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����I� �_:T.�K:. �,,,,� . . . . . ✓✓—_..�.-` �___ <br /> r�i.i . .. _�._..�__ <br /> ...� ..�. . . . _ _ <br /> '"_A1�lIYa. � ..... .' . �i'e=.e--__— __ ____r . __"_" "__ <br /> _ .._..�_ .W <br /> ,.1O�IU. • . � • � ' . -1. r . . � t . .. . . . �. ->aJ��!'�—" <br /> - ,v�� . � _ �t _ f � _____ —_-_ <br /> •- . ,.�,rtsy.—.s�w.:.::::�...,. -- -:�� <br /> _ �e�w� �'� �ww�- _-T�R'di'gs�ir�,--.+v...m..�"'�--_ <br /> rnr�,rYYlwi+nLa�tae�•�—__—_ _ '�et.•,aZ�+�----=" ' --- -- <br /> . ., .-_.a�n� --------- <br /> — -- . . __._______ _. <br /> _ . _ ._. .. __'_.. ����V���� <br /> p:►)'t:xius nwy ►x�I�K�ye�!+��cyuiral.;��t�r uptiau uf►kr,ii nw�rtyt+�c unuraik�r�,��era�r�in tt�r unxwut wxl ti�r thr. �+crkxt r= <br /> th�t Ix,�dec r�uin�l pruvi�ktil b� rn iitwr�:�+ptli�•u!by lx�ki•a�t�iii ha�►�a►�.�ar;utit�lc:uul����btyineJ. �n��+�rrr�Iwll`uy _ <br /> thr pn:stiwn� r.+�uir��l tu nui�uain nx,n��Tc inwrr�kti i���lir.t.�u tu pn,�•iJc u lu�.�rc:c�+�. un�il ihc rryuirc���u(�K aUrtY+�e <br /> ituur�ux�c��ti•o�U�uk'c wtth a►ry writtcn;►�rccmriu 6x�w�ti��G���uw�r:�n.3 t.:�w::i a:;�ril:ahle!n4. _ <br /> 9.iaspect{aa,lx�wte��►e it>;+�ciu nu} :sule rr:�s:�►�t+M rixri�.u{��s�;util iiu�x.ti�WU uf Ux W�K�ert��. l.e��r rluafl �i�•e — <br /> B�ur�ua►u�t't.e et tlx t�t�e"F aw priue tu:u�i�►�pkcii.a�►�:ify i�tL r::a�:m+l+t,cau�ti�r thr in��laui _ <br /> i�, i' ._w.ur«:::.t:::a. 1'h;pr.::::�l; uf any ����nl�►r f�u �lanti+�tca. Ji►c�t ur .r►a��.qw���1. �� :.uu�tlan w•ie�� rny <br /> ��wxknuutiw��u�1hcr tul.iit�t uf uuy�n��f the {'ropcAy'.����i�Y tlU1tC)'�ltil'C 111 IICU UI�tU1kl�lll(l:ill�►Il,ar�Ikreb) u.�slQ��ti an3 <br /> �ts�l t+c{►+id w l.��xler. _ <br /> in th::c�•ent<sf a ta:!tal:ins��F thc �''r�y+e+ty,ttu pr►kuud�:�lull bc u{�+lied tu tFx wa�r.ctiur��l by�hi�Gxunty Inurunxnt. -- <br /> whett�r ar iwt�h:n dur,witi�u�y cxc�cs{�id to&�rr��ucr. In the r��e�u ��f a�+anial ulinF nf �hc {'r���.sty in w�hich the fair <br /> mulet��:tlue oi'the Prn¢+etty in�mediately beCore lhe t�ing ic cywl to nr ��c:ucr th:►n the :uixiwu uf li►r wnu xcur�xl b��this <br /> Sc:urity insirurne�v inu�wiiwely bcf�uc the taling,unlcsa�w�uw�cr:uxl l.cixlcr cufwru isc uFnr in w•riti�ty.lhe aun�saured hy <br /> this Sccurity lnstrum�ru s1►a�l be nxluccd by the anwt►n� ��f the prc�cccd: nwltipliai by ttu f��U��v►•io� fractinn: lal thc tot�! <br /> anwutu of thc wms sc�;urod iauuedi�tcly bef�xe tF►s tal:ing.di��ida1 by(hl thr i'air �iw►r�,et valur af�he Prnpcny i�iunocliaeely <br /> �f�� �, �i�. ���}• �;,�s�!! t►e ��aid in Fk�m�w•�cr. In the evem ��f u partixl taling of the Prc�}xny in which the fair <br /> mari;et�•alue of tht Prc�party inmxxliatciy befarr�hc laki�i�leca than Ihe umnunl��f tt►a sunu s�cural ir.uuodi:uc�Y bez�ire the s <br /> tai;ing,ur�l�ss Banau•er iuxi lx�r otherwice agr�iz::�r.att�ar unless�licable luw�uiu:rW ise pravides.the prc�ceeds sha11 _ <br /> be applied to the sums securecf by zhis Security lttcuument whether or nut the sumc are tl�n dur. <br /> !f the Pn�erty is aband��nod by Bc�rrower,Oi If,after nwiee by l.endet ta Barrower tt��u�he ccurienuw�offerx to�:tifce tin <br /> award or settle a ciaim for dan�es. Borrow•er fails to respond to Lende�within 30 days aRer thc d�te the notice ic gi��en. <br /> Lender is authorized to collxt and apply the proceeds,at its oW�on. cither to r�storation or repair af the Yropeny ar w tl�e wa�s <br /> sec.w�od by this 5ecuriry Instnuuau,whether or not then due. <br /> Unl�ss Le�uter and Borraw•er othen*';se a�rce in writi��. nny s�pplicaticui af procoeds to principaf shall not extet�d or <br /> pusipone the due il�te of the monlhly paYments ref�rted to in par.t�raphs 1 and 2 ar change the anwutu of such payn�ts. <br /> I1.Borrow•er Not Rde9sed;Forbr�nce By I.ender:�1M a �Yaivv.Exteasion af the time for payrnent or awdificatksii <br /> of amortizatioa of the wmc secured by this Security IRStruaaent grantod by l,ender ta an��successc�e io iruerest of Bc�nax•er shall <br /> oot ope�rate t�release th,:lia'�ility of tt�original6on•ower nr f3orcower's suecessurs in interest. Lender shall nac be reyuind eo <br /> couvaxnce proceadings�air.