<br />not extend m• postpone the due date of the nionthh insut!Imm~ts referred to in paragrspits l and 2 hereof or
<br />change ihe atnount of such installments.
<br />10. Borrower Not Released. Extension of the time for pa}•ment or modification of amortization of t}te sums
<br />secured by this Mort--gage granted b}• Lender to any successor in interest of Borrotcer shall not operate to release,
<br />in any [Wanner, the liability of the original 13arrower and Borawer's successors in interest. Lender shall not be
<br />required to commence proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify
<br />amortization of the sums secured b}• this \[ortgagc by reason of :ui}- demand mac{c },v ihe. original Borrower snd
<br />Borrower's suecessars in interest.
<br />11. Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. :1ny forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy
<br />hereunder, or otherwise afforded by s!>plicable law, ;hall not be a trotter of or pees{udc the exercise of any right
<br />or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or the payment of faxes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br />shall rot be a waiter of Leader's right to aeceieratc the maturity of the indebtedness secured Ivy this Mortgage.
<br />12. Remedies Cumulative. All remedies provided ir, this Mortgage arc c{fattest and cumulative to any other
<br />~ [fight or remedy under this Mortgage or afforded h}- late or equip', and may he exercised concurrenth•, independ-
<br />ltij ently or successively.
<br />(,^ ~ 19. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Captions. The cotenants and agreetnent~e
<br />herein contained shall bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the respective suceeseors :md assigns of Lender
<br />and Borrower. subject to the protisions of paragraph 1 ~ herraf.:111 cotenants and agreemems of Borrower shall
<br />~ be joint and setersl. The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Alortgaga are for eoncenienee onl_ti> and
<br />are not to be used to interpret ur define rite protisions hereof.
<br />aJ 14. Notice. :>.n} notice to Eorrotcer prodded for in thi= Mortgage shall he siren br ensiling such notice by
<br />certified utai{ addressed to Borrower ut the Yropem- 3ddres~ stated hrlott, except for an}• notice required under
<br />paragraph 1S hereof to be after. to Borower in tkc manner prt•scribed h}' a}tplicabk law..yn}• notice provided
<br />for in this Mortgage shall be deemed to hair been }ten to Bor.'otver when given in the mamier designated herein.
<br />I5. Uniform Mortgage; Governing Law; Severability. •r}:1.~ font of mortgage combines uniform covenants
<br />for national use snd non-unifornt covenants n-ith limited t•ariations b}- jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu-
<br />rity instrument covering real ptopert}•. This Mortgage s}tal! he saterned in• the law of the jurisdiction in which
<br />who Pmx,nNt l~.n#~ 7„ rh_ ~ rho _ _ ~ ~ - -
<br />s,. ; is .. .. > agent ut a t}- pro:'isiott cr ,'a =€ c t}ti, aurtgage or ihe _.ote c•onfltc{s v+`iih
<br />app}icable lac-, such con6ict ;hall not affect>other protisions ofUthis i\Iot•tgage or the \ote which can he given
<br />effect without the conflicting prm-ision, snd to [his end the protisions of the \iortgage and the dote arc declared
<br />to be severable.
<br />lb. BozroweisCopy. Borrotcershsll he inrnishrd a conformed copy of this Mortgage at the time of execu-
<br />tion or after recordation. hereof.
<br />i7. Transfer of the Property; Assumption. Ii alt ar any ;,art ni the Propet2}' or an interest therein is so13
<br />ar transferred br Borrower without Lender's prior wrir~;t conser.*. cxclt:dirg jai tl:e creation, of s Iien or encum-
<br />brance subordinate to this Monga,r, ~ bt the rrestior, ,~ .~ ]mrc'trssc• rnonet securty interest for household appli-
<br />sac~, lei a transfer br de+•ise, de-cent or i>t o}?eratiea „i httr u!tun t{te ,tenth of s ;Dint tenant or di the grant. ai
<br />say leasehold interest of three rears or teas eat co:ttar::mg an oi,ti,ut to tturrhssr, I_euder n:ay. at Lenders option,
<br />declare all ihe sums secured b}- thts \Io*.-tgage to i,c ::n:ne,iiatch- ,iu~ amt payai~Jr. Lrr;ue- shall base waited such
<br />option io acce}crate if. prier [o the sa{e or trap fee. Len,ic and t.a• pt•rson to wl:ont [i;e Yropem is to be sold ar
<br />transferred reach agreement in writing t{:at tl:e crerin of Luc}i },er:on :, ,arisiaetu-r [o Lender and that the interest
<br />payable on the suer; secured by this \iongsee~ shah Ls- at ~a,~h rate a- Ls•mi,~r shall regarst- It Lender has waited
<br />the option to accelerate prodded in this hars>_rspL ! ; and ti Borrott,~r's -u,•re~or ir, i;aerest has executed a writ-
<br />ten a~urnption agreement accepted fit tt-rttnis b}- lender. Linder sns}i re{es~r Burrower froth all obligations under
<br />this 113ortgage and the 5ote-
<br />Zf Lender exercises suc}t option. to secrlrrate, Lender shall :t:ai} Borrower entice of acceleration iu accordance
<br />with paragraph 1~ ]tereoi. ;:uch notice ci:aii prat:dc a ;,Triod of not k•s, than. 3L) does ireu: a c date the notice is
<br />ntsiled aithin wlrirh Borrower may pay the sut:"t~ devises,{ ~iu,•" Ii Borruwcr iu;}- to l;at ,'ltit stntls prior to the
<br />eapiratioa of such period. Lender mac. trio s}ut it:rtire:' nottcs o: Nieman,+. vn Borrower. itttoke am remedies per-
<br />mitted b}- paragraph 1$ hereof.
