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STATE OF NEBRASKA, County of ........................................ <br />Filed for record on ................................. 39 ........ at ............ <br />and recorded in the Deed Record ................................. Page <br />.................................................................................... By .. <br />;Register of Deeds <br />7i3... (,t(l~~~~ <br />SURVIV®125HIP WA: <br />....... <br />STATEMENT ATTACH~p <br />................ o'clock ........................ M. <br />1VESFtASKA QC!CU"~1E`VT^.RY <br />............................. ST.4i~f? T.RX <br />...................P....3 .......g:........................q~~......~,..~~~ `~ <br />De ut - Re tster f Deeds <br />~~1TX DEE gv~~ <br />E91IL r. ECESn"R, A SINGLE P"~ISuIVT, krlQ l~,I,A 13. '?CESER, A SI:dGLE PERSON, AS TE:IAIdTS IN <br />GOIIIvON, <br />herein called the grantor whether one or more, <br />in consideration of r I`r^.' Y T&O;ISA'_~3 A?~ '.,Tti%1GC OGLLARS <br />receired from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell conrey and confirm unto <br />3€ICHAEL R. CLARK A~J 1.4AR'+& L. GLA.tiK, ::USBA?]J A_~ '"-''-"'E, <br />as joint tenants with right of sttrvisorship, and not as tenants in common, the following described real <br />property in ........~A~eT,+ ............................................... County, Nebraska: PAc7_' OF LGT THRHE (3) ~ IN BLOCK <br />$,,..T~'~,v-u~ E~\ ,-t~ m~~ Tv,~r~' 1"'-~ ,-,,,.y -- ~ Y~ <br />1 ! +. i'~ ~. L uc, ct: ~~ ..ii ~, +r G; v'i= iJ 1..~,''.~G'tiL, iiA:.i, GUUP~1 Yf,tFR{jJ4(1, <br />]dGRE PA3TICIIyARLY QFSCPIBID AS FCL?A1~5: CCk?-Sr :CItvG AT TiE P;ORTliri~'STERLY CORNER OF <br />SAID LOT T1lP.EE (3), R''v^.vr.L'VG sF~.~'CE Sv:+'iiT..^'t3.Y C':d ~.+~ '~iT~TERLY LIir~E GF SALT LCi= EIGHTY- <br />EIG>2 ($$) ; u'EC, 'T]BiNT:E ?SAS"i'ERLX A^_' RIGHT A_~::~:i, SEYEh"'El"7 ~1PID Ot~~E-i16I.~ (.'.7~) z+r~'T, <br />Rt~'lv?,ZNG Tl~iGS AT RIGI?T AF;G°3 ES uS A SC~':~B'".nL° 0?.ETTC:v', F4i~'Y-='~i7R (!t2:) FEFsT ?0 i`I~ <br />ALLEY i?v SAS BLOCK, R:.~tI11G ~'~'.dCE :;&S'E.RLY AT ..=G A.tGLES CV ?~ SG:]T:i1ac,LY LI:d6 <br />Q.~ SAID I13T, T'r~,3fiY-S~ AY7 OAt"mA7.n~ (2tY-) Pr:~,~'=~:*CE AT ??Clit A.^Gi.~S 1'Q8ir1IIlI.Y kbR <br />A D~STAtdCE C7F Ql~S zi?'w?t2F~ T ~i.~'.TY-':~'J (aye) FAT iC ~I~Ts ::QP'i?tF..,Fi1:Y Li''.~L; G: SAZD ~JP, <br />RJ'~::IVG '1dCE :~'E.S2'~.~RI,Y ;.T ?~Gi:T A:.sLES v'.d T~~ :OY::L~2i.Y" LI'~ Cr SAi~J iLiT, POR A <br />DIil~rLtiGE OF .CFfiY-FC;~~ lhl:) :EE: Tv I=w ';,ACE C_ ~tr.:L`r.:?'~. <br />Ta have and to hold the above described premise, together with all tenements, hereditamenta <br />and appurtenances thereto belonging onto the grantees and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns <br />of the surs-icor of then; forerer. <br />And 6 antor d!~s hereby corenaut with the crantees and sFZih their assigns and with the heirs <br />and assigns a# the surs-isor of them that grantor is lays'#:il:; seised of said premises: ,`_`_^:at they are free from <br />enenmbranee E%CEPT EASEId..~"dT5 .~?:J P.fSTRIGT. =CNS QF ?,ECCt?:l <br />that gxantar has gord right and. lasrfnl author;?r to c~~t;ser ti.e -~an:e; and thaf grat;tor warrants and will <br />defend the title to said t~remises aeairst the iaa-ful clai*rs t,f a;l prrcnn.n :ti l:t~;.,,oes'er. <br />It is f}e intentiaa: of ail panics i:rreto teat :n the event o, the death of either of ire grantees., <br />the entire fee tilr to th;<: r=a3 pro}.=rte ,.. ~--.* .s. ti,r scrvi~is.g grantee. <br />~~ ~ t ~ 1 !~ <br />......... ................................. ~...h....~1JT~3~... ....... ..................~................ <br />L :' <br />~ - l <br />............................ ........ .... .. ;.. ..A:w........:... i................. <br />j E.:1A S:< ~CESER ... <br />.` / f <br />STATE fTF h'EBRAL~iKA, C,otuttc of ....... t''~ ~ .............. <br />The foregoing instrument was acknawledge{3 before me ............:.~: ;~,:.....:K.'. .25 .; . . <br />........... <br />by ..ES~I,.F.. ~?0~,. A .7~+vi~ Pte";', A's'J E'~Il~ ,'. ~C~ES~, A Sir:GFTi ?.tb, RS TE`itw::S <br />Dr' CQ}~,K34i~ <br />~tptQ~lti'-11~/tlMt W! <br />M~~Mi.~i <br />.~,a..4~s>»w <br />Signature of Parson Taking Acknowledgment <br />....r%i . l.`~r, j .................................. . <br />Title / <br />Farm 4.? Rev 78 Muttman and Feltor 8 Woif, Welton. Nz. 68461 <br />