79-- tit)`~5E0
<br />4- Upon any failure by the Afortgagor to comply with or perform any of the terms, covenants or conditions of this Afort•
<br />gage requiring the payment of any amount of money by the Mortgagor, ,rthrr than the principal amount of the Inan <videnced by
<br />the 1Vott, interest and nthe: sha rgcs, as provided in the Notq the Atnctgagr-c m.ry at its option make such payment. Every
<br />payment so made by the Atortgagce (ina uding rwsona6le attorney's fees inc urrrd thcn•by), with interest thereon from the date
<br />of such payment, at the tale of six penent (G%) per annum, ezcept any p.,yaxnt fur ,ebirh a dif(crent rate n( interest is
<br />sperificd herdn, shall bt payable by the Mortgagor to the Afoxtgagce un demand ..:.d stet: t! be secured by this Mortgage. This
<br />Afortgage with respect to an}' smh amount and the interest the[enn, steal! a+nsu hdr a lien m the mortgaged property prior to
<br />any other lien aththing nr accruing suhsequent t:. the lien of This Mortgage
<br />3D. Tht Mortgagee, by any of ;ts agents yr rrprrsrntatives, shall h.r s•c tl:e right to inspect the martgaged property from timt
<br />to time at any reasonable hour of the day. Should the mortgaged property, or any part thereof, at any time require inspection,
<br />repaiq care at atteniioa of an}• kind of mture not provided by this Alnrtgag< as determined by the Atortgagce in its sole dis-
<br />cretion, the Atortgagce may, after nutire to the Mortgagor, toter or cause rntry tv be male upur., the mortgaged property, and
<br />inspect, repair, protect, care Eur ar maintain such property, as the Afortga}::e n ;n its idle disrretior. deem n<•cessary, and may
<br />par all amounts of money therefor, as the Atortgagce map in its sole disc: rtiun ,deem nrcessarr.
<br />If. The principil ,moon: owing nn the Notr together with intucst thrrror, and all other charges, as therein provided,
<br />and all other amounts of money u+ving by the Mortgagor to the hfortgagse pursuant to and secured or intended to be secured
<br />by this Rturtgage, shall immediately become dot and payable without notice nr demand upon the appointment of a rrceivec of
<br />liquidator, s•~h<ther voluntary or involuntary, for the Afortgagor oc any of the property of the Mortgagor, or upon the filing of
<br />a petitioa by or against the Mortgagor under the pto~risions of any State insolvency law•, or under [he provisions of the Bank-
<br />ruptcy Ad of 189R, as amended, yr upon the m.:king by the Afortgagor of an assignment far the hrnefit of the Mortgagor's creditors.
<br />The Mottgagec is authorized to declare, at its option, aU er an}' part of such indcbicdness immediately due and pa}able upon the
<br />happening of any of~the following c•vcnty
<br />{a) Failure to pay the amount aE any ;nstilimertt of principal and intrrest, ar other charges payable on the Not:, which shall
<br />have become duq prior to the due date ai the nett such instaltmmt;
<br />{b) Nonperformance by the Ainrt,gagor of any cas•rnant, agreement, errn: nr condition of this Mortgage, or of the Nott
<br />{tamp[ as o;herwix provided ;r, subdivision (a) hereof) yr of ;ay other agreement heretofore, herewith. or hereafter made
<br />by the Afortgagor with the Afattgagee in connettion with such indebtedness;
<br />{t} Fzilur: of the Mortgagor to perform any tavcnant, agreement, term or condition in any instrument orating a lira upon
<br />the martgaged property, or any part theta af, which shall have priority over the lien of this Mortgage:
<br />(d) The Afortgagre•s disaartty of tiu Afortgagnr's iailurt in any appiicadon ut the Afuztgagnr to the Mortgagee to disclosa
<br />any fart deemed by the Mortgagee w 6r mate:iar., nr of the making therein or in any r,i the agreements entered into
<br />by the Afortgagor with the Mortgagee (including. but rot lim;tcd tn, the Note anJ this Mortgage) of any misrep:esrn•
<br />ratio, by, on behalf nf, :~: fur the lanrfrt of, the Afortgagor;
<br />(r) The silt, (rase of other trans&r of any kind or nature of the mortgaged property. nr auy part thrrrssf, without th- prior
<br />w•titttn tonxn; of the Mortgagee;
<br />{f) The enactment after the doe of this Mortgage of any tau of the Sts:r of \chraska deducting from the valor of
<br />the nsaagaged property (a: an}• part thereof), for the purpose „f rntron, any lien thereon, nr rho aging in any vay
<br />its faros for th< tazuian of mo:tgxgrs or deb, u:urcd by r-.mty~ge fcr state ar loaaf p:::pnsrs, or the manner of collec-
<br />tion of any such tax, so x_ to affect this Afortgagt, and if after s .., e-nutmrnt c+r change the holder of the Nnte and this
<br />Mocigagr gives wtiarn noti.r to the Afortgagor dnlaring the Note and al! other ;ndchtnintss secured by this Mortgage
<br />to be due and pxyahlr. beta use of any wrh matt meat or rhangc, is+cacdiatciy upon the expiration of thirty t30) days
<br />afro: such Hotter.
