Edward C. Vacovsky (402} 221-3544
<br />Dorm t ' s~ ,g sF~~
<br />}Rev, June t977l ~~~ U L3 ~`E aj
<br />~l7iBff{8~ ~MBllue
<br />United States
<br />Certificate Discharging
<br />Property Subject ~
<br />Estate ~aX lien
<br />Decedent's First Name and Middle Iniliat Decedent's Lest Name
<br />Herman J. lautenschiager
<br />Decedent's Soccai Security Numper Date et Desch
<br />506-45-16fi4 August 30, 1978
<br />Domidle at Time of Dmth
<br />Cairo, Nebraska
<br />FO
<br />ttAYE CF
<br />•-PIICANT ~ Verna F. Dibbern, et al
<br />A`J~Rf'S,i c1o Kenneth H. E1 son , Attorney
<br />„``°'°"• s"``r~ Bax 1353
<br />C,rv w To..-n,
<br />sr,tr anc Grand Island, Nebraska 68801
<br />>r.~ Cze,
<br />L
<br />1 Certify that the estate tax for the estate of the ~cedent named above has been to?? y maid or oiherw:s.: pr~v;dcd far. This
<br />fxrtifinte disdtargei the property dessibed below from the I~en of the United States imposed by section 6334 of the Internal
<br />Revrnue Code.
<br />The South Half af' the Southeast Quarter (S~-?SE} of Section Eighteen (18),
<br />Township Ten (10) North, Range Eleven (11) West of ±he 6th P. M, in Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, except for a tract of land located in the Northwest Garner
<br />of the Southwest Quarter of the Sautheast Quarter (S?i';SE;) of Section Eighteen
<br />(18), Township Ten (10} North, Range Eleven (11} West of the 5th P.M, in
<br />Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning
<br />at the Northwest (±y'ii} corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Sautheast
<br />Quarter iSWsSE};); thence running Easterly 30 feet along and upon the North
<br />line of said Southwest l~uarter of the Sautheast 4uarter (SW~SE,) to the
<br />actual point of beginning; then continuing easterly 247.5 feet along and
<br />tl~on the North line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW;SE~,);
<br />thence deflecting right ~ degrees and running 176 feet Southerly; thence
<br />deflecting right ~ degrees and running 241.5 feet Nesterly; thence deflecting
<br />right ~ degr'ees and running 176 feet Northerly to the actual point of beginning
<br />containing 43,560 square feet (1 acre) more or Tess.
<br />The Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE'_'7E3;) and the Nor~h twenty-
<br />one and one-half (21~) acres of the Sautheast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter
<br />,,... .
<br />,~t-~ri~ae, all to SeCS7on Nineteen 19~, Tawrsl~~p sett it ±; ,4c~rc;), nat,y~e ~i>=yen
<br />(11), Est of the 6th P,M„ in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />The North Half of the Southt.~st Quarter ('^I~S'td;} of Section Thirty-five (35},
<br />Township Eleven (11), North, Range Twelve (12}, West of the bth P.M., in Hall
<br />Co:mty, Nebraska.
<br />i rz.e
<br />c ~asc of %'Y~=:~,~:::t '~'° i'~ ;;: ,_ ~.,~ aa+
<br />or~~ ~ ~Mitcheil E. Premis ~ District Director 6J1j79
<br />(~AxriCt ;r tlit,Q
<br />Dmaha, Nebraska
<br />.Form 792 tAev_ ¢l7i
<br />