<br />NU. aa7 k. E. MOrrTGA6E (oarour eewrr rewri ~ -_~_ .. - ---- - «„ s .. ow•.. nu rme co....
<br />79-~ uU3980 ~'~t~ 1 ~~~.a~
<br />~'~jl~ ~fnbentuee, Mada and Ex~auted thia._._.._...~t~'.._._ ..............dny of.........._J1x1e:._~979..._A. D.._.....___............._
<br />Theodore v. 2~olczyk and wean 1,:~.n I°,olez~,~c
<br />by and betweaa...._.___.__......___._._.._.._._.._..._..___._..-..._......._---.._..____._..__.._._._..~-.__........_.._.._....._____.._.____..__.._-___
<br />._..__._....___._____......$~._~~t.~!11~.3_ka.. qty:~3lS3~s`e.~:~?31~..s...1:I~r?3'~$~~.._._f~£301-----.._ ......:.................party of rho first pare,
<br />and_....___.__.~II12sT:xS..'.~axY",r.....T~++__~._ni Ggt.°,.e.5...1?.etlEr2l..irBtha~...Ilztl.tln ................._.__-.---......__......____._..__..._._.._._.__.__._
<br />......__._.....__~01 Ctmong__St._=-_ Box_1/~3~. Omahay_~tebrask~__6E3101 _.__~_._..._.__.._...party of the second part,
<br />'VITNti.9SFTH, that the said party of rho firnt part, for and in consideration of....~._~Oat1 Min_the, afllOtIIlt O~
<br />r5„1:,{,Sr:_'~,j1TEE..h)Il'ydPLd ninnt~~..,~Ej,,.~{}~1~..._...a--.~--...:_-_._-_.._.._^:....__-__DOLLARS, paid by said party of the
<br />second part, the receipt whereof is hozaby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, end by these preaonte, duos grant, bar-
<br />gain, sell and convey, uaio said party of the second part, the following described real property situate in the County of _...H311_..._..__.._
<br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />_..._._._....__.__..__...Lot_Oae.-.{3.-~~-..Nusmazi.'.s..SuFa~.i.Y.isa.ou...to__'tiie...Ci~~C..o~ rr=r,~._Lsland~_.._......__._._._._.._._
<br />togathar with all the tenements, hereditamente and apppurtenancee to the same belonging, and al! the estate, 6itlo, dower right of homestead,
<br />alarms and demands whatsoever of the said party of the first part ot, in or to said premises or any part, thereof; and said party of the first
<br />part does hereby covenant, that acid party o the first part is lawfully seized of acid premises, that said premises are free from mcumbraacs
<br />__ eRCe~~12's~. Rt0 a e ___~___._.-,_,,,_,,,.._.,___._.._and that said parip of the first past will
<br />warrant and duend the title to said premises against the lawful claims and demands of al[ persona whomsoever_.._......___-__..__._~_
<br />_ PROVIDED ALWAVS, end these presents are upon these condition: ~ ~ ~ ____
<br />WHEREAS, said party of the first part ha, executed and delivered to the said party of iha second rt___...__a ._._-._.-__.,...,_
<br />promlrorynots~3?? t31°_ alilolfnt pf ~1~~three_~IS~~r~tsety-~o~,e_a_n_~~0©_doLars_ta be
<br />repaid in Sly monthly pa ants o=".vi*iet "ive and 18 100 dollars] ir_cltu3irig interest
<br />-5ased or, the rate o~ 11 ~r month; or 12 ~ per anmmr the ?irst pa;,~inent to~made cri~~-
<br />~~>,lly~?979-~ ca-it~;nwng i~~tn-a pa;~men~-o~Tike ~aridiuft-o*i £F.e~_sixtn~a; "tfi e~~rp'----~-
<br />_ ..:~~tl-aa!antlt;~3us-fr:'tere-s't-has-her=s--pazd--i-~:- -- _._._._.._
<br />and whereas, the party of the first part has agreed to keep tho buildings, if say, upon said premises, insured in soma company or companies
<br />a roved b asSd party of the ~coad part, for the sum not leas than. ~nQ n?T'St aid sec01'3u,_mOT'l;~a}P,°S _ DOLLARS,
