79_ U(-35i5 MORTGAGE
<br />THIS INDENTURE, made this 4th day of June ___"_____ , 19 _ 79 , by and between
<br />id L. Muir and Kristine Sue Muir, husband and rife, each in his and her own right and
<br />as spouse of the other,
<br />of Hall County, Nebraska, as mortgagor s ,and Grand Island Ttvst Company of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organized and existing under the laws of Nebraska with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island. Nebraska, as mortgagee:
<br />WTTNESSETH: That said martgegor~_ ,far and in consideration of the sum of __.___
<br />Thirteen Thousand ar_d no/100 - - - - - - -_- - - - - -=_=DoUar4'Ig' 13,t700'~3 1.
<br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do _ by these presents mortgage and warrant unto said mortgagee, fts eticaes9ofs"snd'~assigirs,
<br />forever, all the following described rea estate, situated is Che County of .____ ____
<br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />Lot Nine (9} and Lot Ten (10), in Block Four (4), in the Original Town of
<br />Cairo, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Together rsth all heating, air wrditioa..,g. lighting. and plumbing equipment and Curates, including screens, awnings. storm windows end
<br />do~a, sad w'Sadow sMdea or btiads. used on or in wnmction with said property, whether the same are now lasted on said property or hereafter
<br />Placed themoa.
<br />TO HAS E A.\D Tfl HOLD THE SAAfE, together with all and singular the tenenents. hereditaatents and appun *••*~ thereuata be-
<br />loetgina. ar ira anywise sppertaiafng, fore.•e<, and tcarrant the title ta the same. Said mortgagor _~._. hereby covenant ~-with said
<br />mortgagee Thai ._.S. he_~. arP __. at Lhe delivery hereof, the lawful owner_S_. of the premises above conveyed and described.
<br />and are seized of a good and indefesstbte estate of inheritance therein, free sad ck+er of all entumbraaces, end that S_he~wig
<br />Tarrant and defend. the title ihererv fozver against the claims ~ demands of all persons whomsoever.
<br />PRAYiDED ALWAYS. and this iaern.mnnt v e:stated cad delivered to secure the pnrmenc of the sum of
<br />Thirteen Thousand and 100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Donors is_ 13.000.00 1,
<br />rich ioteteet therms, together rich such charges and advances as may be due and payable ta said mortgagee under the terms end conditions
<br />:: the pra.ias~y ~Le of e:•en ~:~ ~,.a- switw a~ srz-^trl':er~y. es~rt~ b} sew .ran ~u ~d te~t*tgagee. payable ~ eapras=sed
<br />~ said ncH,e. and ta aeeRre the performaaoe of all the kt<ryma and conditfaas croatairred therein'The terms of mid nee are hereby iacorp~ated
<br />herein Isr dais reference.
<br />It is the iaieatioa sad agreameat of the parties hareta that this mortgage shall also secure any future adventxa made w acid mortgagor;i
<br />by said aaartgagee. and say sad all i~ebiedaess is addition to the amount above stated whirl, said mortgagors. or anr° of them. may owe to
<br />smid nwrtgagae. harrver evidenced, rhethes by note, book eceaunt or athervise. This arortgage shall remain in full force cad effect between
<br />the parties hereto sad that heirs, personal repreaerrta'ives. successors and assigns. until all aarounts secured hereunder, including futurr
<br />advances. are paw in fuL' with iaterex.
<br />The mortgagor S hereby assign ~ to said rnoxtgsgee sii rents and income arising ac any and all times from said property and
<br />• ~.:>3^::e sad arz*,gagae ar .ta agent, st 6sa ~.xm, upon defaalt, to take :barge r_t said property and collect all rents and income
<br />therdrom and appiy tins same to tae payment of scarcer, prircfpal, irusurante premiums, uses, assessments. regain or imprmearents
<br />n7 to 3~ said pmprsty ig t~.aatable noa~tioa, ~ to atbs charges or payments provided for herein or in the ante hereby secured. This
<br />Tort asst shall t~ntiaoe in force unt$ the unpaid bal•~x of said note is fully paid. The caking of possession hereunder shall in no manner
<br />a fitted acid nt~tgagee is the mtisetiam tr# said sums by fwer3oeute ar rRherwiae_
<br />The fnTtue of the t~tgsgee to assert anq of its righu herexrader at any time shah sat be rnnstiued as a waiver of its right w assert the
<br />some at any hte tittle, and to insist. boa a~ eafom strict. t•~pliance with ell the terms sad provisions of ss~ rate and of this tmrtgage.
<br />If said marl s shall nacre to be pail ra said mortgagee the zatire emoant dtu it heretmder, and Trader the terms and proviaioas
<br />of said ne0e herby accused, ilrel~g funare advaaoes, and say e:teasions or reaerrals thereof in aaordarce with the terms cad provisions
<br />thereof, sad ~ said msetgagar _~ aha0 comply watt aiI the psovisio>ra d said nrXe and od this mortgaex, rhea thsse preseote shell be void;
<br />othar+risa to e®aia in fbH forme sad a[fed, and aadd mortgagee shsil 6e entitled to the posstssion nt all of said property. sad may. at ire option.
<br />dae2ne the while of said rate std aIl selaeeeated thereby to be iasmediately due and payab~, and may foreclose this mortgage
<br />a twice arty tsthe lags! attioo W ptveed its ri8ht Apprais~ent raived.
<br />Thin mortgage tdteD ha ttpm sad shall amuse to the hetrefit d the baits, euctstaas, ndmiaiatrawee, aucteeeors end assigns of the
<br />rejective I harts.
<br />IN WITH1a13 WHEREUF. acid ![ixtgsg+or~* _ 6aYE_heteanto sat their hand-._B..tlre day and year Cult shove
<br />written. ~ ,./, ~/,~/7
<br />Dav}J L. Muir ,
<br />Kr tine ue Mu r
<br />