<br />
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<br />79s ~ (, 3 4'~ 6
<br />Position 5
<br />USDA-FmQ-iA
<br />Form FmHA 427-1 NB
<br />THIS 113t)RTGAGE is made and entered into b --~~--~_~__L, A~•~
<br />~.._.._~3Lk~a_rx3 attd wife~_ each in his_and her own right_arad as_-s~otLSe _of the other,. -----W
<br />residing in ---~1.-~.~_______-__--__._____.____--_ Caunty, Nebraska, whose post office address is
<br />.._.~.~]S._.2TQ,------------------------------------Casro --------•------- , Nebraska -_.-_ 6882.4
<br />herein pded "Borrower," and:
<br />WHEREAS Borrower is indebted to the United States of America, acting through [he Farmers Home Administration,
<br />United Stales Department of Agriculture, herein called the "Government," as evidenced by one or more promissory note(s)
<br />or assumption agreement(s), herein called "note;' which has been executed by Borrower, is payable to the order of the
<br />Government, authorizes acceleration of the entire indebter~vess ac rhn ~.,t~~., „r tl'e r,..,n.,...,,........_.. aa, a ~_--,. ~-.
<br />Borcower, and is described as follows:
<br />Annual Rate Due Date of Finaf
<br />Ante of Instnsment Priruipal .9mount of Interest InsraIl:~ent
<br />Jtme 4, 1979 $123,500.00 9~ Jtme 4, 2019-
<br />And the note eviderxes a loan to Borrowez, and the Goveroment, at any time, may assign the note and insure the payment
<br />thereof pursuant to the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act, or T iUe V of the of the Housing Act of 1444;
<br />Aad it is the purpose and intent of this instrument that, amouag other things, at all times when the note is held by the
<br />t:ova^nment, or in the event the Govemmen[ should assign this instrument without insurance of the vote, this instrument
<br />shall s.~cure payment e[ the note; but when the vote is held by an insured holder, this instrument shall not secure payment
<br />of Ute note or attac4 to the debt evidenced thereby, but as to the note and such debt shall constitute as indemnity mortgage
<br />W secure the Gevemmegt against loss under its insurance contract by reason of any defautt by Sorroxer.
<br />NOyr, THEREFORE, iv consideration of the loans) and (a) at all times when ibe note is tell by the Govemmegt, or in the
<br />event the Govemmevt sho:[Id assign this instrument withou¢ insurance of the payment of the vote, to secure prompt payment
<br />of the ante and any renewals and ertensioas thereof and any agreements contained therein, including any provision for the
<br />payment of an igsurarrce or other charge, (b) at all times when the note is held by an insured holder, to secure performance of
<br />9otrawe:'s agreement herein to indemnify and save harmless the Govemmeat against loss under its insurance conGaM by
<br />reason of tmy default by Borrower, and (c) in nay event a~ at all times to secure the prompt payment of all advances and
<br />ezpmditwes made by xhe Government, with interest, as hereinafter described, and the performance of rvery covenant and
<br />agreement of Borrower contained herein or in any supplementary agreement, Borrower does hereby great, bargain, sell, cogvey
<br />and assign, with genera! warranty, unto the Goremment the following property situated in the State of Nebraska, County(ies) of
<br />The West Two-thirds (W. 2/3) of the Southwe.~t Qlazter () of
<br />Section 4taertty-eight (28) , 'Ittwrtship Ztrelve (12} North, Range
<br />Rleve<t (Ii) , W2St of the 5til P.M.
<br />FmHA 4?',-1 NB iRev. 7-3-7R1
<br />i.~
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