t'.�,t.:'a , .• :}.., . . . , f '.', . .l , . .. .+� _ `` F 4, . 5( ,... ` ' ,m e . ,
<br />. , '7"< <. . � '..m.�-w� Y � �- 3i!6.<r.:,.0,�- .E�.- .s.:`...,
<br /> ` "� �4$
<br /> �`. � �V������� �`�
<br /> �_ ...`
<br /> 17.�'ransfer of tbe Ptopec4y ar a Heueflsia!Intesest i��armvres.lf all or any part of ths Ptogeny or any interesc in is --
<br />— is sa2d or tr,t�rsferred(or if a beaeficfai intecest in Borrower is sal�or trnnsf�aud Hono�ver is aot a natural personi+.vithout �'
<br /> f I.cncter's prior �vritten conscnt. Lcnder may. nt jts aption, r_�quirc lmmedi�te p�yment in fu61 of all sums securc�d by this _._
<br /> .. ,_� Security Instrument.Ho�vever.this option shall not bc ea�cised by�.ender it'excrcise is prahibited by federal la�v as ot the d�te ���^
<br /> of this Sccurity Instn�mcat. ��
<br /> � if Lestder eacrcises this option.Lendcr sh�l�givc Ba:iawer rwiice of arr�t�ratfaa�.Tl�r su.etis.�e�halF provi��a�riud af noi ��-;.
<br /> tess ehan 3U days from the date the notisc is dctivered e�r �ailed �vithin which Barrawcr must pay nll sums �c�:urc� by this �:_
<br /> Secnsity Insttument. (P Banower fails to pay these sums prior ta the expiration of thd.9 p;ricrl.l.ender m�y invuhe nny reznedie.g �---
<br /> pemritted dy this Sccurity in�tn�ment cvitAout further rtattce flt den�a�td on l3ormwcr. �'
<br /> 18. Bore��cer's I31g9it to Rei�ute. ff@arn�wer rncets c�rtsin cunditia�:+, Barmcvcr shall have the rig8t to ha�e ��r,
<br /> enforcement of this Security InsErumeaat ddscontina�at nny tims prior to th�eaNiar ot: (n)5 days (or such athea period c�.� ``'
<br /> _ __ uppiirablc law m�.y sperify for eeinstatement} 6efore sale of the Property pruFUant ta any po�ver of salc contained �n this '�"--
<br /> Secvrity Insuument;or(b)entry of a j�dgment�nforcine this Security Irutcua�enc.'i�taqa wsiditions are that Borrow�r:ta)Pays �'-=-
<br /> Lender all sums which then woulA 8e dae under this Security Instcumc�►t urn!th: No*_e as if no acceteration had oceurred:{b} --_
<br /> ��`. •, cures any defauit of a�r other caven�nts or agreements; (c)pays all expenses irzcuvred in enforcing this Securisy Instr�cmment. =-
<br /> inctuding,but not limited to.reasona62e attomeys' fees;and(d)tases such actiasi as I.ender may masonably requir�tm assure �s
<br /> ' that the liea of this Security Instrumsnt,Lender s rights in tl�a Progerty and Barrower's ab�igation to pay the sums secc�n.�di by
<br /> : this Searrity Instrnment siTall condnue unchan�ed. Upon rein�tzt�c-�-.ent by Boamwec. this Security InsuurnEnt aad the —__..
<br /> :� ::': o�iigatians seceued hs�ts}shaU remain fiilly effective Fs tf no�rcei..�-�a�[Zad occurred. Hotivever,this right to reins+.at�s shsll =
<br /> ' not apply in the case of zcteleratian under par�raph I�.
<br /> 'f •,. 19. &a&¢of l�ot� �ge of�an Servt�. 'Fhe Note or a�as�tiaT int�rest in the NI�te Etage�er v�ith thsa 9�ri�y
<br /> �nstrament)nuy be sa2d oue or more times withoat prior norice to Brnrower. A sale may res�?t ir a c�ge ut t!'�e entiiy(fu�aE°� ��:.:
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer'7 th�t colleds mamhly paym�cts due under the Nate amd this SecuYity I�.�umem. Tftr.se atso may be e� �"
<br /> '. ��, or more chac�es of tlie Laa�Servicer unrelated to a�e of the Note.lf thsra is a e�au�e of tDze Lroan Servicer.Eono•uec wt7�i�.: —_
<br />��y �F given vmtten c�otice of the cbange in a.ccardance with paragraph 14 abave and ar*+gli�bI.lav+.'�,notice witl state the a�me r.�
<br /> .rV�, h�-
<br /> ``•"�� addre.s.s of ths ne�v Loaa Servixr and t�e address to wtuch payment4 should bz msde.The aa'ti�wiil also contain ar�y�o� '�
<br /> -;.'� information required by agplicable law. �iiF�.
