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�t ----. �.. _, <br /> - I ' T, . _. <br /> _ <br /> . lI� ' •iy�14 �.�A• � ' <br /> �� ��� - <br /> ��I, +'�+�lW _fWKFwV�w�- -- - <br /> :-' •I: ' ' _" -__-_-_ '___..T__ . _.._ .. <br /> �� :��`�.`� ' . 92-.1(�0398 <br /> � .�. <br /> - p�yuxnts rn�Y no lon�er be roquirod,N thc aptian oP 4cnder.if mortQ�Qc inrurnncc rnvcraQc lin thc amaunl snd fo�1hc period <br /> thft l,ender roquit�a)providod by�n incurvr�ppr�val by Lendar�ga{n bernmcs Av�ilrble wid is obtainrd. Born�wer clull p�y <br /> - t{x pn,mlum�roquirod to mainuin mattQ+iyo insursncc in et'f'oct,ar to pmvide a Iors rcservo.until lhc royui�for moA�a�e <br /> — inruranca enda in axordonoe with ony written�recment hc�ween Borrowcr Aad Lcmic�ar�pplicAble I�w. <br /> --�'-"� 9.Ia�pec�ba. Lendu o�i���cnt may �rukc reasan�ble cet�ie�upan wid io�pcctiunK of thc Pmpeny.[.cndcr Wwll Qive <br /> ,���sos�=w"'� <br /> - __- Horrowcr notice at�ho time oi'or p�ior to an inipecKian spvcifying neaso�wble cAUre fix thc inspixtian. <br /> 10. Condemm�tloo.The proceeds of Any awud or cl�im for dunagex.dircrt ur canseyuentlrl, in ronnectlon wl�h any <br /> condem�wtian or other tarin�of nny part af the Pmperty. or for conveyance in lieu uf rnndrn�na�hm,erc herchy assiQned and �- _ <br /> �Iwll be pald to Leodcr. <br /> �_��.a. In�he cveet af a twal tnking aP the Property,the praceeds shall bc xppliod ta the sums sa�urod by this Securlly Instrumem, <br /> °'°'� whether or not then due,with any excesa paid to Borrower. ln�he event uf A p�utiul laking of the Property in wAich tAa f�ir <br /> °---°s�: r muket value of the Property immcdiutely beforo the taking is equul to or grr.ater�hun�he amount of 1he�ums�secured by this - <br /> -- Security Inst�ument immediately beFot+e the talcing.unless�iomower and l.ender aherwise agrcr in wridn�, the sums secured by <br /> --- , --_.- - , this Security Instnunent sholl be reduced by the Amouat of the pracceds multiplied by the follawing fraction: (al the tcx�l o.� <br /> -- =v` amouat of the sum4 securc+i immadis�lely before the taking,dividod by (b) the fair market vulue af the Praperty inunediacely — <br /> -_�;�v '' before the �ng. Any bolance ahall be paid to Borrower. !n the event of a parti�l t�icing of ti�e Propeny in which the fafr <br /> -- - __ m�rket valuc of the Property immediate{y before the taking ia less than the amiwnt of thc sums sa�urcd immcdiatcly before thc a- <br /> '='�"R"-'"-efBi�.;���� taking, unlesc Borrower ancl Lendsr othenvise agrec in wrlting or unless applkable law otherwise provides,the praceeda shall <br /> -"t_r� be applied to the sums scxured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums urc thcn due. �_v <br /> _�T.�'� lf the Property is�ndoned by Borrower,or if,after noticc by Lendcr to Borrower that the condemwar ofiers to make an ----- <br /> `�' - award or settie a cluim fur danwges. Borrower faiis to rcspand to l.endcr within 30 deys after thc dsitc thc naticc is givcn, �- <br /> `"y q�=��w:� Lender is authodze�to collect and apply the praceeds,at its option,eilher lo re�toration or rep�ir of the Property or to the sun� �;:_ <br /> w:-.� ,,�•"'� secured by this Socurity Insttument, whether or not then due. <br /> �L-4-�,-,:,�:.,� Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree fn writing. any application of proceeds to principnl shaU not extend or �; <br /> =�-""-.'�''p " postpo�re the due dete of the monthly pnyments referred to in paragraphs I ud 2 or change the anwunt of such paymenla. "-- <br /> tm <br /> ,.:__ <br /> .,,...r;���•:� 11.Bomnwer Not ReleASed;�orbearance By I.ender Not a W�iver. Extension of the time for payment or modificAtion __ - <br /> _ _�,;,R,;�;..�°•" of amartization of the sums secured by thia Securiry Instrument grnn[ed by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower sholl '�_,- <br /> ��"';r not o rate to release the liabilit of the ori inal Borrower or Bortower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be uired to �'- <br /> ��:m���_<i;��. P� Y B �1 --- <br />=�;����-��.y���;;'� commence proceedings agalnst any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or ahcrwisc modify amoniration �_.� <br />�='�°��'!'