<br />and deliver io said paztg of tue second part the policy or poticias contammg a clsuse.mth tf:e loss payable to said party of the aesoad part
<br />o: assigns, and has agreed to pay all lases and assessments against ssid premises before the same, bylaw, become delinquent, and has agreet{
<br />that if said parto of the first pars does not provide such insurance, or fail to pay a!I lazes sa aforesaid, then said party c: t:re eeeond part, or
<br />holder hereof, may pay such insurance and faze=, or either of them. and all amounts sa paid by said party of the second part shall bear in-
<br />tereat at the mte of nme pu centper annum Erom the date of payment, sad this mortgage shall stand sa aeccnty therefor, and said sum map
<br />be added Lo the amount of 1F.e mortgage debt, and the same recovered as a part thereof. Now, if the acid party of the &rat part shall well
<br />and lady peg er cause to bo paid rho sand sum of money in said note.._.. menuoncti, with interest thereon according Lo Lhe teaar snd.effecL
<br />~ ssid note__._ sad shall keep said buildings insured as aforesaid, sad ahati keep all taxes sad anre=sments paid, and shah duly keep, sad
<br />perform all the other eoveaants and agreements harem contained, they these presents to be nu11 sad void. But if said sum of money or any
<br />part tlretecl, or any interest thercan, is sot paid when the same is dun. or S said buildings shall not be kept inured as aforesaid, or $ the
<br />taxes and assessmm4s against acid premises era cot paid ai or bofare the time the same become by law delinquent, or A said ppaarty of the
<br />Sxst pert shall fail to keep sad perform any covenmts herein contained, the holder hereof shall have the epzioa to declare the whole of said
<br />indebtedness due and payable at say tame after ouch failure or default, sad may maintain an action at law or equitg to recover the same,
<br />sad the cwnmeacement of such action shall be the aaly notice of the exercise of said option required.
<br />AND IT YS FURTHER PROVIDED AND AGREED, That the ssid hfortgagar shall and will pap all fazes levied upon this mort-
<br />gage orth~ debt eeenred Cherebyy togethu with asp other fazes of meeaameats which may be levied under the Lewa of Nebraska, against the
<br />utd Mortgages or the tegal 6aldu of the said principal note-~, an aceoust of this indehtedner.
<br />~It 2de~tfitrunp ~9~}ereof, ~- ~~e hereanto set. d._ ~ e 'tea.
<br />IN PRE9E_NCS OF ~~ ••Lef ate.. ~ ~~ -
<br />!s ~- -
<br />~y ~ 11871 )r. Oa this~_-~.-- .._-.___day ot._..~u~k~.1.--._.......A. D./ 9J:
<br />before me, a Notary Public is sad for the said County persoaaily Dame the above named.-._
<br />A.. TheodO~F iu. ivk__-en=d Jea,D,~i'ir1 t~':olcz~:~:......__-._._____.
<br />r
<br />- who.....7.rE.__-personally known Yo ms ~,,
<br />~t011 ~, to be the idmtisal perean.it, whose reams s _. ~r° __atlizsd to the above iruErumeat i
<br />as grantor ~ md_ ~e 1._.._.__._._aclcaowledge& ssid inetrcmant to 6e_thei.rvoluntary
<br />It,1~ set sad dead.
<br />~t~,~ ~~~.5`~ VIITNESS my hand sad Nata Seal the date 1~aDnfarea~' ~`;
<br />~~'7 _ Notn:y Puhlic.
<br />My conrroialon explrea oa tbe_.___ ~`S _ day of_ I '~~~s-~=-~ p ~O
<br />_~~_......._ _....°---.._......__A. D._. f........_......
<br />