,._ -
<br />ZOSYi-,HEL.EASE pF MO~'GAGE-Carporafion Tne xurn,au o.uerat sunntr x~uE9, Ltn~ot:,, N,1,:,
<br />IN CONSIDERATION of the pay+nent of the debt named therein, the Bank of Doniphan,
<br />Doniphan, Nebraska hereby releases the >rtortn~trr, rs~a~e'e tr
<br />RGger M, Freeman and Be°~,ah E. Freeman, Husband and Wife,
<br />on the fottouring described real estate, to-uat:
<br />Lot Seven (7}, Amick Acres Third subdivision, Hail County, Nebraska,
<br />i Located in the North half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest
<br />Quarter (N~NE~SWa} and part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest
<br />I Quarter (SE-~ NWT) of Section Two (2}, Tovmship Nine (9) North, Range
<br />Ten (1Q) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />~ of Seetion in Township ,Range o P. M., Hall
<br />Coxnt state z7$°~~~47~
<br />t y, of Nebraska xakich is recorded in 73oa Rea! Estate hfcrtpa~:s, sg,~
<br />of the records of said COYnty.
<br />! IN TESTi.MONY tYHERF_OF, the said Bank of Doniphan, Doniphan, NE hcs teas>d
<br />F Huse presents to be rzecated by its president and its Corporate Seat to be ajFxed hereto this 23rd
<br />day of t~iaY ~ IP 74
<br />! Fitness; , ~ - .. ...- B_- of _•Don~han ... oniphan: NE..
<br />r-"''
<br />-- +.r ~ ... .. ......... ........ By/-.y i'.i/.. ... ..... ,President
<br />j S f-{`
<br />- ~ --r+' ----.._1. ....» ... .. ........ _. Attest .. _-.:_?~.-.-..- 1 [~~>.~,~Cashier, Sen'etary
<br />_ -~_
<br />..
<br />.:.
<br />• •- :~>_s..-,_'°- : -_~= ss. On this. .1T_S~_.._.day ot- ~'~ - -...--._ .......... ... tq..-i4..
<br />~~ ~~ -----.___-_.__-_County before me, the undersigned, a Notary P~abiit in and fns soiG
<br />Coscnty, persq~allv~.rasne.--------_G~S2r,.g@...~.---~~n7..~s~hjS2-----------------------------------------___ _.... _--.... P,-esidcnt of thr
<br />~ '-------------~~1?~C.__G~.-~QX'-1jtf1~'3j...>~.4??1,j2~.4~P.,..N~'+.------------ - a CerFeratinn
<br />to nu pcrsonaily knouat to be the President and idrntital person whose name is aj}ixed tc t}e.• ^^cvc r=~icase and
<br />~:cknondedged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as sucF. officer, and !?u ^~~?t:r,:.;ry c:t and deed
<br />of said Corporation.
<br />b~itnrss nsy hmad and Notasi„t Scat al----Doniphan,--NE._------------------......_.., in sand County :);; day and year
<br />Last abar~z written. •-
<br />~ li .-' ;
<br />N contntission es ' ~
<br />es.. - - 1'` ~ -
<br />y tm .°- -- ---...-.-.~,Y..t~3c_-~?~€'L-~=-•-~ .'1'a.+ary~ pubtu
<br />- ' ~HYIt~-MwrYw~
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