79~~~lr,3 ~ ~ ~ IrJI®RTGACiE
<br />THIS INDENTURE, made this 1st day of.-.- June ______.____, 19 79_, by and between
<br />Harold 3. Chessmore and Carol A. ChQ~~mor~ husband and wife each_xn his and her own
<br />right and as spouse of the other,
<br />of Hall County. Nebraska, as mortgagor S ,end Gland Island Trust Company of Grand [stand, a corporation
<br />organized cad existing under the laws of Nebraska wit:. its principal oNice and place of business at Grand Island. Nebraska, as mortgagee:
<br />WITNESSETH: That said mortgagor.~_ , for and in censidera[ion of the sum of _-____ ~__.~__..-.,_
<br />'ltae'1 oa_ Thousand Five Hundred Foriy_ F~ viand 22 / i00 - - - - -_ Dollars Is x.54 5 - 22 1,
<br />the receipt of wroth is hereby acknowledged, do -_ by these presents mortgage and warrant unto said mortgagee, its successors and assigns,
<br />forever, all the following described real estate, situated in the County of __Hal l
<br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />LoY. Eleven (11) in Hawthorne Place, an Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />located on a Part of the Northwest Quarter (NWT) of Section Twenty-Two (22),
<br />Township Eleven (11) North, RanEe Nine (9), West of the Sixth P,a,, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />Together with all heating. air waditiomng, sighting. and plumhiag equipment and £u[tures. including s.:reens. awnings, star[a windows and
<br />doors. and wiat~w shades or blinds, used on or in tannection with said p[opem-. wbether the same are mw ]orated on said property or hereafter
<br />TO FL4VE A~\'D TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and singular the tenements, hereditameats and nppurtetunc~ thereunto br
<br />kurg®g, or in anywise apperWiniag. forever, oral warrari[ the title to the same. Said morgagor_~--hereby troveoant---with said
<br />mortgagee that _~ he lc era _ . at the ddi[~•ery hereof, the }awful owner._.S._ of the premises above mnveytd and desrnbed,
<br />and are_aeirsd of a good and indefeasible estate of inheritance therein, free end clear of ail encumbrances, and that ~he~L_will
<br />warTBaL sad ddend the title the~eco forever again_at the claims and demands of all perstms whamsoever-
<br />PROYIDEDALWAYS, sad the isv*~,~++r is ezecuted and delivered co aeaire the pe_vment of the sum of
<br />Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Fob Five and 22!100 - - - Bollartrs 12 545.22 1,
<br />with intetex thereon, together with ouch charges and advances ss may be due and payable to said rtmrtgagee under the tetra=s and oanditions
<br />of the pramieaar~ mte of even date herewith sad secured herehc, e:ecttted by saw mortgagor _ s to said mortgagee. payable as expressed
<br />ifl p>d Oats, a~ to secure the performattce of all the terms and conditions mataiaed therein. The recurs of said cote are hereby incorporated
<br />6eeain by this [eUseOee.
<br />It is the iatnntioa a~ agreement of the parties hereto that thi9 mortgage shall eleo secue any future sdcaacea made to said mortgagor
<br />by said nmrtgagee, and nay sad all indebtedness in additiaa W the amoun[ above stated whit!, said mnrtgagors_ or ant of them. may owe to
<br />acid mortgagee, however evidenced, whether by ante. book ecrnr[at nr otherwise. This mortgage shall remain in full force and effect between
<br />the pariS[a 6eree9 and their hart. pertonai representatives, successors sad assigns, until ail amounts sewrrd f[ereunder, inctud ing future
<br />advenoea. are paid in Ertl: with as_~
<br />The mmtgagw ~. hereby assign _ _ w said mortgagee all teats and income arising at an}' sad all times fmm said property and
<br />heaeby ~rS.~.a saw mortgagee cr i*_s ag=ar, at its option. upon default. [o take charge of sett property and collect ail rents and inrnme
<br />tharefram and apply the same to tlse prpme:rt of interest. principal, insttrance premiums. taxes. as_seasmen;a, repau-s or improvements
<br />S to keep said Pm[~y i teaa~~a61e onaditiim, ca to ocher charges or payments provided for herein nr is the rxite hereby secured. This
<br />rear aasignmmt shell continue is force until the unpaid balance of said note i3 fuIIp paid. The taking of possessu.n heeunder dull in no manner
<br />per_w mt rx rued acid is the caiieaiodt ~ said sums by #oreelaaute ~ otherwise.
<br />The failure of the masigagee to assert nay of i*s rights hetstmder at say time shat! rws. be conatatred as a waive of its right to asst the
<br />same at cap later time, and kr inaut span and eafoeee atirei eomplitnce with ell the terms and proviaioat of enid note and of this mortgage.
<br />If raid s shall rst»e sit he paw to said mortgagee tl= entire amount due it hc~ra+~r, nil vatder *_~ tera[s and provisions
<br />of said note hreby secated, inckdiOg fnttue advances. and any e:teaeions or renneals hereof sit accordance with the terms and provisions
<br />tI[seot, std it said anetgaalK ...r>__ ehsll comply with all the pmvieiotte of std torte and of this mortgage, then ttreae presents !ball be void:
<br />athetwse to resale at tIs$ farce and , sad sas3 -~^~0 ~ shall be entitled to the posasason of all of said grogarty. and tnny, nt its option.
<br />declare the whore of Geld OOfa sad aIl irdabtadtrda eepreseetted thereby to be immediately due nrd payable, cad racy foteckue Chia mortgage
<br />m take a~ other IeRE aetiozi to protect its tight. Apprais~t waived.
<br />Thin mottaa$fe ahal! be biudmg nPm and shall more to the haneft[ of the bet=a, executors, adminiatrawra, attcceaaors end ataigns of the
<br />t hereto.
<br />iN WITiQEffi WIfEBlrAF, said 1-(aetgagm• S ~ v2 heeeuOta se[ their hand S the day and year first above
<br />wristm.
<br />G~~'~' ~
<br />ro amore ~~ -
<br />~ ~ ~~
<br />~ arC- o~~C.'~.Ti'easmore ~~~~~
<br />