79~- c~Ci35~.0
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23441
<br />Ii,NOWALLAIENBI'THESEPRESENTS:That Ohdrle5 E. Hoffman and D. Sue Hoffman, edCh in hiS and her
<br />own right and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in considtra?ion of the sum of
<br />Twenty Fnnr Thousand and N(l/1N0--------------------------------_ ------------------~oLLARs
<br />Soaped to said rttartgagor by The Equitable Building and Loa^ Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, 5fotteagte, open 24D shares of stack of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23441 . do hereby grant, convey attd mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />dtscribZd real estate, situated in Hal; County, Nebraska:
<br />Lot Two (2) except the North 88.3 feet of the West 113 feet thereof and
<br />except the South 15 feet thereof; Lot Three (3) except the Sauth i1.7
<br />feet thereof; and Lot Thirteen (13), all in Fairacres Dairy Subdivision
<br />in the City of brand Island, Nebraska according to the recorded plat thereof.
<br />togs her wtth all tht ttnemtnts, heteduamerts and appurur,anx> dtereuc[o b: ior.~~irg, induditte atiachtd floor vvtrings, a!1 window scrtens,
<br />window shades. blinds, storm w;ndows, aw~ ,roes. heatutz, str c .. - ~ntng,artd plumbing and wattc tquipmtnt and accessories there[o,pumps,storts,
<br />;t4i¢erators, and other futurts and equiprntra now .?: hereafter at ta.hrd to or used .n .:onneaion with said real estate-
<br />And wfiereas the said mertgaaar has =_greed and does hereby aee that the mo:t_~,eor shall and wul pay ail texts and assessrrten*_s levied or
<br />xssts5rd upon said premises and upon this nan_:aee and the bond secu.*ed thrsebt tt;o;: the same shall become deSiaquznt: to furnish approved
<br />insurance open the buildings on slid prem:ses st:tated in the sum : J 24,000.00 pa+2blt to said ASSOCIATION and to delitzr io said
<br />ASSOCI-4T10N the palicits for said insurer-, :and not to .ommit os permit any waltz ~+n or shout said prtttuses,
<br />Sn cast of dtfauit in the ptrfartnanct of any ~+i ihr te; ms and zonditions of taus m: r;>;:gz ur the bisnd secured hereby, the mor[gagte shall,
<br />on dctztand. be entitled to unmtdiate poss`ssan ~+f the moneagrd premises and the coo-r,4ah_r hereby assigns, eansftrs snd sets osYr to the
<br />man¢agee aL tht rents, revenues and ineomt to ht derivYd from t?te mortgat:td premises du: i^-e sv;h tir,.e ss the morigsge mde6ttdrtss shall rertuin
<br />tmpasd: and ?ht mortgagee shag have the p~xszr [o appoint a nv- aatnt or egrets it may drstrr see thz aurpast of repairtrg said premises and renting
<br />the salsa and ,:ailecting thz rents, ttrenucs and income, and .t cosy pay out of said income all exne:.ses of repasrirg srtd premises and nertssary
<br />vmmissians and rxornses incu:n'd m renting and martaeing trt same end .+f cotkctirg rentals therefrom, the balanct romaining, iI any, to br
<br />appEitd Toward the des:-.haree of sold *rrurtg_ge tndebte3ness: these rie}tu ,+f the mortgeaee :ru. be extrastd at any timt during the existtnce of such
<br />default. vrtsprctr`e of am iemparan~ wais~r of tht saint.
