<br />ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS Lcan No. _4423-7 _
<br />KNOtH ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Dennis W. Thede and Vir Jeanne R. Thede, husband and wife
<br />(hereinafter called the Mortgagors) in consideration of the sum of
<br />Seventeen Thousand Two Kundred and N0;100------------------------- Doltars15--17 200.00--}
<br />loaned to Mortgagors, do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN pSSOC{A~ION dt Omaha,
<br />Nebraska, (hereinafter called "Commercial"), its successors and assigns, the following described real estate, situated in the County of,
<br />Hall State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />The Southerly Farty-Five (45) feet of Lot Ten (10) in Block Two (2),
<br />in First ARtistic Ho~nes'Addition to the City of brand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLC THE SAME. with the appurtenantds thereunto belonging. unto Commercial, +ts successor<_ and assigns. forever.
<br />Said Mortgagors hereby covenant with said Commercial: +ts successors and assigns, :hat Mortgagors are lawfully se+zed of sa.d premises, that
<br />they are free from encumbrances, and ±hat they wiL' forever warrant and defend the title to said premises aga+nst the !awful claims of all persons
<br />whomsoever.
<br />Provided. nevertheless, these presents are upon the fol!dwmg cendii+ens:
<br />That whereas the said ARertgagors as members of Commercial have this date executed a r:ot2 ev+d?Hung such .can and agreeing to repay said
<br />sum df money, with interest, ir, payments as set forth in said note and have agreed to ab+de bw the terms o;` sa+d role and Charter and Bylaws of
<br />Commercial.
<br />That whereas bh+s mortgage shall secure any additianal advances. w+th interest, which may. 2t the option of Commerual. be made by Com-
<br />mercial to the und2rs+grted Mortgagors or their successors +n tit:? for any pcrpos?. at dry fire before the release and cancellahen of this mdr~age,
<br />hrt PROVIDED. HOY(EVER. at no bins shall th? aggrega?e p:,nupal ar+aunt secured by this mortgage. be+ng the amount due at any ±+me on said
<br />or+ginal note and any additional advances made. exceed an anour.t equal to l;Cr percent of the amount of fh2 original note. but m no event shall
<br />said note exceed the maximur7 ameura pert;+tted !rv law, aria PROVIDED. HDY~EVER- thai nofnmg here!n contained shall h2 cans!dered as IimiPng
<br />tha a~,eumt that sha:I be secured heretry when advanced to protect me secur+ty or in accordance witfr revenants contained in the mortgage.
<br />Nctis, rf the said Mortgagors shat: pay cr cause tc be n?+d ~ e sa+d se-',s of -oney wren due. as set forr~:.n sa+d note, and any other note for
<br />add; tixsai ad>ances made until said deb; !s r ry paid w;th interest, then these 'es2n?s shall be void: othernis2. to be and remain in furl force and
<br />effect: but +f default shoeld be made:
<br />~ar In any of trio payments due an said dote. and any other Hate for addrbena! advances made, as therein agreed td be made for (hree months. or
<br />ht In i:eepmg ~e +mprov2m?n?s c- sa:d drem~ses ;nsur2d aga~rst loss by :2asdn of fue. I+ghtnmg. and other hazards included +n extended
<br />:a:~rag2 +nsu:ance +n an ar+cunf not less than the unpa+d: balance of sa+d ^crtgage loan. ;n a company er com,panies attep(ab!e to Com-
<br />merrial. the original -af such np,ty or ~J+:nes to ',? herd ay Comm2raai. and w+th a mortgage c:aus2 attached :o said policy rir polices,
<br />rn faYvt rf CP^^?2rCra l: ~r
<br />+C. en the pay+nent of IaxeS and dsseSS'i~2R is :e'v~ef. uCwn Sait ,;2miSeS, ~J:..' t^!5 T~.J'ipage, ?, 3.? 'rey a.2 d?I:naL2nt: C:'
<br />~c= If u;2!? .s any change n h2 ~,w*s~s~ ~, cf ut2 2a ~s._:? :._rigao d tie.?.n ^_y sa _ e~:~_~ __+ ~;ur ,> b}' +ard conhdcf. dr by ass+gnmert of
<br />dry +nterest nrereer o, ^L:era'ue`
<br />then. +.^. any of the above s2' forth ev2n:s. ih? w Jig :ndebt2d.25s hereby se,^'ur2d shat:' d: ?"_ _ i _ f i~*-2 r:a d-~at2iy !>zce^e due and
<br />ra ab+e w+fi,_i ~~rther na, ~e. ^d i12 a> av^.? sue :,rid?r sa+d note and an ether n ? dd~i d.a: ~: - ": se
<br />y y a e for a a' a ces "ace sha _ 2 date of the exercr
<br />of sad cp?roo trear ~n•.er2s' a? fh2 as :.T 'eka 'ail per amore. ar.d this mdrtgag ':dy then br ,.!os>: ': sa' s . ?re ,. _~ ., c-a? on said nets. and
<br />zrn over note far and+t+anas ad~rncas ingaUti2a w+in a1i s;:+ns pa+d by i'~mmercia! for ins.rane2 :aces dss2ss>•~enfs and aest:att extens+on charges.
