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<br />_- - - _
<br />,III i -_ V~. ~ -- -
<br />'I~[~ ~~ June 22, 1 ~7y
<br />ill Date
<br />~':~
<br />~~~~
<br />UN1'Y, ~b'EBRASKA
<br />,,ih~i'>;~~ This is to certify that there is pending in the County Court of HALT County,
<br />l Nebraska, a proceeding enlitled:
<br />~) IN THF. MATTER OF THE ESTATF, OF_ D1vARr} w_. BEHRIP7G,_ Deceased ___
<br />•; I
<br />~,;:~ - - -
<br />No. 36-288 Doc. 36 Pager`'88
<br />which is a proceeding tnrwlptng Fo^ma] Acs jr~i cation of Intestacy
<br />(probate of wi11, administrction of es(ate, determination of heirs, determination
<br />of inheritance tax, guardianship, or conservatorship
<br />in which proceeding the following described rest
<br />i~~'~j h estate is inootoed, to-wit:
<br />.''i~; ~ '~iest Half of the Southwest quarter (tti%Stti'',„) of Section Twenty-nine,(29),
<br />;; h,. ~,
<br />?!hi~r+ Tovrnship Twelve (12) Plorth, Range Eleven (li) lJest of the 6th P.M.,
<br />~, „a'_1 :.ou.^,ty , P.ebrasi:a
<br />,;~ i
<br />#'; ,. Person acquiring interest
<br />,~~tl~', in and to above described
<br />'+_~ real estate• Interest Aquired:
<br />=~fl~ ;'
<br />i
<br />;'~(~ --~, Harry H. Behring Full interest as joint
<br />~.#f(p . _ tenant in above
<br />'~' .T
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<br />'~~ 6sfl ~ Richard L.DeSacker
<br />;i#~ _~~ 't
<br />~ {~ P~+ ~ County Judge of said county
<br />y, . ~ ~ ti S~- 4=
<br />1 .. CDT{ ~ Bil / '(~~ .,~~ ~,~ ~~~Q
<br />~'~ '~;! Clerk of the County Court ~-
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<br />ii - 5aeiion 24:iS9. "tn anp prt&edinp in Iht eountp rnurt inootvinp (1) the probate o/ wills undo (he prouisions of Chaptu 3a, artida
<br />-$" - 3. {7) the adminiattalien of tatates under the provisions of Chaptu3P, arlicle 3, (3) the dUcrmirtation of heirs under the provisions of
<br />Ctmptu 9D, Mirk i7, {4) the ddumenatson aJ irelurUana tas undo the provisions of Chapkr 77, article 20. (5) guardianships
<br />iij~fl ~j' uredti ttac.praviaiona of Chapltr.38, article !, 2, 3, or 4, or (6) mnaerualorahips under the provisions of Chaptu 38, article 9, whue
<br />t# rest tatate is stet{ earl of 1he•assets of-the atafe yr prattedtnp, tree caunld judge before whom the proceeding is pending shall issue a
<br />~{[~ ~;. ' errtificate ruhich shaft be Jited with the repiatu of datds of the Countp in which the tegl estate is located within tm dogs aJJer the
<br />til~~ "; s detcription of the real. estate is filed in the proaodinp." ........................................
<br />- - - ,.
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