<br />PARTIAL RELEASE OF ~C~RTGA ~E ~o - ~ ~ ~ ~,~ ~
<br />roan- 33620 - 1 - 188
<br />NIiYliR 611. TVK
<br />YPI CONSIDERAfiI11N of the SHIVpartaal payment of the debt named therein, the undersigned FIRSfi
<br />FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN A OCYATI OF LINCOLN, a United States Corporation, hereby re-
<br />Richard E. Reeder and Connie J. Reeder, husband and wife,
<br />leases the mortgage made by.-----------------------------_........-.....-._._......_.-..-------.....-•--------•-°---.-..............................---------•--°--
<br />r
<br />to aazd FIRST FEDERAL SAYINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN on the following deacrlbed
<br />py;,~ ee attached Bider ~ _
<br />77-003627
<br />which is recorded in BookX?~?~IX_of heal Estate 1V:ortgages/as Instrument Number ................/on 1Vlicrofdm Roll
<br />Number-.._.. . of the records of ......_ ...................°Hall...._..----°--------.....-......__...-----------.....-.._.......
<br />~~~_
<br />L~~NR ~V ' '~ _
<br />Coontyd'.a, and O the assignment of rents which is recorded in Book..of Page.._.~~
<br />of the ~ ~ Comity, Nebraska.. reserving, however, its first mortgsge
<br />1 ien ' a t€e re>~lxL gg r y'
<br />L,'tNC~caused tb ~ to to be executed by its President t, and attested by its
<br />/~R~~, Hader its-corporate seal, this.--.15th.. day of ......~Y.._.._......_-•---_A,D. 1974_..
<br />Attest: .••,•••. - .
<br />dltlG ,, ~ nt L '
<br />,~ a~wrr ~ :r
<br />T', ~~~
<br />~~~-COY ~ s~ ~ ~_15th..-...day ot__~?'._ ................_., 3979-._, before
<br />p me, the undersigned, a Notary Public is sad for aald
<br />County personaIlg cam.: Charles H. Thorne, President of the First Federal Savings
<br />and Loan Asaoeiati,>n of Lincoln, to me personally known to be the President and idesr13ca1
<br />person whose name is aflized to the above release and aclmowledged the execution thereo# to be his voluntary act
<br />and deed as such officer, and the voluntary act sad deed of the said First Federal Savings and Loan Aeeoctiation
<br />of Liaooln.
<br />Witness mp hand and Notaaial Seal at __~h8_....---_--._, Nebraska, in said County the day and year last
<br />above ~vsittea. /f ,
<br />My commiaeion es;pires_ , tart' Public
<br />Beity L. ~z,,rr v
<br />~8~'of DeedsIndrx sr,,r_~~. r:_a»ns!cn ~ Wiuri recorded co be renirned m:
<br />L'JYV~`S~JY -)I nIR S
<br />April 14, 1981
<br />Plat of a Tract of•Land lorg the weal line of~a part of the S~ of [he SF. y- ir'cA,
<br />Section 19, Township 10 North, Range 11 West of thz 6th P.M. in Ha11 County,
<br />Nebraska and Rlore particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the SW corner of the SE1: NF}; of said Section 19, thence northerly
<br />40.1' along the west line of said SEA- NE'i co THE ACTUAL POiAT 0£ ScGINNINC,
<br />.- said point being on the north right of way line or. U.S. Highway No. 30; thence
<br />running 68.5' northeasterly along said north right of way lint; thence deflecting
<br />left 90 degrees and runr..ing 90' northwesterly to a point 30' east of and
<br />perpendicular to the west-line of said SE~• NF34; thence running northerly 414.5'
<br />along a line 30' east of and parallel to the west line of said SE? t9Er; thence
<br />running westerly 30' to a point of intersection with the west line o: said _
<br />SE'T, fiFr',;; thence running southerly 520.55' along the west line of sale SE> `.
<br />to the actual point of beginning.
<br />