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-- . <br />79-~CJ3981 <br />'~ <br />TERMS AND CCJNDITlC)NS C7f AGREEMENT !iETV~'!'N DINNER AND AR%HlTECT <br />AR7ICCE T <br />ARCHt7ECT'S SERVICES <br />1.1 6ASIC SERVICES <br />The Architett's Basic Services consist of the five <br />phases descr;bed below and inclur!e normal struc- <br />tural, mechanical and electrical engineering <c; vices <br />and any other services inducted in Article '. t ac <br />Basic Services. <br />SCHE.vIATIE DESIGN PHASE <br />` 1.1.1 The Architect shall review the prugr, rn furnishes! <br />by the Owner to ascertain the requirements of ;he Proiect <br />,r[d s,afl a)nrirm such requirements io the Owner. <br />1.1.2 flared on the mutu!!y agreed upon p:ugram, the <br />Architect shah prepare Schematic Design Studies cons~st- <br />ing of drawings anc! other documents i!lushaiing the <br />cca!r and reaationzhip of Project components fur ap- <br />proval by the Owner. <br />1,1.3 The Architect shall submit to ;he Owner a 5tate- <br />rnent of Probable Cunstruct:on Coit based on current <br />area. volumt• or other uni; costs. <br />DFStGN DEVELOPMENT PHASF <br />7.t.a The Architect shall prepare from the approved <br />Schematic Des;gn Studies, {or approval by the O~.vner, the <br />Design Development Documents consisting of drawings <br />and other documents to fix and describe the size and <br />character pf the entire. 1'rojec! as tc struc:u ra', mechani- <br />cs! and electrical systems, materials anti sack other essen- <br />tials as may be appropriate. <br />7.73 The Architect shalt submit to the O.vner a further <br />Statement of Probable Comirvction Goa:. <br />CONSTRUCTSON DOCUMENTS PHASE <br />1.1.L The Architect sh.J! prepare from the apprpsed <br />Design Oeve!ooment Documents, for approva; by the <br />O:vner, Drawings and SpeCdicationc sexing forth in <br />detail the requirements for .^e construe!ion of the entire <br />Project incuding the neccswrv bidding ;n(nrma:'on, anti <br />shall assist in the prrpara:;on of bidding forms, ale Con- <br />ditions of the Cumra.t, sac- the `erm c>` ,1~reement <br />between the Owner and the Contractor. <br />1.7.7 The Architect shall advise the Owner or ary <br />ad;usiments to previous Statements of Probable Con- <br />struct;tsn Cos; ;ndicated by changes h+ requ::emen;z or <br />general market condiGens. <br />1.1.8 The Arcitited shalt assist the Owner in (fling the <br />rcquucd <!.ocuments for the approval uE governmental <br />au'.horities ha4:ng jvrisdct;on over t':e °mjec:. <br />6tODING OR NEGOTtA7lON PHASE <br />1: !,9 Thy Architect, to"ow~ng the Owner's approval o` <br />the Construc5on Cccumess and of the :; ;rat State:^en; <br />n( !'rob:,blr C:unstruaion Cost, shall assist the Owner in <br />ob W;n 6,g bids or negntia led proposals, and in awarding <br />and preparing consrnrct;on contracts. <br />COhiSTRUCTION VHASE-ADMINISTRATION <br />Of 1 HE CONSTRUQtQN CONTRACT <br />1.1.70 The Cnnstn¢tion Phase +vill commence with the <br />a+vard or the Con,~ruction Contract and will terminate <br />srhrn the i!na! Certihcate for Payment is iscued to the <br />C?svner. <br />1.?J7 'hr Architect shal•. provide Administra lion of the <br />Cons;ncc6un Contract as set forth in AIA DOCUment <br />.\:C', Genera' Co~d~Gnr.s of the Contraet for Construe- <br />t~on, anc the e.xtrnt of h~s d;rtie; and responsibilities and <br />[hc hruta;ions of his authority ac assigned thereunder <br />shall no; be mod; svilhout h!s svr ten consent. <br />1.1.12 The Architect, as the representative of the Owner <br />c'urinf; the CorstnrcGun Phase, sha'! adv'~se and consult <br />with the Osvner and all of the Owner ; instructions [o <br />the Cantrxu7r shal'• be issued through the Architect. The <br />Arch;tect shall have authority to act on behalf of the <br />Owner to the extent orovtded in the General Cnnditionx <br />un!cas nthenvi<c nux:flier', i^ writing. <br />7.1.13 The Architect shah at all times have ace°ss to <br />the ~`.'ork wherever it is ;n preparation or progress. <br />1.1.18 The Architer, shall make periodic visits to the <br />site to fa;niliaric himself generally with the progress and <br />quality of the Work and to c?c:ermine in genera! if the <br />1Nn:r s procceri;n; in accordance with the Contract <br />[?ucuments, On the basis of his on-site observations as <br />an architect, he sha!' e^deavor to guard the Owner <br />against defects and cieB<icndes m the Work of the Corr <br />tractor. The Architect shalt nut be required ir. make <br />exhaustive or continuous nn-site inspections to Cheek the <br />qua'ity or quantity of the FVOrk. The Architect shaft net <br />t>e responsible for coosin+u'on means, methods, teeh- <br />mques, sequences or procedures, or for safely precautions <br />and programs ir, conneCiun with the VVOrk, and he shall <br />not be manonsib!e for the Contractor's failure to carry out <br />the 1Vork 'n accordance with the Contract Documen{s. <br />7.1.15 ftasecl on such observations at the site and on <br />the Contractor's Applications for Payment, the Architect <br />shall determine the a:-~uunt owing to :he Contractor and <br />shall isn:e Certficates fur Paymer„ [n such amounts. The <br />i<>uance o! a Certii:ca'e fee payment shall constitute a <br />rcpr:•senia±io.^. by t:~e A•chi'ec! to i'~e Owner, based on <br />the Architect's chsenzt:;,cs at Cre site as provided in <br />Subpara~rapi ?.'..?< a. - the data compr;¢nf; the Appli- <br />cation for Paym~n', r,-t~the YVOrk has progressed to the <br />poinr that tr ;he her of rite Archaect's knowt- <br />cUge, information anc' (•r'i^(, the gcaiity of the tiVork i5 <br />in sextets^.ce with the Context[ Cocuments !subject to <br />an eva!ua?ion rat the v+'or< for conformance with the <br />Contract Cocuments upon 5ubstantia! Comp`etion, to the <br />results of any sE:hsequen: tests rer,airzd by the Contract <br />AfA UnCVMt.Y7 II741 r1•<V~i x-AKC~!~'-~" .1 C. F'C•;f\' !~,,\'UAMY ?')Ti Fi1i!:(ri Ai:l"^'~ F, ;'7i: <br />'tit A.iVL~ICA\ t'v'S t:tUtF rfv A1C•,:'. T.t-:5, ..-, ;_ll' Y.!:k :1 \'E., '~.w., \VAGf ti\(; f!1\. D. t- :7": ~`r <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />