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~~-~e~~~ <br />RTGAG~-Corparalioa Huffman and Felton 8 Woff, Weitoa Ne. &8461 <br />i r J , . . <br />i IN COtVSIDERATION of the payment of the debt named therein, the HOME FEDERAL SAti! NGS & LOAN <br />ASSOCIATION OF GRAND [BLAND hereby releases the mortgage made to <br />HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS ~ LQAN A.SSGCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND <br />by ROBERT S. HITES, JR. AND PAMELA S. HITES, <br />husband and wife, each in his and her own right and as spouse of the other <br />', an the following described real estate, to-wit: <br />THE SOUTHERLY SIXTY (60.0) FEET OF LOT ELEVEN (I I) IN BLOCK THREE (3i IN SOUTHERN <br />-ACRES ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAiJD, HALL COWTY, NEBRASKA. <br />of Section , in Townshiq Ranqe of the P. i41., HALL <br />" County, State of iJEBRASKA which is recorded in Book 159 of Real Estate Mortgages, page 255 <br />t of the records of said County. <br />I IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said HO's"E FEDEfZ4L SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION has caused <br />~ 14th <br />'. these pr a executed by if~)~rF'sidenwt€'stntifs Corporate Seal to he a~ixcd hereto this <br />'i day:a~~ptOAPi,f,,, t'iay ty /9 tip-1F FEDERAL SAVI'VGS & LOAN <br />n AS~SOCIAIA/TION--QF-(GRA/V DJ ISLAND- ._ <br />ti residenA <br />...._. <br />+. .~ to en R Seltzer <br />_~ ~u J -£ -i ~ --° -~-~--- - ----- - -~ - ....-_9ttest ~y - S ... V i_ c <br />rr----:- s- . <br />`TE OF - - - - •' ~ RAS KA .......... > County of ........... H A L.~ ............ <br />........ <br />.,•• r' d <br />g .................... <br />`' y~ ~• ? ent was acknowled ed before me May..1.~! ............19.79.. <br />bytep.'ter. R-..Be.l tzer....Y i ~=°.-?res.i.dent-~e~ref .NOAk . EECE.R9L. SAV 1:~~5 .8. t0ala. ASSCGi.ATJ ON . <br />t \:,sr .:-d Oif„ci ! \:,me ci Cor ^.: p,; ;i~r:J <br />s... tiL5RA5KA .................... corporation, on behalf of the corporation. <br />4otary Public <br /> <br />L __ _- -- <br />