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<br />r--=- ~~ _ . ~ -
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<br />.~.
<br />~~~~,I .! Dafc Jwz2 21_1979
<br />
<br />~i .;
<br />~~~+~, '' This is to certify chat !here is pending in the County Court of hALL Countg,
<br />l i~~~ N
<br />, ~ ~ e; Nebraska, a proceeding entitled:
<br />;,
<br />, ~~
<br />-
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />!
<br />~
<br /> ___, _
<br />' ,
<br />I
<br />' I ~#I IC I
<br />-
<br />~I;
<br />+~h ~~ No.37-90 Doc. 37 Page gU _
<br />~~~~
<br />~~'
<br />~ ~ ~~ PROBATE OF WILL
<br />which is a proceeding inooluing ~ I~I~'
<br />( L' (probate of wiff, administration of estate, deltrminalian of heirs, delrrmfnafion I Idi
<br />
<br />
<br />I in r!ilich proceeding the following described real
<br />~~
<br />t{ of inheritancelas, puardianshtp, or ronseroatarship
<br />.
<br />~
<br />(~Tli
<br />,II ~, Alt undivided 888 interest in thm North
<br />~ ~
<br />~~ 1il
<br />Ip estate is inanfoed, to-wit:
<br />galf of t2se Northwest Quarter (N~NW~i} i~,
<br />~ ~ tsf Section Twenty-One (21), Township I,:.
<br />~lil~~n T~relve (12) North, Range Ten (10) West - I
<br />I I~';!-
<br />~irf '~
<br />~
<br />~i of the bth P. M. in Hall County, Nebr- C
<br />~i ti.
<br />I
<br />ii
<br />`
<br />I
<br />~(i asks ($40,000.00 FMV x 888} ~
<br />l
<br />~~
<br />:
<br />''~', 1 S l~~II~~
<br />
<br />II' ~
<br />~
<br />An undivided 888 interest in the North +i~
<br />I it
<br />~~
<br />~
<br />~
<br />~
<br />'( `~ H#lf of the Northwest Quarter (N~eNW~) , I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />IE•
<br />,.~E~ -'~~ - Southeast Quar}er of the Northwest ~-
<br />'il N. Quarter (SE~NW~t} and the East Half of ~},~{
<br />
<br />E 4,1
<br />j~~ i I
<br />~
<br />the Southwest Quarter (E~SW'~) , ail in
<br />I ~~I,II
<br />~
<br />~
<br />„
<br />p ,`!
<br />~ Section Twenty-Eight (28) , Township ylf
<br />f:;
<br />I
<br />
<br />~ ~'
<br />i
<br />Twelve -(12) North, Range Ten (10) West
<br />" ~,~
<br />;,. ~
<br />';
<br />» iQ+$ the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebr-
<br />I
<br />,.
<br />~ asks ($238,000.00 FMV x 888) ~~
<br />j
<br />,
<br />I' l; -d _ _
<br />~~~ r' ~ ~-undivided 85i interest in the North ~ _: -
<br />j
<br />,~h ~", Salf of the Northwest Quarter (N~tNW~) '+ '
<br />~
<br />+(~ ^',
<br />{ at Section Thirty-six (36}, Township
<br />'
<br />I
<br />~+ ~~ 'halve (12) North, Range Eleven (11) ~
<br />I,a A
<br />~ - Aisst Of the 6th P.M. in Hall Countyr -
<br />~ i~' S.
<br />~=
<br />~I~ IItlbbtasks-, -less the highway right of
<br />~ I`
<br />~l~ .~' lSliS,400.00 FMV x 85$} ~
<br />t• ~ i
<br />l
<br />
<br />'{ik ; ~
<br />u~tdivided 85$ interest in the
<br />i i li
<br />
<br />~
<br /> ~euth Half of the Southwest Quarter ,
<br />~x ~(B~SW~ic) of Section Twenty-Five (25) , i I ,)
<br />~
<br />~,
<br />'Eor~ship Twelve f l2) North, Range s i
<br />~
<br />~
<br />
<br />:I ,, ;,y
<br />- veA (11~ West of the .6th P . M. in ,
<br />I . E,I+j
<br />i
<br />1~ i+ ~ .!I#il County, Nebraska ($86r$Ofl.00 FMV jar
<br /> _
<br />~ y' '(Y C RICHARi~ L. DE BACKER if
<br />~aJN ""~•.L~j. County Judge of said county
<br />f 1 ~ .
<br />c <~~ ,'~ Clerk of/the County Court l'
<br />,,,;.-,q ~9~r, ~
<br />ii
<br />` _ SMion Zd-.iSD. ••In any praceedinp in tht county rnurt irtuatvinp (1) the probn[e of wills under the prooisions of Chaplu 30, article ..
<br />~, $ Z~ ilradmini~ration yestaks anderihe praoisionsoJChap1er30, article 3, (3) the determination of heirs undo the prooisions of ~~;
<br />Chapter 30, aNicfe 71;- (S) the ddtrmtnation of inheritanu taz undtr fht prooisions of Chaptrr 77, article 20, (Sy guardianships
<br />G under lht proof:fans of dJrapter 38, artecte i, 2, 3, or 4; or (6) rnnaeruatarships undo the prooisions of Chapter 3$ article 9, where I I
<br />I ~~° ' - red estate is-an a .the assets iht estals or - rocetdin the coon! ud a be on whom the roeecdin n cndin shall issut a
<br />i D PaN J pJ p D. D J D J P D P D I ,~~
<br />~ I 'urlj/tagts which-ahalCbe filed wllh the rcpisler of deeds of the Countg fn which the tea( estate is located within (en days after the ,-
<br />ilj ducription oJthc real eNate is Jited in the proceeding." ..:............................ (`;
<br />