<br />`4„t 20. Ha7ardous Sui�i..�^.s�cces.Borrower shal! nat csuse or perndt.the p�°.A.�. use, disposat, storage. or reletur of any • �}•<.
<br /> • `'� IHa7ardnas 5nbstances o��in the Property. Borrow� shall nat.do,.nor•alaw anyone else to do, aaydving af::cting the =.�'f:.
<br />� ,'"� '1Property that is in viala2�an�f azty Environmentai g.a�v_ The preceding twc�seat�nces sl�all not appiy ta tf��en�e. �ase, or .
<br />� .,,�, stora,�e on the Property c�f�rail quanciti�s of Ha�Jrn�Substances that nre g�erally recognized to be��riate ta a�om�a! - ''=,
<br /> residenrial uses and to mai�tenance of the Property.
<br /> «• '' Barrower shall pma�tiy give Lender wcitten netice of an3.6���esrigatio��claim.demand, lawsuit or other acti,on B��r•,�y �
<br /> �z:��. :..�,ovemmentat�r ngul�aa�.�agency or private parey i��lvina tt�Pi;rr��a�.'.a:,y Hazardous Substanr,�or Envir�onmenta.t'�w �-.
<br /> `�,� '�.3f which Hormwer has act;,�,.,1 knowledge. If Borrav-�x l�ras.ar ss.�nTifi�,'_fiy.pz+y governmantal or regulatory autIia�ity.t6at
<br />'�',< ; '. �^y r�moval,or othsr reua�on of any Ha�ardous Saiastr�e��c'�thr,.&'>�pe�j�s necessary,Boaower shall pn�mpt[y G�ke �=,.
<br /> ..c. . —
<br /> .s• ��•[��cesszttji t�sted3aI.��'�"s in accordance with Enrsiau�enia?Lua�: •• —
<br /> ���• .< As uso:l:�t this�aph 20. "Hazardous Subs::�:.aes" nre�h�c�e su��ts�St�si�-�are�i�or harardons sub�x.�ttts�f3:� � _--
<br /> Eevira;icrrs:/:�:�x�.�'�e following substances: g�?ine, k.:.�sear, ac4x�s�bta:.�.,r c�raic petral�uat pmd�,.`lir��i;.. `
<br /> �.: gestieides d-i�i frer6ic�dc-s:.�-olatile solvents,materials aac�teining asbestos oa fd�;cl�'"yda.and radioactive muLe�iatsc As�.ya�'�
<br /> t.' this paragmph 20. "bt��rnammental Law" means feds�xu taws and la�xa of��u�dicdon where the Pm�s�t.�:is looated that .;::g'�.���
<br /> ` relatie to health,safety or environmental protection. �"�_
<br /> . ;��: NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower aud Ler�der fwthes oovenant arnd agree as follows: �.::,
<br /> � . ,� �1.AcceteratEon;I2emedfes.Lender sha11 g[ve notioe W Bonoc��es prtoz.to acceteFation fotIowing B4rmtn.�'s 6reac6 —
<br /> � of aay covenaat vr ag��meat ia tbts Sec�rlty Instr�ent thut��te� pstor to accete�atio� �mder psuagru�tif��D� un4ess
<br /> applicable law pr+�vides ot�erwLse). TGe notice shatl speciffy: (a>�th2 dEf'cae►it;•(b)tiie uct3on requfia.�rto suco�ct defanIt; —
<br /> - ���' (c)g date,not iess than 30 days fro�tt�e date the notice is givcn ta�Borro�er,•by wiilc6 the defa�m�t ba•e�red;and • �
<br /> -.� , (d)16at I�fle�re to wre the defa�tt on ar 6eYore the date specifffed in�tke na4ice ma� eesWt in accrierutbauatj'�tt�snms
<br />