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N3-o37~ ~~~ Jt a~~Ov <br />EA MENT FOR ELECTRIC LINES ANDiOR UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC FACILITIES <br />KNUW Ai.L MEN K1' THESE PRESHN"f5: <br />That Do-Maw Mobile Park Comnanv. a _~~~K ~ ~~ <br />~ nr <br />(If Grntor is not married. add scords "an unmarried person".; <br />Hall Cuunrg, Nrbr„ska, in a+nsideration of $ ~ -n~ , r, ceipt of which iz betel±+,: aekm,.e!edged, and ?he ftutnrr payn:rn: of a <br />sum m make total pa} rn[ of 5~wn-~ for-~-- poles and--2-anchors and other necr>sarv rga;pment u~hrn set on ?he follow=ing dexnbed I:roperry, <br />do S°e hereby grant and convey onto d,r ~' ~ } av ~_ DDQninhan and Nebraska Public Power Di s r; , 7 psspp• <br />jhercinatrer referred to as Grantee, whether one or more <br />its {thud lessees, snceessoa and assigns, the prnnanenr righ r, privilege and e ;.ra of a ngln-er=way [o c nsnuct, operate, ~ lain and remove all necessary <br />poles, wires, guys, underground electric facmuc> and other necessary equipment in ~o,neeetion tha ewe h~ on and acntss rhea following proprrty situated in <br />Hall Conntc, Nebraska. rtuae particularly described a~ enu,:w•,. A tract of land consisting of <br />Lot 8 and Lot 9, County Subdivision, 8illage of Doniphan, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />The elunic her and underground elcxr:c fanhne. hrmm ro:nempl.ucd :hall br k;catrd oo: the property appmxm,atrly as follows: <br />The north five (S) feet of lot 8 and the north five (5) feet of lot 9, County <br />Subdivision, tillage of Doniphan, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />The Crantee shall alv~ pace the pnvilege ar:d rasrmrrt of mgre. and eg:e ~ ss rhr property m ics ;rheir7 nfucrr> and empln. ecs for a c purpax ma•ssary <br />in connexion with ihr canstrucrion, operation, maintenance, mspra,nn and remaval of said !ine and underground cic;trtr fa: iiitirs. <br />The Gra .rr shall alsr. havz the -.$ghr a any nine to sun o renxnr such trees and underbrush as may in anc w cndaugrr . r inter fore with the sefe operation of <br />the Bnesrnndergrwrd rlexric Fuiliurs and egmpmem used in connexion thrrrwnh. <br />T,e Grantee shall at ail times rxzccisr all due cart and diligence :o avoid iniury~ or damage to the crops. licesn,rk and other per nwi p open[ of the Grantor. <br />and the Grantee shall irtdzmniiy and sate harm:ess the Grantor from a uch damagz and ?ass a .ing ++ - .ring t nch nrotxrh- souk be r of the <br />mastruxlon, nperatien, mainreaanm and removal of an} oterhrad rlectrc hies, hmcever, in the e enc thaz all nrvnaa r~.(c -underground elze[ric facilities which <br />may h< irxtallyd art aid easement right-of-wac 6e<omes defective or unsrrvir-eable in thz sine judgmrn[ of *.he Grantrc.:~~~,` Granter shall have rhr right, without <br />addyitiona! payment ar considers[ion ro the Grantor or tttru s crssors m title far ane damage a loss o.- nerd dx-rrbv, to n,am[atn, repair ur replace such <br />underground facilities; pravided, if improvements !o the p opertc make the installatior. oP such replacements impr xicai at the locadar. of the srtginal zasrment <br />granted 6rre't v, ihr Gramo: or their successors in title shall grant and c neey to the Grantee, for rhr same consideration as given herein, an c cot for such <br />fore»er ins[ailarion a[ a vocation on said property which is mutually satistactoty to thz parties. If the paaies t`a8 to agar upon any wch nrw~ tocaria n for the undrr- <br />grcund electric facilities, the Granter shall have chr nigh[ to detcrminc the most suitable locazio:; for the easement thrmtor and rhr Gnntnr agrr coney such <br />easement; and if the parties fai] to agree upon any such n w locatior. for underground clecsric taclities, ihr Grantee shall have no ;,bligation to replace or provide <br />the unclergr +und ztectric faeilites across or to anv such proprrty. In determining the locations for funhu it!staitation the Granter shall at all nines exrrcix due <br />care and diliger.<z to acavl it jury or damage w the propert}- of t}+e Granter nr their ±-uc<essors- <br />Thr Grantez agrees chat shauld chr line; and underground decrrir tuc ifitics c. ned hercm,der be abandoned Eur a pcr.~~d of for y ->, the right obway <br />or zaxmrnt beech[ szcured s}ta13 then cease and terminate, and this contract shall 6e of nu further farce and effact. <br />Signed the ,1~ day of .A n.. ;q~. <br />TN .!~ - //,' r' j <br />a'TATE OF IiESRASKA. <br />eliuNTV of _~~.__- <br />t'7n xhis,ps day of,~ ly 11 ,below me rive undersigned. a <br />Notary public in and fur d Cnw~cv :sd Starr. personally appeared - <br />personaLt}• to me know.^. to bz the identical prrson(s who signed !hr foregou,g <br />instrument as Grantor and who acicnowledgrd the execution tl,zrcof to he <br />.~ vrs}tmtary ace and deed £or cite purpose [herein ezprusrd. <br />WITNESS my hand and nawrial ua! the date s,,h,~ovfe']written. <br />M Commis "on,~yires : ~ - of __[_-j~jd___ , ;g~ . <br />GEItHLti RBTAl1M-Sfax clY 'J <br />CAItlLEHI Ai. WlIRf nn ,,, _ <br />MY CaaO.6R OM, otary ubhc <br />