�t auy succesGOr in interest �r refuse to extcnd time for��aXmeot or othetwise modify cunorti�tior► <br /> of the sums sxu�d by this Sa�►rity Instnussent by reason oF au�y de�nanc! macfe �y the ongic�l BoROwer or Borrowu's <br /> wecacwrs in interesx. Any forbear�ace by l.�zxhzs in exere►sinC any ngi�t,oc ren�ecfy sh311 not be a waicer of or prxluda the <br /> ea�rcisc of any rigtu or rcmedy. <br /> A2. Suocasors s�ad Asst�os Bound:l`uf� swd Several Lis�bility; Co-signers. Tfie covenants and a�rce�nents of this <br /> So��,x�,;�► Iast��u sh�ll bi-�d and ber�e6t thr successon a�xl assigns of Lender and Borrower. sa�ject to the provisans of <br /> parngnph l7. Bc�r.�ower's covet�nts and agr4ea�ents sha11 be joini arni several. Aay Borrower who casigns this Socurity <br /> Instrum�nt but�i;� awt exocute the Note: (a.J�i,>.�-signing this Securin Instn►ment only to mottga,ge. grant and convey tIsac <br /> Botrower's intetrsc�.h the Property undcr tlle t�:iuss of this Security Instzument;(b)is not perso►u.t0��sP�Iigated to pay the s�uzos <br /> securcd by fhis Secucity It�siruntmt;atld(C}�ttOes t�L7t t..R1c1e�'atri any�iiicr ou�tu:�:u 4,:y:g:.�.t�:z�:.i.�..��.f^_.�.�.!+�. - -- ---- - <br /> ��kC any xeommodations with tcgud to the tmuc oF this Sewrity Inununtnt or the I�Ic�lc without thae Borrower's,cwasent. <br /> 13. Loae Charga.if the to�n secured by this Sacurity Instrument is subject tv�a law which sets m�ximum lozn ct�rges. <br /> and tt�at law is finJly interpreted so that cfte iiitr.rrst or other loan chuges coalected at to be coltecxr:c! in conneccion with tize <br /> Ic�n excud thc pemuued limiu.then: (al�n;+ yu:��loan chuge stsall be reduced by the amount rr�cru:�rY w reduce the ctusge <br />_ to iJie permittod limit:and(b).way sums�lready collecred from Borrower which excooded pernuttod iinvts will bc refur�led w <br /> Iiott�;wer. Lender may ch�sc.+r.malce this refund bg r�cPucing the principal owod under the Note or by making a direct <br /> pay�.rsrnt to Borrower. if a reF.ud reduces principal. tJ.0 noduction will be ueatod as a partia] prep�Yment w►ttwut anY <br /> , prepayment cisargc under the Noto. <br /> 14. NotioQS.,A.:iy rwtice to Borrower p*ovided for i.R t�ris Securiry i�tatrument sh�ll be given by delivering 'st or by m�it�ng. <br /> it b.y first cl�ss mail unless applicable law requires use of:un�ri;e:mEifrrnJ:. 1'ife notice st�ll be directed to the ProQacy Addnes;r• .• <br /> nt ruzy other addms Borrower designites by notia W P.�nier. Any notice W Le�du• stt�ll be given by f� dass uuil to <br /> l.rnder's�ddrcss stzted:�erein ar any other a�s Le:xi�r desigctiates by notice to 13ricr+�wu. Any notice proviJ�i for ia tt�is <br /> Securiry Instr�ment sh�ll be doemod to inve Iw�.e.0 given to Borrower or ixnder when given as pro�ridecl in this P�S��• <br /> 1S. Go�erning Severability. 'C'itis Security Instrument sl�Il be govectasd by fates��l. 1aw aud the law of tft� <br /> jutisdtction in wiuch the Property is locatod:In the eveot tttat u�y provisioa or claus�:uf this Secsirit� Inururnesit or the Nou <br /> cno.Qicts with appticable Law,such conflict shall not afEecL atifer provisions of this�wuf�d Inswment or the I�TaI�•w�ich cau be <br /> gj.veA offect wiehoue the oonAietiag provision.To this enci�lll�provisioas of this 5�ucil� Inunmx�at and the N�t�L r,r doclased <br /> w lx sevcrabk. � c af the hQte and of this Securit instiuinent. <br /> Ifw Borrower s Copy.Eonrower slwll be given one c,oufonned co�sl Y <br /> Co�m 3�18 9�90 <br /> • ww.�ws � <br /> — � �-.���,:�;�r <br /> �����sr zy��°.dq.,'`':�---- <br /> - - - =- _�""`=�2�F,.V_';'.`'=�..-- <br /> -__ <br />