<br />FORM No. 7219-479
<br />Loan Number___41604_._-_1$8___ _1,___
<br />rroe e.r~~~
<br />79'~ ~~~~~~ Ni ®R T G A G E
<br />THIS MORTGAGE, made and execn*_ed this . . -4..._ ................. day of --.-.....-.-_,Tttre_............ A.D.,
<br />l9- ..~~.-, between the htortoagor, - Samuel_Kraping,_ Jr,_ and Janet, A._- Kranng,._husband..and._ ._
<br />trife, .7.93}}t.15 .and.-sat<h.-zt?...tihelx.-awu..>rigltx, .-_ ..
<br />of ._Grand_ Island-_-.__, Count}• of _.._ _- Hall _ ,State of .- I3ebraska.. ,hereinafter referred
<br />to as the Barrow>er, and the lfortgagee. FIRST FEDER:IL SA~'ItiGS A'VD LOA\ ASSOCIATION OF
<br />LINCOL'_~, L"SS "N" Street, Lincoln, \ebraskaciF07, its succecors and arsigrs, hereinafter referred to
<br />as Lender.
<br />1FtTNasssrx: That the said Borrower for and in considerstion of the sum of - TIy~•SITT..THRE.E ...._,
<br />TI30L'$~2dp. ONE--1?'tn'DR,`Ti-.-SgFTE>'~:'Y £IVE A\'~ :~01.1Q4--------.Dollars (LS ~. 23,-175_JQ _. -- -....... 1
<br />paid b}• said Lender, doe, hereby mortgage, grant and canveti~ to Lender. its successars and assigns; the-
<br />faliow~ing described property located in the Court~• of 8x11 - ,State of Nebraska:
<br />ts-+f Ali f41 Aloe. Thi c9~ f2~7 a] >>_~ ea~z.
<br />+++-~ _+~++.- -++w=-.+ _..++ _-.++_. ~ s ..u~aci nr.cclci a nuui~ivri tv ~iic r:2lY
<br />of Grand island, Hall Caunty, l~ebraska
<br />TaceTxEa with all the imgrovement.~ now or hereafter erected an fine property, and all easements,
<br />rights, appurtenances, rents- roc-aities, mineral, ail and gag right. and profits, water, water rights, and
<br />water sroek, and all fixtures now- or hereafter sttached to the property, ail of which, including replace-
<br />ments and additions themto. shill be deemed to be and remain a pan of the property crovered by this
<br />'+3or;gage; and all of the faregoing, together with said propertti~ for thc- leasehold estate in the event this
<br />4tortRaEe is on a leasehold) are herein refertccf to as the "Property"
<br />Borrower ravenan*: that Borrower in law-fuIlp seised of the elute hereh~ rnnveved and has the right
<br />to mortgage, grari and convei~ the I'rctperri•, that the Property is unencumt.ered, and that Beirmwer will
<br />warrant and defend generalh• the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subjc~rt to any
<br />~ernertts and restrictians listed in a schedule of exceptians to coverage in and title insurance poficr in-
<br />suring Lender" interest in the Pmper•t}-, or i°) attorney's apinion of title from ah~tr;i of title certified
<br />bt, I+anded abstzacter.
<br />Ptravtz;Ea ALw:ats, and t`ttee prcents are executed and delivered upon the follawing cctnctitions, agree-
<br />ments and abligatians of the Borrawer, to-wit:
<br />The Barrow°er agref.:. za ,nvv to the L,et:der, or ardor. the principal sum of ikrr_SiF IFiREE T;<IS)tiSAh"D
<br />{?lq~ _HLT=1y7]3rI),.S£~'£,StTY,_ FILE 4ND,:it?f 34Q-----. ---Ik>11at~ lL i .~ -23.1i2_.Qt~ )
<br />pad^abie as prvc~ided in a Hate esecutef and delivrrrY~, roncttrrc-ntl~ hrrew-ith. the final pat•ment of principal,
<br />if not loaner paid. on the - ? SL dad- of Jt:tTe ]g y y .
<br />L'tr•tt•i)aS2 Coc>•:a-i~*~ 3arraw•er a,-td Lender covenant anri a,rrf a; follaw:
<br />1, Payment of Principal and Interest Borrower shall prximpz!} pay when due tht• principal of and in-
<br />teres# oa the indebtrdneeti etidenced b~• *h~ tiote, prc-patiment and late ~t„=,r,es as pr„cidedtn the '~atr.
<br />anti the print•±ps3 of and intro--t an an} Future Ativan.•e, :stored h~ ihi; \iongage.
<br />2. Fun,is fstr Taxes and Insurcatce, Subject to I.rnder's option under paragraphs -f and ~ hereof, Bar-
<br />rvwrz =Hall pay to bender an the dad- mantltl4 installment:: of prnci}tat and interest are payable under the
<br />\ote, until the Note is paid in full, a nun {herein "Fund;") r~ual to one-twelfth of the ~•earh• race, and
<br />aa.~.~cment, w-hicl9 may attain priarity ever #his Yfart~ge, and ground rents an the Praperty, if any olua
<br />ane-twelfth of t°early premium inra"uments for 1-iazanl in.~ttrancr, plus one-twelfth of ~rarl~- premium i.~t-
<br />ataittnents far atortgage in_curarrt~, if any. all a= reasonahit e-timated initially and from time to time by
<br />Lender an the basis a# a_ccessartents and I;~1Is and reasonable eiimatc-s thercrf. Lender shall apply- the Fund;
<br />#a pay $aid lases, a_cseasments: ir><,'uranci= premsu~. and ground rents. Linder =hall maim no :barge fur so
<br />ttoldiag and applv'htg the Funds or verif}Zng and con9pilirg ,aid aa-:cssments and bill,. The Lender ;hail
<br />give to the Iiorn9wer; w•9thout Marge, aa9 r>tn-,a} 4,c*t:un*ing of the Fw.d, shoring rt~lit.; and debits to thr-
<br />P`unds and t:he purpose far which ~ h debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional
<br />secarity far the surr9s ~°t9red by this ?t#nrtgage. The Harrower agree: that the Funds may Ire held by the
<br />Le~rtder sad comctiagled with other fttada and the Landers avert funds and the Lender may pay such item;
<br />fta9n its aw-n funds and the Lextder shalt Hat Ire liable for interest or dividends an such Funds.
<br />Lf t3tr a,.ti+.+nt of the Funds Iteld ba Lender, to~ther with the future monthly installments of F unds
<br />f>A}vtlsle Pr'+ar tct td~ due dates of razes, ~~,, insttrartee premiums and grorrnd t•erttb, shall exceed
<br />t~ amatrnt raquued to PAY lard taxes, Ls, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fail Sue,
<br />at9cl9 a=e~ sIffill he, at I3ttrrawer's apron, wither promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Barrttwer on
<br />mor9thly irtstallraents of Funds. if the atnoz9nt of the Funds held i9y Lender shall not he suf£tc°ient to Pay
<br />~~* asseasmertta, ittsttrance premitt9ns and grbtmd rents, ss they fall due, Borrower shall pay to Ixnder
<br />any amount neoeseary fo make up the deficiencu within thirty days after notice from Lender to Borrower
<br />r~}uesting payment thereof, ar I3arrower shall, by an increase in monthly installments of Funds required,
<br />zepay the deficiency within the Fund accounting period-
<br />L?ttcxt >m<vtrtent ~ It~t alt tru~m ~,.~.~ t,...h~ ~:_~_
<br />>v9 z mung5ge, L-ender s}taii apply F untfs held as a cretin
<br />against all sums duz,
<br />