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<br />': 7g_--- Ut~`3767 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE Fo~rM rta zoe (a?v. 1-n)
<br />Date June 14, 1979
<br />i
<br />Richard C. Spiehs (also known as Richard Charles Spiehs) and Diane R. Spiehs
<br />(also known as Diane Rae Spiehs), husband and wife g~3 ^
<br />Hort
<br />j or Hall eo+,nty, Nebraska Sn ^_onsideP.~tlor. cf
<br />t the edvance of the princlpel sum recited in the note hereinafter lescriDed, receipt-^` ~hhich 1s ack:mwl edged, hereby
<br />mort:eage and convey to
<br />~ 7NE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a Corporation,
<br />f of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100,
<br />"lrtgagee ?suh,l er.t to cil, eas, and mine. al rights ;~n~n=^ ? ot.^.er th-n "icrt3sgors; 2xistlne ease^.:ents o'
<br />record: reserv221ons ir. Unit=d Scares s.^,d St~;e;;te :r_: _.... ...._ ='~-s o_ the puDiic Sn aii :^,ighws3's;. thefoll::~~.vi;t~k-
<br />.:escrlDed re 3l estate Sr. Hall .-,.~, Nebraska ,
<br />SEC. TWP. RO.
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest Quarter
<br />of the Southeast Quarter (SW~,,SE'~), more particularly de-
<br />scribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the South
<br />line of said Section 20, said point being 25.0 feet East
<br />of the Southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence
<br />Easterly along the South line of said Section 20, a dis-
<br />tance of 645.0 feet; thence deflecting left 91°22' and
<br />running Northerly, a distance of 465.0 feet; thence
<br />Westerly parallel to the South line of said Section 20,
<br />a distance of 645.0 feet; thence deflecting left 91022'
<br />and running Southerly a distance of 465.0 feet to the
<br />place of beginning and containing 6.885 acres, more or
<br />less--------- ---- -- ------------ 20 12N 11 W 6th P.M.
<br />6.885
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<br />SIYTEEN THOPSAND FIFE H R D aND NO/t00 - - - - - - - - -
<br />Januarv 1949 _. -1~ ._.. _, ~~~~ !:a':` _. .... ... : .,
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<br />•^ perfo^, aad cDSer:e every act, onvr - 1 __ _ ..~d
<br />e ,~~ r e r ~aE 5 ~
<br />standln:.; and tc tsk? ?v?r,• ^ecessW y to - sere a r U ~ e,t r 2 _ r,
<br />35x1 nn. w=+_;•e. pied^,e, or endorse tc the Mo tg3, e _"; '_ _ ~ ,er^__, ____...._. -. nt cge -,r _r .gt o 3r,ts
<br />in puDll•^ dnxain a._ required DY Mortgagee 7rr securi.y~F,urpe~es.
<br />(a1 'i'lsat in the ?vela the riortasgee 1s a party c; rr~~, 1 g- +--;; -r .t+-~ ~ ~ ;
<br />gage, including ary suit Dy the Mortgagee to Tm~ecics? t..*.1 ro ¢,age r rti :,~ + r wh~c ~io. ,c .,_; D? i3^te.
<br />~ party defendant in whloh it is ob ii gat?d to protect "_t ,+. guts or 11 e;.. .. ~+_.. r.d b_nrr;;pt c,r
<br />proc=?dings, the Mortgagee may Sncur expenses and advazsceJpayment. for ahstrart ~~ -exr~„~
<br />?x*.ent prohiDlted Dy law), costs, expenses, and ether charges. ~~~~~ ~~~~~~•~' -~-~ ~ /'`~
<br />(5) '!hat 2n the event the 1lortgag~rs sail to Pay 'when due any taxes liens, „~.:d3neatr, - - -zment=., .^ fa+i
<br />:,aintaio insurance as hereinbefore provided, or Tail to pay ret:ts, fees, or t ges ,y ~ a y ~ ~~.
<br />permit, license, ~r priviiege; or Mor*_gagee is required to incu^ experses Zar ah era^• r _-
<br />expenses, and other charges in connection r:ith li tigaticr,, Mor±„'.gee ma,~ .aY.e ,^- v -r,
<br />cr SneL, such obiigat ion, and the amounts paid the^efor shall Decome ,art t.: In^e., .:1 +,,,, ,,,
<br />and payable Smme4lately, and shall Dear t.,ra__gr .rra~ 4*.e da r_ 3f pa; ,^gat _, ..._ ~.,.,_ r:s-- .~:1 :•- -
<br />in the note. ~_ .- ~ _.. ,_. ae,_,,._
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