they arise and are recorded in the minutes of their meetings, which are
<br />the Dy-laws, rules and regulations of 'PHIS TRUS'T'.
<br />The Trustees may in their discretion elect among their number a President, Secretary
<br />and Treasurer, or any other officers-they may deem expedieatt for proper functioning.
<br />Any Trustee nwy hold two ur niorc' otfSces simultaueowly, their duties being suet, as
<br />are usual or are prescribed. 'they may employ :,gents, executives, or other curt>Loyees,
<br />or designate third persons to hold funds for specific purposes.
<br />The Trust shall have authority to provide itself with operating funds through loans,
<br />directly secured by assets or income of T}iE TRUST, provided such authority is possessed,
<br />in writing, from the Board of 'Trustees of `CRIB `fkUST.
<br />The Trustees shall fix end pay compensation of all officers, employees or agents in
<br />their discretion, and may pay themselves such reasonaGle compensation for their sec-
<br />vices as may Ge determined Gy a MAJORITY of the Board of 'Trustees.
<br />Ttte Trustees, officers, agents or employees possess only such authority as awarded
<br />them herein. Authority i:; irudrrstood and meant. to br similar to that awarded an cxec-
<br />_.,.
<br />utor of an estate wherein the testator directs (illustrati.on): "that :ny Executor is
<br />
<br />
<br />