�� 'R���� of the sums socured by this Security lnstrument by reason of any denwnd made by the original Borrower or Borrower's �: <br /> �,�� i:�.v��;:�t`�:t'f:,':s• <br /> successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be o waiver of or prerlude the -� <br /> ° °'����"'�'-° exercisc at'any righi or rrsssaly. <br /> 1�`r <br />'�`�. �,.,Jx,,.,:•::�'• 12. Suocessor� And AssiQng Bound; Jolat and Several Uablflty;Co�slgaers. The covenants and agreemen�s of this •+�= <br /> ?.n.�••T.���,py,�.. <br />�Y`-';,��:`�':� Securiry Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assisns of L.ender and Borm�ve�, subject to the pruvisions of �_ <br /> �'r `,��z,c�;�:+ � paragrnph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joiM and several. Any Borrower who co-aigns this Security _ _ <br />�Yki_� Y ' _'_ <br /> :��,:�;�;�. ,;•':`": ' � Instrument but does nnt execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to moKgage,grunt and wnvey tMw F_- <br /> __�'`���i;;'�`'� ' . Borrower's iecerest in tlie Propeny under the ternu of this Security Instrurr�nt; (b)is not personally obligated to pay the sum4 r.:� <br /> .. .�Ir .:: •�.,,. <br /> _�;���y �• "' secuned by this Security Instrument;und(c)agrces that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend,madify.forbear oc =�.- <br />;._;� r ��.�....� malce any�commadations with regard to the terms of this Securiry Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's conscnt. �� <br /> -'��..._,,;,.,.�w,,,�_:. 13. I.oan Charges,If the loan sea:ured by this Securiry Instrument is subject to a law whicb sets maximum loan charges, �`�" <br /> - and that law is finally interpreted w that the intercst or uther loan charges collccted or to be collected in connection with the �:� <br /> �~�•'" '` :�:k: � loan exceed the pertnitted Ilmits, then: (u)uny such loan churge shall be reduced by the umount necessary to reduce the charge <br />� •�. � .. �;._ <br /> .�. to the permittcd limit: and (b)any�ums alreudy collectcd from Borrower which cxceeded permitted limits will be refunded to =- <br /> �`:"C{;�;1��:?:�-';_'.'.�'i' ,. Borrower. Lender may chaose to make this rcr�nd ny reducing the principul owed under the N�ne or by making a direct - <br /> ; "`�"''''r"" ment to Borcower. If a refund reduccs rinci al, thc rcduction will be treated as a aniul re a ment withuut an <br /> r'•��:��_L,�.•, paY P P P P P Y Y <br /> :��=„�r-�-;,�-��; � " repayment charge under the Note. -" <br /> . �-..,:.... . <br /> P <br /> °��u� .��-�;-��. 14.NoNces.Any notice to Borrower provided I'ar in this Securiry instrument shull be given by dclivering it or by mailing <br /> ��`� ` it by first class mai) unless applicable Iaw rcquircs use of nnother method.7'he notice shall be directed to the Property Address �� <br /> � �'% d'" or an other addrcss Bnrrowcr desi natcs b notice to Lendcr. An noticc tu Lcnder shal! be �ven b first class mail to <br /> - - -��, , ��.: �� Y 8 Y Y B� Y �-`-_ <br /> ° , Lender's addr+ess stated herein or uny other uddress l.ender designates by nMice to Borcower. Any notice provided for in thic �-- <br /> -----_ "= � �•� f� Secu�ity Instrument shall bc decmed to havc bcen givcn to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph. <br /> �.� .�,.�,.;.,_.:� �,.-, <br /> ���-- »� •-� � e �� 1S. Governing Ltiw; 5everabHlty. This Security Instrument shall tx: governcd by fedcral law and the law of the - <br />.;=�i. �'�.: ..,�.y f — <br /> ';:t':� '� �� jurfsdiction in which the Property is locatcd. In the event that any provixioa or clause of this Securiry Instrument or the Note - • <br /> ''�' ���' � LV rnnflicts with applicAble law,such contlict shall not affect ath�r provixions of thls Serurit}•lnstrument or the Note which can be <br /> ; .:t` .;Sr,.i�:: <br />-�:..��' ;;�N��;'�' given effect without the contlicting provision. To this end th�provisiuns of thix Securiq Instrumcnt and the Nae arc de¢lared :<< <br /> .,",,;``. . !.�`�•,; to be severable. <br />::,.-,r� s .� <br /> �" . •�� '' 16.Borrower's Copy. Borrower sholl be given one conf'ornied�ropy of the Nnte und of this Security lnstrument. <br /> : .• . <br /> _..... !;r.s Fam 3ozo a»o ��� . <br /> :;•:;: <br />. . �:r.r�' Pp��o18 �• . <br /> :�v�����. <br /> . . . � . <br /> ' ��•�, <br /> _ , . . ,...,.. - :. .:. ;. ,.�•t:dy�il5 . : .. ,:�.�, ,.,�., •. ..�,rKnr:. ;;_--,;:�-.►-fva�::�I..� .�..4.�Aa.MwL':���'. <br /> � <br />- .. �. . <br /> . �.. �' <br /> - �:�st�r_, . ,�., . .� <br /> ',� � . .. �.�. ' ti; , . „� ; . <br /> y . . <br /> �' 1"�. .�.^/ r� . <br /> ` � <br />" 4 �. . _.___" ' . <br />