<br />w+Gt ;merest 7rerean frd;r the date tf payment a? h2 ^ax;~u- legal rate.
<br />PROVIDED tha? ::^. rc event e:tn2• be`.er2 : aft2• d2fae!:. shall the +nter2s? dug u^cer i; ^_ n: i2 ;.,,.:;; , -t-tga;2 dnd am' other note far ad-
<br />%it;Gn-'_ adoa^~es ----,dde exceed ;;= nar.,T:;;- aa'*; ;nr2^2st ra'e.
<br />?RtIDEC .;;~he+. ~a' ~ he .=er.t ^+a:::e,., . ;.pus .., tfte .,,i; ,g , ,e :af _ __ _. _._ _-_ _ _ _ 8! .... , adC:hmna!
<br />advances as ?he~:2in ag;~, tc :>: ~o?.: h_er -g , . ~.e-:s2> .n>r:a^~. ~_ a__:_ -; , ,~,. _ ~ e .~ __ _ . 2 :a; e.. of th? ~x2s
<br />ar 6ss2s_r.nr +ev~2~ :2 ,'2- se5 ac_...,_s•_•:x,.. :;xn a .. _ igak ~'_•_ to , . 2 [+; _~ __ ._ - __ ?'ca sna'; be enured
<br />tt the . ,ma;+at2 azsss., e„ . .:e~+ses a'aCl2 de5~ .,YC ?cg2n+e. v'+t6 ; its . - _.,> _ »_?~ _ _ r ~ . :"2 era-uses and °at
<br />: a ,+sre,!~, ~s2 .._ redis s~ ;a. as ce2-_ ^ere»a :. 'he ~,~oes2 . -a, ;'2C_ s _. ~:e ~ _. s_~ .._ ., ..2 pa _. ' ..susdr.ce
<br />premrums Lxes anC ass2ssmtx+ts ran such a•er ses anC . :_cessan expenses :,.,;, ~„ e :. a ~:;- _ -._e> ~n ,:r.g .~,_ tnara,,,, .and
<br />r ply' 5... ~:d ..vte ..^d Cy ..; t.., e~."_ _ ..x ,.. . ,.mss h2`eu~d2r ~C. S2 "d2. P.~,255 5~.~ t'.. .... _n ~:., p;:°pOSes
<br />the-u3der..gn-d tti.,es n_ e?,>s?:! .,ssss:.~s° ._ ~a_ to s'2 ~nh ~_, ..:ca _ :, sa., _ s ~ „tee_> a:~ ;.~ 2 .,,,;;r,g any ?a^d tant;act
<br />;,aym?nts oue martgag2 owners r a^} ciher _.- ?, ._. n~_ ~+~i:.is„.ver : r sa d ar;,Per . . hr ,. ^, r„ ., c^e ^utes a~ve ;desr.+9ee. b+;? sa+d
<br />Cemm2rua .:.a'.,r, ri~ case b2 dab . +~ ne .;. _ _ .~ , . _,, _ .enants ~a :2~; ~ents. J , :cs2_~*,2 a~Y nrs '.- '2coc2: ~?ssess.:,n of said prem+sei
<br />7h2 ~6ort6~g_rs fr i.2r ,ae ..: Lo: .rc: ~ _' u. a^a. ti3,~as,a :nr+ a:irrne, ac'. •<. , sa:v a r-eti .ewe ?J:•cah~v e,tifi>; rn + ;own
<br />name er tdcrtgagcrs' n,.,.-.> ._ .a.._ ar. net2ss. , si a '<r „r ~er`'rgs +n ~a : ;ID2sws2 ,. ~>r>e sa . r _-:,s2> ! .,2 ...ta.ed !c r, '2a rentals
<br />:rr ote* i .cores d;e and weer v, ant _: ;2i=? mr san> ae2 a', 'e~,anab e :e;x'-s -._ _ :,x_> ,,.. ~ >a d rents t _~, is :dntratt payments ur
