<br />~.. PP,L~IAL-:::-.,
<br />`~ ~ 90:f3/a-RE~S.EASE OF M087
<br />Huffman and Felton 8 Wolf, Walton, Ne. 5$461
<br />IN CONSIDERATION of the pa~rntent of the debt named therein, the Camlereial"National Bank & i ;
<br />Trust Y hereby releases the mortgage made to
<br />tmerci.al National Bank & Trust Canpany by Castle Estates Developtetent CaEgaany, A
<br />Partnership
<br />on the following described real estate, to-wit:
<br />(see attached)
<br />of Section , in Township Range of the P. M-,
<br />County, State of which is recorded in Book of Real Estate Mortgages, page
<br />of the records of said County. DoCtatpnt No. 7$-003139 '
<br />IN TESTIMONY WFIEREOFV t said Corr[r~eial National Bank & Trust Catgxzry ljas caused
<br />i
<br />these presents to be executed by its press ens and its Corporate Se,.l to be atTixed hereto this 22nd
<br />day of June , i9 79
<br />Witness: .~,rG'• .Na ~ -. .. - k..~xtedihy
<br />V10L
<br />............................°°-°----.....-----------------------..-._...----Attest /,!-C~<~r.~.. ............._- - ashier, 5erretar
<br />- •- ---
<br />STATE OF .... Nebraska, , ,, , , , , , , , , , , , County of ... 5~.~ ....................
<br />,_.._. _
<br />inq.i~g~eg,iruFrient was acicnowienged becore me ...... +~.Ui3e. ?..~ ......................19 !~ . .
<br />by ~ : 'tlarbdut~; rYiae .President ....... of Co¢mE?x'aial Natitnal. Bank. & .Trust . Cor~~auY
<br />~(*:.` i~Yir. e=.~ ~', ~(\ar,.e of C:urporatiunl
<br />n. ,. '•
<br />a ~ " - . • • • - . ~. .-- ..`....... , ,corporation, on behalf of the corporation.
<br />_. /
<br />S.7 ~~ ~ - L -- i:L N07AR ..Fnaiu rz ot~Ye s~~T burg 1ckn~ement - • .... • • ..
<br />•• „ate ~}~ . of Nebraskv `-
<br />Y~,y a n-~ -.. omm ian EzP~ras NOY3L'~r. Pll)•311C .................................
<br />1..=.~__" nF~~~ 23, ;981 ,
<br />7 isle
<br />Lot Fifty-two (52) Castle EstatesSubdivision, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />lying in:
<br />a-tract of Land caE>nrising a hart of the Fast Half of the Southeast
<br />(h~'tE-=' (Eta) of Section T;aenty Six (26) , Township Eleven (11)
<br />Leh, Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M. in Ha11 County, Nebraska,
<br />more Particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast
<br />comer of said Section Twenty Six (26); thence westerly along the
<br />st~th line of said Section Twenty Six a distance of Nine Hundred Ninety
<br />{990.4) feet; thence deflecting right 900 I6' 20", and running
<br />northerly, a distance of Three Htuxlred Sixty Three and Thirty Seven
<br />Hurx3re3ths {363.37) feet; thence deflecting right 930 59' 10" and running
<br />northeasterly, a distance of C?ne Hundred Sixty 1160.0) feet: thence
<br />deflecting left 400 00' an3 running northwesterly a distance of Three
<br />Hundr~ Ten (310.0) feet; thence deflecting right 900 00' arz3 running
<br />rnrtheasterly, a distance of Nine tiun3red Forty Six and Three Tenths
<br />(996.3} feet: theme deflecting right 460 14' 10" and running easterly.
<br />a distance of Four Hurdra3 Forty Five (445.0) Peet; to a point on the east
<br />lime of said Section Twenty Six (26); thence southerly along the east
<br />line of said Section 4taent~=-Six (26); a distance of Cme Thousand Three
<br />Ehuidred Sixty Seven and Ninety One Hundredths (1,367.41) feet, to the
<br />pla<~ of begituiing excepting therefrom the northerly seven {7.0) feet of the
<br />Sc>ui~tesly Forty (40.0) feet of the above described tract, leaving a
<br />net:acra3te o€ 27.492 acres more or less, all in Hall C~tuity, State of
<br />I~bTaskc-e.
<br />