79-. UU4asg
<br />ORDINANCE N0. 6449
<br />An ordinance creating Street Improvement District No. 986; defining the boundaries of
<br />the district; providing for the improvement of a street within the district by paving, curbing,
<br />guttering, and all incidental work in connection therewith, and to provide for an effective
<br />date of this ordinance.
<br />SECTION 1. Street Improvement District Ne.~986 in the City of Grand Island, NebraskR,
<br />is hereby created.
<br />' SECTION 2. The boundaries of the district shall be as follows:
<br />- Beginning at a point on the North line of Capital Avenue and 300 feet, or 91.440
<br />meters, East of the East line of St. Paul Road; thence running South cn a line
<br />parallel to and 300 feet, or 91.440 meters, EasC of the East line of SC, Paul Road
<br />for a distance of 1,669.5 feet, or 508.864 meters, to the North line cf 15th Street;
<br />thence running, west on the North line of 15th Street for a distance of 175 feet,
<br />or 53.34 meters, to a point 125 feet, or 38.1 meters, East of the East iine of
<br />St. Paul Road; thence running South on a line parallel to and 125 feet, or 38.1
<br />- .meters, East of the Ease line of St. Paul Road for a distance of 292 feet, or
<br />89.002 meters, to the North line of 14th Street; thence running Fast on [he
<br />North line of 14th Street for a distance of seven feet; or 2.134 meters, to a
<br />point 132 feet, or 40.234. meters, East of the East line of St. Paul Road; thence
<br />running South on a line parallel to and 132 feet, or 40.234 meters, East of the
<br />East line of St. Paul Road for a distance of 340 feet, or 103.632 meters, to the
<br />North line of 13th Street; thence running West on the North line of 13th Street
<br />and a line with its West prolongation bolo;; 32 fee[, or 9.754 meters, North of
<br />and parallel to the North line of Weirert Subdivision for a distance of 498 feet,
<br />ax 151.79 meters, co a point 300 feet, or 91.44 meters, Hest of the West line of
<br />St. Paul Road; thence running North on a Line parallel to and 300 feet, or 91.440
<br />i ~ meters, West of the West line of St. Paul Road for a distance of 113 feet, or
<br />34.442 meters, more or less, to the Wes[ prolongation of the South line of Beck
<br />Subdivision; thence running West on the West prolongation of ehe South line of
<br />u ~ ~ Seek Subdivision for a distance of seven feet, or 2.134 meters, being 300 feet,
<br />rn F. or 41.440 meters, West of the West line of St. Paul Road; thencc.runnirg, North
<br />~ on a line parallel to and 300 feet, or 91.440 meters, West of the West line cf
<br />a' „~,{ ~ St. faul~Road For a distance of 205 feet, or 62.484 meters, to the West prolongation
<br />of the North line of Beck Subdivision; thence running East on the West prolongation
<br />~ n of the Nortl. line of Beck Subdivision for a distance of seven feet, or 2.134 meters,
<br />~ being 300 feet, or 91.440 meters, West of the West line of St. Faul Road; Chence
<br />e. w running North on a line parallel to and 300 feet, or 91.440 meters, West of the
<br />'~ West line of St. Paul Road for a distance of 784 feet, or 238.963 meters, to r_he
<br />~_ _ - South line of l8[h Street lying West of Indiana Avenue; [hence running East on
<br />the South line of 18th Street and its east prolongation for a distance of 234
<br />feet, oz 71.323 meters, to a point 66 feet, or 20.117 meters, West of the West
<br />line of St. Paul Road; thence running North on a line parallel to and b6 feet,
<br />- ~ or 20.117 meters, 4!cst of the West line of St. Paul Road for a distance of 376
<br />feet, or 114.605 meters, to the East prolongation of the Nor*_F line of 19th Street;
<br />thence running Nest on the East prolongation of the North line of 19th Street
<br />and on the North line of 19th Street for a distance of 234 feet, or 71.323 meters,
<br />to a point 168 feet, or 51.206 meters, West of the East line of Indiana Avenue;
<br />thence running North on a line parallel to and 300 feet, or 91.440 meters, West
<br />of the West iine of St. Paul Road for a distance of 831 feet, or 253.289 meters,
<br />more or less, to the North line of Capital Avenue; thence running East on the
<br />North line of Capital Avenue zor a distance of 666 feet, or 202.997 meters, to
<br />[he place of beginning, all as shown on the plat marked ExhibiC "A" attached
<br />hereto and ineozporated herein by zeference,
<br />_ SECTION 3. The following street in the district shall be improved by paving, curbing,
<br />guttering, and all incidental work in connection therewith:
<br />SC. Paul Read from the West prolongation of the North Line of 13th Street
<br />lying to the East of St. Paul Road to the South line of Capital Avenue,
<br />- 1 -
<br />