i9- ~1~~9t37
<br />T"r'.IRDS (r'~. 2/3) Gr LOT SEVEN (7) I BLOCK EIGYT't
<br />CNE (81) IN THE 7RI^4'~AL TCE1iV, :dOW CITY, CF
<br />
<br />I~.ALL CCUtdTY.
<br />Lawrence Ccstella, Being first duly sarorn, upon his
<br />oath deposes and says, that he is a resident of urand Island, Ha11
<br />County, Nebraska, and has been such resident :ar many years last
<br />past; that he war- svel2.and 3ersonally aeouainted with D~.C. i~ulick,
<br />cne of the grantees in a certain warranty deed conveying-the abave
<br />described premises, which decd bears date of ~Sarch 9, 7.9.20 and is
<br />recorded in-cock 58 at Page 232 of the deed records cf Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, and with I3ierael C.;~ulick, deceased, whose estate was
<br />administered in the Cour_ty Co~.irt of ~ all County, 'Iebras;ca, and
<br />sfffatat'positiRely knows, cf his own personal 'rnawledge that ~f.C.
<br />3~ulick and E:iehael C. 3iulick, were one sad the same 'person, natwitr-
<br />standing the discrepancy. in names.
<br />Affiant also states that he was we11 and oerscnally
<br />acousinted with ~rid.~eL A. Gulick, one of the grantees ir. tae above
<br />referred- to deed, and- who-was also the- ~sidaw of, s.nd one of t're
<br />heirs at law ^f 2~ichael C. '-iulick, deceased, whose estate was
<br />administered in tre county court of Ha.11 County, Pebraska, and
<br />final decree entered therein on August 11, 1932, and t:^at said
<br />ridget A. "$uliek, nee deceased, was the mother-in-law ^f this
<br />affiant, and affiaat positively snows f his own personal kr_awledge
<br />that the. said Bridget A. :~u~ick departed this life an A;~rii 19,
<br />1938.
<br />_~,
<br />N 8ubacribed to anal evrorn to in qty presence this ESxd
<br />dad ~~ ,8ugust ~..D.1939.
<br />4 a O
<br />~:.( .r.
<br />'. I~'Jta T ~ttbli~~'
<br />My ro~~ asi~~n ex fires 1~+*19~ts
<br />Affiant further deposes and sags t^~e.t ice is well
<br />and personally-acouai!:tec wit: Rose Castel?o (wife.^f this
<br />affiant) one of the heirs at lae- _•f Piichael C. '~'uliek,deoeased,
<br />and the grantee in a certai_ warranty deed carve;; in,;- ti:•e abcve
<br />described ore rises, which deed bears datF .f Januar_r 31, 193? and
<br />recarded in Book 7~ et Page 83 -:: the deed reer.•rds ^f Mall County,
<br />Bebraska, and is also well and personally acouai.nted with :*.ase A.
<br />Costello, the grantee in a certai:: garranty deed conveyin the above
<br />described pre~tises, which deed is recorded in book ?6 at ?age 403
<br />of the deed r~:cords ~f :Ali C~i,1:it..=, Nebraska, and :ith Rasa A.Costella,
<br />;:r~n~ ~f. t e gr~.ntcrs in a certain warranty deed can aeying saidaremiaes,
<br />~-~-h+c3i aie~d is: recd*ded in ::cak 75 at Page o7E .: f t .e deed records of
<br />~alln_ua~+~nty, ?~ebraska, a:-.c a.°i ant positivel;~ {r_~-cvs _ -'3is ..^wn ;;ersc al
<br />kASZ~ele~lge .that rose. Cos-tells and 1-se A, Costella, are c.e a e
<br />-~~iame:1~&ritical person, notwithstandin„ tha discrepancy ~n a.ues.
<br />_ e
<br />- xitrther aff;.ant saith :rot.
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