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<br />Y21-MECHANIC'S LIEN fAeHsed) 1~~ =t . r,~s,~. „',` ti t •«~~. ~t•,..
<br />III}t} _ _. _n_____.__.___ ___..__._ -_. _..... _---.----~~ ._ -- ,_ _ ____.,. _
<br />~~"~~~~u~"~81 June ~1 79
<br />Lien claim:ed by: ~' _ . _rr __
<br />.. _ _ ,
<br />Dennis C. Duer, d/h/a
<br />~?xQ~'~~~~,g~-~~---associates--_.., _ -___.---.__,- :3g;,inst:_ Grand Island Doctors Building
<br />Omaha Tower, Suite X27-- 717 "Td"est Anna"" -
<br />Address.-.7~)1~..~...Mercy--_Road..-•.-...--_.-.___.-_-_- .. Grand Island, 2debrasY.a o8$dl
<br />ha, Nebraska 68124 --
<br />j9-•-~ Dr. Cr.
<br />7~}}__~l_ 1Q7 Professional__services and labor fur- $14,90931 ~ `~
<br />------------------------------° ----------------- ---------- -- ------ -------° f --------
<br />t ------------° - ---- niched in construction of building. - - ',-------------- ----- - --- --- ~ --------
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<br />~ -- --- - --- ------------ - ---~i------- - - ~
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<br />;: • DOUGLAS Ca1rnt
<br />~ AQant1, -.I?~.~-CIS.,-~.---DU~R,~---d/bra PROFESSIO:dAL ASSOCIATES
<br />t ................................ being jtrst
<br />dufyswwrn, on his oath says that the foregoing itenticzd eccount of wort, labor, skill.,.pZS~f~.S$ion31_.serviees
<br />s noatericls, and impro~Jements is true and correct: that saute ~~ere done and rerjarmed and furnished by the uasdersigned
<br />~ for the said....._.~.~.~vD ISLA.~IID DOCTORS BUILDIidG, I~dC.
<br />.. .. - ._
<br />3 undrr a= _._tarittgn _ .... . ............... contract (a cop~r of which is attached hereto as"
<br />libst --I'c} i
<br />~ fartlte~~s.iSzx,-..c3.ev~Io,~zuent-.-&.--cQnstructisafla .----comalete-_.b~zi.ld.inq..-..._. . _ ................ ',
<br />~~ ~ on-the follo2oing lot, piece or parcel of land, cas:*_._..Lflt._QS10-._{],.~-f.--1n---S_t....FI~1nC.J.,S_.x15;:S~~.Gd~,_ ..................
<br />. ~ Subdivision.r__as_su~rveyed.r-_platted=_3nd_--recorded-..in__.the_.City-.'of_ Grand
<br />Isian ..----
<br />d, Hall Count , 'debraska.
<br />---------------- - -
<br />€ _-__.-_--._----------- ----._..__._...._..._._-- - - ~ .. 1
<br />~ That at the time said work. labor. s).' 1 1 ~~~ o d~tltRXdl , u~~.~~m~~~
<br />`, under the above contract, GRAND ISLAND DOC^_ORS BUILDI"~ th~~~5~h
<br />-- - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - ~L .~ er o f said preraises~
<br />j That thr date of the j~rst item furnished and delitered ~z+as--_---,Iul}t.--2~.,...Ig.7Z.........-------.----.----_-. and the
<br />'` ~ dolt of thr last item uss_------•--.JLn~__6l-. 1479__
<br />A~mrtt fxrtker states tlsa# said lobar ;uu performed on, end material; zi~¢re fr rnished for, deiivvred at, and used in
<br />said building ar premises on and bet.creen the dat¢s sprcified.
<br />i That tha pricey charged therefor arc fair ¢rld reusosaabte, and That il:er,° is nrw du,~ nn sand acr,~urit th ~sug~o~
<br />FSZUrteen Thousand Nine Hundred Nine Dollars and Eighty-One Ce~
<br />$1 ~~
<br />......
<br />~_UEi3N-I~._~>s...,?tl1~s d/-~1~._~IiQF~S.S.~~%Z~-..A,~~UG1AT,1+~ ..._.. .. ~
<br />~___-~_--._..-__...._-_-.._.._ ._._•--°--.° .............. .. .. ... .. ..ftainls a lien on the said prernsses for the full asnouxt..of
<br />said account, to-n»t: The swn of $_.L~..-2.~~°.-d~~...-.-_..... ___together ;vith interest thcraon at the legal rate,
<br />' from the_.._._._fs.~,h,.:-.day oj~:---_.-sIAA~_ _.-~.-'-----.._...- d ./~ .., rg...~~ and further a~iant says not.
<br />.. -..-.
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<br />, W.~..._......~».~___._._-___.- ...., .__-....,._.
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<br />~`. day. of ...._. ~~~ _ ........ , 1 ! / ~
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