<br />., 79x-1 UU343'7
<br />[Faav at' I'tct: uF Butt, ,:t~ ~t:ei~s E)
<br />Bt RI-Itic="ft~\ ~ORTHER\ ItiC'.
<br />Cu~:,,t-zn~rr.n \Inarrc:,rr:9~%~ ~ Bn~n, ~r'ttar:: E, D~ F: 2l1[KT
<br />i3t ttz.n,,ra~ Aat,rut'r~ Ix, ., a corporation dul} org:tniied and
<br />esisiinK ender the lsw-s of thr ~txte of Drlaware (hereinafter
<br />raiic~i the "t'antpanr"i, for cshte recei~-ed_ Cerebc promises to pay
<br />tip
<br />ar re~i=trrrd si~zi~. ;,t thr ui?ire ur a~en.~ of the Compan} in tTte
<br />I3urce3~Tt t>f ~Ssnhatasn, i'in and ?tatr of 1\cic Park, the principal
<br />sum of
<br />huu_tus un Ju?~~ 1, °t1tKT, i^ such coin ur wrrenr~' of thr
<br />t-nited :i,atr, of _~narrira a.. at the tiznc of 1>,KCnsent s}t;tll Cc• le};al
<br />tender for thr }ui~zurnt of puClir and priratr debt;. and to pat izater-
<br />est on :yid princi},a3 at tTte r:,tr of 9?a < per snnunt, at staid office ur
<br />agent}~ in like rain or rurzYnr:. fri,na the interest pa} naent date nest
<br />preit~iing thr date of thix E3.=nd ic, whi,~h intr;rst hay bren paid ar
<br />duly prucuir~i far ar V:amr~ 3. 19"-9, whirhr~~rr is latrr nude=~ this
<br />Band i= d.:arri sftrr sn~' Juz~r 1~ or I?c*s~rnaCt>r li, snd en ar prior t~~
<br />Lhe nest su~va~e.iin{; .}ts?~ T ur ,Tur>uare !.: • the rasr tray' T_w•, in
<br />which rsse, if intrrs~t is }>xid iti s<rarrlanre uitti the pro~-isu of this
<br />,enzru,~e, fror.: sur3a suaY~e~iin~ .Iul} I or Jsrauyr~ T ~. semi-annt,alh
<br />an Jule T and J;~.uar} 1 of t~a•la year, until pa~nzent of .aid prin-
<br />c~ipai sous ha., tK~n znacTe ,~,r dsnh~ pracidcv3 fc~~r; prc,t ided. h+iurt'rr.
<br />that K+ lot: as them i,: ni, rsisting default in the paw mint of interest
<br />rand es~pt fc,r tha• }c+cnirnt of drfxnhed interent'~. the intrrr~t pa~'-
<br />xCle err any July I ~:d Jz,nua»' }will lx> paid to the }h>r•i~n i:; s; laa+e
<br />nz.znr tih- Band wa, rt-~atert~3 at zh~ i•iose of Cosines. iwheti,er or
<br />n:et a Cusir,rs.. ~~~~; on thr Junr li ur I}s~wnat~>r l ~ the,ase nzati~
<br />i>e. z,rst pr~y~ink sueC intrust pactnrnt datr_ If and ur the esient
<br />tlt3t tlx> (.'t3nfluan3 shall iiefault in €he }~;)'error s,f intrn=t dne ar,
<br />.st:~ Jull i ar 3annar} T, sltrTa drfa~it._xI irat_t•r~-st ~la~i lx> }ra=d tc~ thY
<br />}>f°r~~u w whos:• nxstzr dais Sautci was re~isiet~d tst thr close of Cusi-
<br />n~ on a .n3rse-yutnt rec~c,r~i tiat.e eazsClishra3 Cr natii~ far the
<br />pati'narn€ of su,•ta ,TefaultRti iutrrc~}t, which nutis'e> 4hall Cyr ~i~rn nut
<br />Tel tLaza Tz, d,~}; prior tt:.uc•le rcv-ard d_atr-
<br />1~hi~ Br~,n:d i. onr ,ef t},e r_'~an,,.rlidat~T ~Iazrt~~r Bundy of the
<br />Ct3uapany ~hevin ~>nsetiriari ,allr,l tTn-r . &uads"1 hll issue and €o
<br />Ce i-s:u=_ in onr ar a~ne~u .r-rie~ under. xnd rqu~ic :~~ured C~. an in-
<br />s3en€urr, :~ai~i ilari-Ia "?, i:t:fT, ers,-cutt~i b~ the Cnni}jan}' to ~I~uzi:a~
<br />C=t~tea~rt T~,t C',~+ss'-~~t~ ...t' 1t_u ~'a,te~, a trust <•arrspan~• or~x-
<br />niard a.nd e>;isiin~ under the law: of thr ~taie of \rw Dark lherrin
<br />..'.~
<br />
<br />