79--U'Ci ~ 5 8 ~
<br />i=.-~ - tr_ e~~rt .ny sv~' r ,Wade to the Mortgagors or Lhe1r susces -r~ - ,n c e-t 'ir or ~ ~Ring
<br />b,~ ,h. . 1-._ of .run ~. *- dcm.-u: .,h2 xnOiz or any parr, of the mortgaged preml:,e~ ur ~ .,c-„ :,,r.SU, ~h_ _a13
<br />ew.~ ,r sre hereby Sssivaed Le'.he N,ortgagee: Lhz Mortgagee Is hereby authorised to rcliect, Ive and ;'= otpt
<br />ece
<br />r,here for '~ifi co aF ;r Sy the acme Ir. payment of anS ledebtedress, matured cr unmacured, s_.,,.__d b,~ thin mar*,gage r
<br />t7) That the event _agOr_ defae.t ir. the payment of said principal swa, or OT any installmer:t the-e.i; cr
<br />of arp• .n arrest tf;erzon,~J thz me when same shall he .due, or +v1 th respect rn any ovznaat o?~ Dnd!LSO re-
<br />r-,r Lhen, at the :r ti cn ofgV „k -S~. ^ne ~-hzrz i.^.d?h redress secured hereby shsil forthr.ith b=comp dt° ens ray'Dle.
<br />shall bear interest at th z'tlefauit rate ~escrl Ce-~ :n said note, and the Mortgagee may immediately foreclose LhSs
<br />mortgage cr pursue any ether avaSlablz Segal rzmed,•.
<br />(c) That in the even: action Ss Dropghc to ..*oreciose this mortgag?, the Mortgagee shall De E titled Lo !mined'. ate
<br />possession of tt;e mcrtgsgeG ~^=miszs, and the court may appoint a receiver to Lake pcss ESSton of said premises, wl th
<br />Lhe U3Uai pGw'2rs of !'P^P.1 Ve.^S :n l1 V.e C2sES.
<br />(9) That fa!l~1re or ^elaj ff Mortgagee '^ zxerrfse 3P.y Of its rlglits o^ pC!V ileVeS Sh311 nGt DE CJn~tr~~ed
<br />~.valyer LhereO"; i~a*. a{i ' ~ o.' Mc-<gagee waiving any specific default o.* Mortgagors shall rrt to cons try.?ed as
<br />•.:a!v2r of snv `ut;;re defaa 's: t.l;a t •c ase cf default in the payment of any amcrttzatlon ins tai imer.ts or !merest,
<br />or in r. ase of oaym2nt Cy rtRSUaet.t•r~agy lien, !udgment, tax, insura::ce, cost cr expense, cr rents, fees cr charges,
<br />said MOrr.gagez shall harE the ^r!vilege, without declaring Lhe whcie indebtedness due and payable, to foreclose On
<br />account u:' sack spzclfic dEfault for such sums as are in default ar:d such foreciosu.^e proceedings may be had and
<br />the lsnd dzscribe:l here!n mat DE sold, suC+ect to thz vnpa!d Ind2Ct2dnzss h2rebl seta.^2,.. __d this mortgrge s::ail
<br />ecntlrue as a___.. fer a^y anp !^ balance.
<br />'1C) That the Mortgagee may exter.~' end deter the maturity of and renew and reamortiz2 Bald Sn-^_eDtednesa, release
<br />'front li°ab!li ey ary pa.°ty ifsDle Lh°.^E^ :.^d release from the ilea hereof pcrtioas of Che property covered hereby,
<br />wi+.hout °'feet tag the prl orl ty h z,f 'er the 11 abi11 cy of Mortgagors or sny ochzr ,~arcy for the payment of said
<br />..--~dzDtzdness, el'_ su c.*, estanslons,~^de'a^*.ents, renewals, and reamortizatS Ora to^.e secured hereby.
<br />(I1? ^rarsfE t Szrur! IL 1s _g z d between chz parilzs here te, their heirs, ?gal reprzsentati•res aad assigns,
<br />-hat tt;e Lzgr ~ r pcn_iC!lityeOf the Mortgagors constitutes a ~ oP the n
<br />par' censideratlcr. Ior t..e Hate sECUrzd
<br />'.:z*eby, t.t;a ^'.Gz=event `!cr Sga_rors r~~l szli, tr nsfz Or convey the proper ty described here+.n. the
<br />Ora?agz ~~ ~c~i~-rz thz entire ci ndebtedness S,..mediatzly due sad pay 3Cle and r:ay prized in the er.-
<br />....ce;rent c_ _~_. ~. _., ;., .ny other -__aclt :., t..^,e r.erms Of the note and ..~Ortgagz.
<br />~. ~ -. 2 reeds ~ _ ~ -ecr h ^eby t~ansfz^, set over. a•! co^vey re Nortga,zze a'S
<br />r - i r~ ~ +sr r ei tt_ ~. av coin r m c time becc.T:e ^ue ar,f a a-~ 1=,
<br />O ~ hz: r--, _~a r. ....}' .t. ... ,r~_v e:t!st_nn t ma h ~fizr t,r ro p *.~_^ any ell, 33s=,
<br />[her -7 ;;j~s - } -~ ~ tc zxi r.,_, __va. tai the aCOVe and
<br />-- s ~ ^zc b}- ^!ortgagee shall be appl3zd the CSndzCte~ ,zss sec~ut~zd hereCy; or
<br />a ~n`y,. 'g`4~P °`: __ `. tu° _ ~3n:. ?_ !Ve rho :`1C?'t gagOrS oC =Sr 5~1 SSD.^ !n lmerest, 9n at`
<br />''-C}: +t! w ~ -1.. -~ L+aa-P2 LghiS n take Ind r2!aiP. flltUr~° SUmS. a^.- l~L1'vut prE1 Ud 1CE
<br />,~+ ~-' h.,. 3h. .r h~ C arz t r.,.rs~_. ant o^,..^.veyarce hereynde* rc Nertgag_e .,f said rents,
<br />as, ses i ~} 1 ~e - .d bz - Dr Isl^^. 'or t*= ayment. cr rzdu°r!cn Of the mert-
<br />c ~e ~z7t, ..h .t,e !: c 1~ hz .bev ~ .,. .. P r* ,r
<br />'g n provided, !; ?pendent :,r e mo .g ge On said zal
<br />- v„z.. z igagz an-., ~_h.. _ east or Lh L' .,^rtgage ... .., _. t:.+, ..om=,~ance . ,ail
<br />u___..... _. peratlve _..~ ,._ aO ...-,.*,zr .__ca _.,..=ef:•ect. -'
<br />,s 7 r d..°~~..: i k•, m.=r. ss.. e ~.z 2: ~a ~ ~++u?~ :6E 4 $uic' ~- 4ldrai
<br />r.~,._-~ .•n_ ..,.__y~r-ne. _e~niri- G ~_. ,_. _ a___ -a .o j.~ .¢a ~_n:ez-
<br />3°:.'.. ~ G : f ~ h'EAia
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<br />_,,:JC;'v~ - Cllr/~ ~5.,.
<br />v_ __ _ _ _ e. Roger Mark Sullivan (also known as Mark Sullivan) and Raren L.
<br />Sullivan (also known as Karen Sullivan), husband and wife,
<br />the _.~..~ ~., ;.,.-_r ~•,-~:,-a=--s :~. _.-._ _-.~. - -- -
<br />~Itw®B~P-trr ~sirriirw
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