<br />InLdmes anu fJ 1_ a.. >;, rh t1;;.; gS e T'2 ,~y ,r> , w. :ft,ra. :, try Cfi.' '~3(t.25 ~J1 au _r~,-_/ ~-,. „__ -tFd ~rv ; 35 .S ap2:~ {~_+ Sa;d ;v:pese. and
<br />e-ra; ge .:ay ??..5., f22 _~ sCC ~. _., _ _ . r _b~._ 92 0'...c a, 5;.-._i . -,2> _._ ~a su'. egrr a'Id ~ . » r t?• 5 a5 .,, ±he+' Say
<br />af~'ney ^'=y Se2:^ ~5- w-'n `:. we ,f Su JS~~ ._-:
<br />i^= AS. `;~ 3_-s 3e a:w eg~~ . _ iw,:. ?-t ,. _ ;~e _ ,,, .~iuo.a .-r J?c° : s ~ s Tad2 ,a~'y : a~+y se,t _' prdceaG+ng r2iat,ng
<br />u pie h£ e-~ befJ~2 des .YVni '!?=' ?$._._ _ _ "1'. .~~~. .,..... ,. _ .. ~5 : Sa`, _ :, $., ::: Pt ~' .,.~:.:2rt l.. !'.:'tga ~_' ~ A'+;'
<br />r,,,: tJ, S° s ....2c6a' _ ?2as., ._. ,...?> i ._ `ed (}, .2 _ .'' n .aiG 5.. ,~e.^_"~ 1 e 1-/:~ g _ ._'ale a~ a. that fh_ tin e,a'Sefpr2
<br />3E5[p.ilPC i2a. >at2 . .: ,.a'" ~r.r. Cr _~..;,._:. n?d :h_1C>w_ .~ .. 7_: f'a:n ?rP. c.„ _i2d „,.ilh!;~. :,5.. ,.,. va„ages
<br />aMar~' C+2 ; ~,2ec_ {_ ?t:2 ?k ^g and ` . ~+2 :ars:C~ ..rte acn,:c : *~? <xt_,.. .,.:~ a o. ,n, a. a n:ne ,r,a:c +ndebied
<br />Hess 52-.:re+v frr+s ~"!tg34e t)?, a L'rey 2bti art. _.,5 g'IE-:..u ~ ~, :.~21r 2; dnd 51!a! D2 p _ ~; r!Sw~?~ t n•_..:Pr{r~a- io f_ app"• _d .n ...f f ,.-,
<br />'3~.2 raSt ^aL+;'tg +n$ta`vrx+IS .' Si:~~. ^nd2bt2'rreSS, 'J,.n. -
<br />C'a~d TM+s S'Y-jt ,~ryday ;;f ~c7g]E 9 ~ ..~, -, , ,
<br />fN THE PRESENCE DF: ! / ~2 _ . f' r
<br />Dennis W~ Thede
<br />_ ~~~ ,
<br />Vir Jean e~R. Thede
<br />GOUNTY Of ss. r~~---- --.- ----
<br />On iRrs _ S~ dyy of ~i1'~~ ____ . i9 1_t t,?fore roc, a otdry publ;c in acrd for sand County, parsonal;y came
<br />the attdve-n3raed
<br />Dennis W, Tr~ede dad Vir Jeanne R. Thede, husband and wife
<br />to =~ ee?f Imo 6cal person or perscrs whole name is or r•,ames are aff+xed to the abav2 ~=,ortgage as grantor o+ gran':oe; ano they, he
<br />~~iG1 said instrument atW tt;e 2x2t:fti Gn 'hereof, t0 IF i'. : ;;;untary act rid ~'//j
<br />1 it -" ~iic~w~v.oa Y ~ _. d ~L?n f j ~.
<br />~IfAAtlaal th+s day and year cast above wsitfen. ~-' /~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~
<br />My tommrss+on expues an ~e ~'~ day of _L711i2S.~~ y_.- - ;9~~. M 5r
<br />