<br />T}ttx Prrstnts, hawttet. azz upon zhe C:;ncution. That rf ihr sail Ainrtga.or shah renal iud Tear: on ar before the m~turirv of said shares by
<br />~at~ment: ply =3'acthl} to sold ASSOCI-~17f0\ of the sum sptcl;t3 in *.h: Sond sectued ^erzep as nzrres, are ~rincepal un said lawn, ar or before
<br />ihr Twrrt,tih dsy~ ssi each snd teen month. until ~d i~3an is full} paid: pal all taxes and asszsstntnts ittitd agaivt said premises and on this ,ltangagc
<br />snd the $ard scrurrd therebs , het,*rr dtiiaqurncv: issrntsh apptored insurance upon :l:e buid::tgs thtctan rn the sum of S 24 OOO OOpayable
<br />to said ASSOCiAT;O\_ :rpav t;:, sates ASSOCIATION ulx:n demand ail money b} :t pa.d for suc1: taxes, sssessrnenzs and insttra$;.t wrt7t mtertst at
<br />the max;mtun legal rate thereon f:,~m date of pay rntr•.t a31 of whiih Moneagar htrrbr auras to nay:prrmtt ra waste an said prrntises; keep and comply
<br />with all ihr agrecmenu and wndittons as i1;r Band for S2Q OOO OO thrs day zsvrn by the sa;d Mortgagor :o said ASSOCS-3TIOti, and vmply
<br />w-uh aI3 the rrquirtrnrrstsaf theCurst;tutron snd By-L;wso[ satd.4SSOClAT1pN: they. These mesrnts shall become null and wid, ot}ttrwist they
<br />s~,all remain in fu?l farx and may be f.,rtclosed at the opton of tht sold ASSOCIATION alter fatiurc for three months to make any of said
<br />pay;nrnzs or be ihrtt months :n errors in making said monthly pas~mtnts, or to i:rep and comply auh she agrtemtnis and ~vnditions of said Band;
<br />and liangagot agrees to bare a re.:e,srr apparnted f.,rt:^,u:th m cu.h i...reclo>mr proxe:i:ngs-
<br />If there is any' ctsange in owncrshrp of tht seal estate mortgage.'. htrcin, M sxlz .~r :,thtrwtse, thin tht entire rtmatning mdebirdnrss hereby
<br />secured shall at the option of The Equitable Building and L~+ar, Ass.±cat:on of Gtard Tian.',. \eb*ss:a, becortu tmmtdsasely due and payabit without
<br />furihtr ni+tirY, and the amount rt'ramtng due under sa,d tnrnd, and arty o[hrr bond for any addttianat advancts made thutunder, shall, from the
<br />date of exercise of said aptton. tree: rnttrrst at the ma:umum legal eau. snd this mangazr nuy then bt fcuc3axd to satisfy the atnaunt due an said
<br />band, ar,d arty other band for addit;+;^k1 adsar.C:s, :a_-;ethtt with all Torte peed by ;aid Tht Equitable Burling as-d :.oar. Assxiation of Grard island.
<br />.`vtbraska far inr,nance, rues and ash--:~mznt<_, and sbsiratting rtitrnsson charges, a uh trttrsest thrrton, from rate of payrrent at the maxirntun
<br />legal zeta- .. ._~
<br />.4s provided m the Band s..urtd h,rreby , a;,ilt t..- :;ctga~,: rare:rts m rfftc: the moneagte .ma} hereaiter ad.anx additional sums to ihr
<br />tnaiers of said Bond, ilstu assigns or suceessoss m tmttest, w3P.z.:h sums shall he w-ithm ihr srcu:ity of this mortgage the saint as [he funds originally
<br />stored t?xrrby, the total arnaurt of principal dtbz nut to excttd ai any rimy the original amount of ihrs mangagt.
<br />Dated ills 5th day of June a- n . 19 79
<br />Ghar~s E - Hoffmi*n , ~
<br />^u. Sue Hof f~tan ~ -
<br />STATE OF NE$RASK.4, ~ ~, On t'ris 5th day of June 19 79, before me,
<br />the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, personally came
<br />Cfiarles E. Hoffman and D. Sue Hoffman, each in his and her own righ~.hond as spoPSSena~fkeavnha
<br />otter are
<br />the io bt the rsYentical person S whose name 5 are affixed to the about instrutnena as mortgagor 5 and they severally
<br />atkaowledEed the said instrument io bt ~tei P voluntary act and deed. 7
<br />9FTTN£SS ttty hand ared :tsotartal Seal the date aforesaid.
<br />My Commission expires
<br />6EYrrai'<7i3.$?-Sts*.r et Sehratxa~ .• ~;
<br />a~r-zed to ~ aal' th. t?"A?LE'f - _ j ~ / Nutar' 'c
<br />~w:.3i 3,sf,{it ^~~. int. ~.(,t. t. lS61 ~ '~'~- f .
<br />