<br />I•he Afoggagce•s failure ie ezerrfst an} of its riglrts hereunder shat! not annst,mte a waiver thereof. All the events in this Parr
<br />graph enumerated upnn the happening of any of which the Nnit shall bn on,e, or may br decl:rrd to be, immediately doe and
<br />payable, ate in This Morteagr tolled "rvrnu of dau';"
<br />12. The Morgagce map f:aim rime to time cure ca.h default under any tovrnant ar ogre*mcnt in soy instrument crating a
<br />lien upon the mortgaged prof <rry, a any part Et,veut, which shall i:ace prio:sty over the hen of :his Mortgage. to such eztrnt
<br />as the Mortgagee tnay ezclusis fly deterrntne, and each amount paid (if any) by the Mottgagec to cure any such default shaft be paid
<br />by the Afortgagor to 2hc Meagxgcr; and the Afortgagor shall also hccomr soh;, gated to whatever rights the holder of [he prior
<br />lira might hour under such instrun:rnt.
<br />13. (a) diter the happeailg r.i any default hcrcundrr, the Mortgagor shat! upon demand of the Mortg:gee surrrnder posses-
<br />sion aE the mortgaged p:aperq~ rn the Aivrgagrc. and the Ainrtgagrt may emtr v,<h property, sod let ihr same and called all the
<br />teats tl,erefram which are due .: t., hrrumc due. and apply the same, after payment of all charges arsd ezpensrs, nn attnant of
<br />tIu indcbtedarss hereby sr. errd. an.. ,,;1 s::.h rrnts and all leas, ezittint at the time of note default are hetehy assigned to the
<br />Mottgagec as father ;rauc;t. ire the p.:v:rent of the indehtrdntss secured harbp~, and tht Atortgagce map afro dispourss, by the
<br />usual summar}- p¢•credrngs, a ._:._nt .is.adttag in the payment of zny rent to the Atortgagce -
<br />(b) !a the czcn: thrt the Alo:tgaFro .+:upics :h< mortgaged pn.prrty oz any part thereof, the Murtgagot agttts to surrender
<br />passeaiwr of su.h ;- .,pr:+r A, ';u Mortgagee n....._d:atrly a{ter any such ddault hereunder, and if the Mortgagor remains is pos•
<br />sruion after suet, ~a:a„$. +,_th posa~au.a zhild bra., . :toot of Iht Mnrtgarce. and rht Mortgagor shill paq in advmtq upon
<br />drtrusnd br stet A*. ~zigagcc, as a u , -a blr a:oa:ldy re a:al sis¢ the promius u:cup,sd by the Murtgagot, an amount at (cast equivalent
<br />ba tmrtwtlf:h of ihr aggu~,a tr .fat he twr3+e moa+hly imtxllma-nts p.r ~h)e m [hr rurrrnt talee tar year, plus the aefml amount of
<br />tSse ann::al ground rent if ~ :n-•., as- ...nrn:s, *atcs rates, other gv*<tnmr.*:zal charges and insurance premiums payable in
<br />rorznrrtioo with dx :-:cv ig-a;ed pzoprzty s.lariag su_fs vc r, and upua tfse fzilurr of the Mnngagar to pay suth monthly rental,
<br />the Mortgagor n afro 4r .i,z;"zsrsscd br the u:wl sumrauy proradings apphaable to tenants. This cncrnant shall become
<br />rffrctivr immtdiatciy upon !i,c hapn.n:ng of olio such default. as drtezmir:cd ;n the sole drscrrnon of the Mortgagee, rote, stuff
<br />grze Hatt, cf sach drtr.::::nahon r.. the M,•agag;:;, and in the ux of farr.iosure and the appn;ntm<nt of a reu:vcr of the trots,
<br />the witlsin eovenznt shalt iae:r to :hc bcacfl: of wrh re: ca rr.
<br />14 Tfse Mottgagec in any ratan to forrclmc this Mvpg:gt shalt he snr,Urd tr. the apporntmrnt of a rrceirec without notice,
<br />as a matter of right anJ without regard t. cyst +alat c:f the :n„-tnagrd pr=~I~rry. or rht solve ncy or int.?Ivrncy of the Mottg:got
<br />ar other party liabfe iur the payment of [he Notr afld ottur indrhirdarss .,, oral hp this Mortgage
<br />I3- The Mottgagvr, withrn ten {I;q Says vp.vs request to person or within twenty (2U} days upon ecquat by mail, will
<br />Fwnish promptly a -w•th:cn sutancnt in form satisfactory to the Aforlgagrt, sigcud by the Mortgagor and duly acknuwltdged, of
<br />the amount then awing on the Notr and ether indebtedness seturrd !ay this Mortgage, and whether any offsets or defenses
<br />tzist against such indcbtedtstsi ar aqy putt thrrrnf
<br />16. Tlse Mortgagor will give immrdiaEe notice by registered nr rrttified mail to the Mortgage of any Eire, damage or other
<br />casualty affuiing the mortgaged pzoprrty, or of any can•eyarue, transfer or change in ownrnhip of such pmperty, or aoy psrt
<br />thereof_
<br />17. 1'v'otice and detssaad ar request may be made in •~ ^~ng and map be served in person or by mail.
<br />18. fus case of a tottdoaure sale of the mortgaged property it troy 6e sold in one puce(.
<br />S4. The Mortgagor will not assign the rtna, if any, in who~c or in part, fcom the mortgaged property, or any part ;hereof,
<br />wilhaut tht prior wcitirn consent of the DSartgagre.
<br />