<br />\ov-I~~tFOapt t'nvFsa~rs. I3orrutct~•r :anal L*_~n,irr fut•tlu•i• s•otenant ttnd a';rr>=> tt= fuik~w=
<br />lS. Acceleration; Remedies. E>:rcltt s~ ! ".z,lr~i it; , rrasrtl~i~ l; ?,crept. u}wn Borrower`s breach of ant
<br />eorenant or agreement of Barrmter to t",,is Mar;;,aer_ un h.,ivr_ t.., eotenant= tv !!ar +~ hen ,{u,~ :u[} sums xxured
<br />by this Mortgage. Lends•r prior to ac,s•ler~i[u,r~ >?:~ii: n.:u? r,onri u> Borrotcer :~• !,ro+:,itd to ! .ara~~eapl: I4 Lereof
<br />specifying: t11 the bzesc{t; ~2+ the at•uon m-,ur<•~i Ttt cure _i:rl: t,'re~elr '13;• :a aat.•. not i,><: nit-an ttnrtt dati:~
<br />iron- the vote the notice is neai!ed tv Burrs=',crr.'•r =-tLtr1: such b; ca~,it a:ust t~ curcti, an:; ,-t ~ =.itat is:!ure to cure
<br />Such hr~ch nt. or h-More tare date suc>rttiwi .r, ti,r rtotirc usY} rs~ult :r. sccch-rafi.u; ui t}n• .um- serurnd ba- th?<s
<br />Mortgage and sale of rite I'ronern. I; ti:e !:re~ac!; :< nut s~ur„i ,a:.~r !;efore t}tc data s!~~:•tY'.c-{ u: ihe nu[ics>. I-ender
<br />at Lender= apti~n a?s}- dcc'=ar,~ alt u; ?i•c- >une se;urn-; to tin- Mi,rtt;:~r~ to iri~ nnn:,•,l;at,•!_t due _ruc{ (,ay3hle
<br />without iurtherdernand am{ :. ~,. iorrc._. _ t!•as Murtg !sr lud:ci.. rv'ecr,i. _. , ~,, ,
<br />- tit;. Lt r_:
<br />,> ..! . iLr -t;ali !.c ^•aiet{ to splice,
<br />in such p_*xxtrding al! rxpet._rs ui .u_,~clo~ur,. :::visaing" ht:t not~~iur,tc,i tu. :•mr- of cioo;;u;r•taar. rtidrt,cr.
<br />abstt•acfs and title repnrts.
<br />I9. BorrQwor's Right to Retardate. yottttrr,staar{tr.> Lrn,ier'> aect•Irrstiut: of tits, suer. secured bt th
<br />{ortgage- Borrower shall hate the rglt2 to bare an}- prcx•~edirr,_•. l>tgur: i~t i,r:u{rr u. rniurr•r =,lus Att;r[gage dis-
<br />roniiaued at any time prior to ertn• t;f a to+isrtrnt ,;nioTCing th:. \lort~~s{;r t ,a~ Borruu,•r lays Lender all
<br />>ums which ~cauid br then due under refs Alartga¢r-. thc• Aote :urd note- rerurinr 'raaun~ .ldtance-, if ant. had no
<br />acceleration occurred: tb, Borrower cure= all her;a:!n~- ,~, ;, m' other con cnn,nt- cr areerc~<•nt of Borrower eun-
<br />tained in this Mortgage; tt f ]scrrower pays u{1 reaxuta}d+• t•xpen~e< mcura,{ i,y Lender in cnfun mg the rotrnant>
<br />sad agreements of Borrotcer eontainc~i rn thi- Murtgxs• ;,n;i m ,•niarcins l.eaderb retardies ;~, prove{esi in para-
<br />graph 18 hereof, including, but not limited to, reasonabl, stu,nte}'- fee-; an,i ~d i Borrower takes sus•h action as
<br />Lender may reasonably require io assure tnzit tlx• lien of this Mortgage. Lender's intere.t in the Property and
<br />Borromer's obligation to pay the sums secured fry this \Iortg:i<;r ~i:a31 ,•ontir,ue unimpaired- L~parr -urh payment
<br />and cure by Borrower, this'i'Iortgage and the obhgatiotxs ax•ure,{ lterrbr s!!sll restate in fu!l force and effect as if
<br />ao acceleration had occurred.
<br />20. 14a~gaiaeat od 8eafa; Appoiatm~i of Receiver Lender in Possession. as additional security here-
<br />tmder, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender the rents of rite Propen}•. primideci that Borrower shall, prior ro acceler-
<br />atiaa under paragraph 18 hereof or abandonment of the. Propertc. hate, the right to rolled and retain such rents
<br />as they become due sad payable.
<br />Ltpoa acceleration under paragraph 1$ hereof or ahandonrnrnt of the Yrapertt. I,e•uder. in },crape, by agent
<br />or cy judicially appointed receiver shall be entitles{ to enter upon. take !=assc»ion of and manage t'ru• Property
<br />sad ~o ~'~-` the its of'xI'ie%y, i~c'rudrrig thnge past due- .iii epees ooiie~•[o,i its i.em{er ur the rereirer
<br />shall be applied Hest to payment-of the costs of management of the Yropertr and t•ullr rtiun of rentr, tnrludink- bo[
<br />not limited to, receivers fees, premiums on receimr's bonds :uul ma-sutab{c nttrrnrv"s fees- and then to the cuuts
<br />secured by Lhis \lortgagc. Ixnder and the receiver shall hs• liable to accrount only for those rents :irtua!it• rcreiter{.
<br />