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<br /> <br />a_ _. _..., _..._.~...,.,. .,,~,„~,..~.,.s ~„v tai ° ,rn:a~,.~ ne3.rflrging thereto <br />TO HAY'E ANp TO NOLD tirz mb,,ve de<~t:hzd ntrmus write a;i thr pririle>,r, and appurtenances thereunto lrektnpjag inriuding <br />all rents, tcsues and rn,tits therer:t unt+, Aliutral':z, ~.,sz,rs. an \t,,t: eag.,r hzrzhV :~nrnantc rhst Mortgage,; is wrll and truly seized of <br />a gisrd bile ;r> thz pram>es ahorr ~ om~zvzd tr, tl',e l.~u. is: i~Y :intplz^. and has a„ou right anti }awful authority n+ convex the same, and <br />that the title so cr-,rteryed is clest, frre axed unin vmhe:e,l el,rpt as cthzrwisz n:,ted snd that 4tnrtgagor wiil fotevrr warrant and de- <br />fend Lhr wire to Morigager against aIi claims wharsxvrs. <br />'~ This ,Marikagr is peen fir ~tnngag~,ts ;~, ,r.ur~ the pt~siorman:e of each acrzetn~tt , ontaiurd herrut, and t+, sewn the nayttxnt <br />ui a loran i=_+ the arnor:nt of t}tz Taal ;; Pa}rtzn:s how:t ahove, which luar, bzirtg rvidznczd by a nrotttissory note bracing even date <br />~^' !tertwrih and whi.:h is further s_tta;rih, d m},oet. <br />~ PR041DED ,+1Lt1.;1`S, end thc_er przsrris sre upon thr rxpre>;td ,a,n3ttirm. that ii the Mortgagors shall pat in full to thr Mart- <br />~ gactt s prey;~~) tt.:tr hrar;n evzn date i+ztzaatl: in the am.runt >zt f,,n}: ahcrvt, pa}whiz in installments according tY, the. ttrru therr- <br />of tng+rtfrrr wirer intrrtst as sre Forth thrrrin, mod ;hail pa} all tapes and asczinti?nts lrvied upesn said real zstatt heforo'tlte vrrte he- <br />~et>xttes ddingtxnt, and ietp thr fiuildin~ „n say.; premises in>ured for a sum r~asl to ihz indehtednesx scoured herrt+y, Imo, if any, pa}- <br />ab}e to the raid Mncicagrr. thtr. thew ptrsrnts t+: fie null and chid, othrrwise tc• hr snd in full force, <br />THIS MORTGAGE IS .-r,LSO TO BE, aN"D CONTi?vUE TC1 BE, FROM TL4fE SO TI4tE, Sirs URtTY FOR THE PAy4tENT <br />OF SL~$ SUM OR SUMS OF MONEY .~S THE MORTG.~GEE MA3` FROM'TLME TO TI~QE Lti THE FUTURE ADVANCE TO THE <br />MORTGAGOR, AND EVIIIEN{'Er'~ BY A SUPPLE4lENTAL NOTE OR NOTES. BUI' ti0T TO EXCEED TAE TOTAL OF <br />3 ..1-~* t'+~~~-~. ~_ ........ E?LCEPT FQR rl_AiY ADti',~,i~CES TH,1T 4lAY Bf !af ODE TO PROTEC`F THE SE~URITS' Lti .-~C- <br />CLFRDANCE 1v7TH THE TERJrlS OF TH1S MORTGAGE. <br />Additional Tenn> and C„nd;ti,rns „n the sr,zsse .,f this azrzemzn: arc made a pan hztz:+f and in. cu; crated herein. <br />[\ VrT^'ESS K'HEREOF, thz said M~,ngagors have : ~zcutz4 tlresr przsrnts the Say and year fast aboFr written. <br />_. ,~ _ <br />M.>rigagur <br />s'IATF t?F `tERRAS3~;k i <br />I <br />c ot>l~rt= ~-~ i <br />:E7n tttis~_ day of ?`t3k , I y ^- , tsefore mt, the undersigned a Notary t'ubhc, duly <br />c'~s and qualified fir and in said stair and :csuniy, per>;onaily uamt 'r~r*~: 'a'ir- ~i~t F= .=G; <br />v~i~y L~taperies, ?nc. <br />to inGicnotst iv be the identical ~ „n +~r ~ur~t=_ w~hnn- n~;rn !, ut na,.~. arc aft;atd to t he f~~irrg instrvtrttnr and a~knuwiedged <br />tAe e~c:uj~ rherets€ tv to his, her or thtir vnlunury act and deed. <br />hand aad isarariat Sral the 3~y .and year last above w~-ittm;~ <br />t ~~ <br />R!' ~aaa. Eq,, ~eDS. ~ LI <br />My commission expires itu rray of ____~^ `_ . 14 ~ -~ <br />tiOTiC£_ SEE OTHER SIDE FOR _Yllllf770ti AL TERMS ~~ll t 4\UI l lU'c'~ <br />NE8. i2.E. _... _.., <br /> <br />