S'1'+1Th; Uk' NF:B1tASKA, County of ........................................................:
<br />1•'iled for record and entered is Numerical Index
<br />on ............................................................ at................ o'clock ................ vl.,
<br />and recorded in Deed Record ............................. Yage ............................
<br />............................................................ By ............................................................ _.___.-_
<br />County Clerk or Deputy County Clerk or PVEERASKA DOCU(t4EN~- Tq~Y
<br />Register of Deeds Deputy Register of Deeds STAiUtP TAX
<br />JU1V ~ ~~~~
<br />79 U G 3 5 4 6 QUITCLAIM DEED ~ ,us ,~
<br />~~ BY `~!
<br />BERTHA Zi. SNYDER, a widow ,herein called the grantor Mhether one or more,
<br />~:: +•onsideration of LOVE and AFFECTION {fair market value $2981.25)
<br />recrived from grantee, dots quitclaim, grants bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto
<br />DONALD F. SNYDER {Grantor's son) and THELMA V. DANIELS {Grantor's daughter;
<br />as joint tenants and not as tenants in common,
<br />l:rrein ^alled the grantee whether onrt or morq the folloxing described real property in
<br />.......Hall ........... Gounty, Nebraska:
<br />The easterly Four Feet (4') of the northerly Sixty-Six Feet {66')
<br />of Lot Seven {7), and the northerly Sixty-Six Feet {66') of Lot
<br />Eight {8), in Block Ninety-Two {92), in the Original Town, now City,
<br />of Grand Island, Nebraska, being a rectangular tract of ground
<br />66 x 70 Feet, having an easterly frontage of 66 Feet an Kimball
<br />Avenue, and being bounded on the North by the South line of the alley
<br />in said Block, as surveyed, platted and recorded, subject to a
<br />Right-of-Way through the westerly portion of the premises for building,
<br />operating and maintaining a sewer line for the purpose of connecting
<br />the premises South thereof and adjacent thereto with the sewer line
<br />in the alley of sa;d Block, as reserved in the Warranty Deed dated
<br />4tarch 25, 2920, filed for record in the Office of the Register of
<br />Deeds of HaII Count9y, Nebraska, an May 3, 1920, recorded in Book 59
<br />of De~a~~j'taaa~hoTd ~e above d-scribed pre!!~~i~~e<~tt +• er 1 tr e e
<br />:,:i appunevanees thereto belonging unto the graatte~XacXi~~~~fi~ thea~t~'~ff~ltts in
<br />common
<br />Dated June 6, Ig 79.
<br />~: ~
<br />~ ,,
<br />... Bertha M. Snyder}) .. ....~
<br />;','.;3E (;F tiEBRAS&A, Co-.iaty of ..............Hail
<br />Before me, a notary public qualified .for sail caunty, person~ll}- came
<br />Bertha M. Snyder, a widow,
<br />~~~~ knoicn to me to be the ideuticxl person or perwons who signed the
<br />~g ~~ ~ ~t ~ fot'e~fllag i,rtrum~nt.~t rir~,tsl~exaa;~x~x~:~a,~x~
<br />~ e /
<br />~ 4 itnesc my band and gotarial seal on June G~ 1979.
<br />.................................t,...........................
<br />r~~ 1s.1~ ....... ......_ ............................... .......,..... Notary Public
<br />...........
<br />~. .-
<br />_ ~//x
<br />~. ley cession espirc~s%~"1'~`:'',,1-~......r .:.'~'i.'~.~ ............... 1811.......
<br />pproved Dy Nebraska State Bar Associatia~ Pelkw, i Wd[ q,., urwn, Metr.
<br />