79--t UG3437
<br />1, 1979, bt and betK'een BtnLt~cro~ Aonrtterz I~t•., a corporation orga-
<br />nized and existing under the laws of fire State of llelau'are, hereinafter
<br />called the "Campan~•", part}° of the first part, and Jluai,:+v Gt:+a:+~T~
<br />Tut'~r Co+tr.+~t of '~t:++' Ions, a trust eampan}' organized and e4isting
<br />under the la+rs of the State of \e+r lork, and Batt~'t.err Foan of St.
<br />Joseph, :ltiwouri, succeaor to Jac^o8 1t- Fo&.o Ih as Trustees, parties of
<br />the second part, hereinafter called, +chen referred to jointl~•, the "'Trus-
<br />tees" and. when referred to separately', the "Carpt,rate Trustee" and fife
<br />"Indi+-idual Trustee", rest~eeti+•el~-;
<br />ti~net:e~s, the +`_"omt~an~- and the Trustees ha+'e heretofore e~ecutetl and
<br />deli+•ered a ('onsalidated Mortgage dated \larch '~, 1970 (hereinafter
<br />called the "Original \In*t~sge"1 and supplemental indenture. thereto
<br />dated respectireli ss of \iarch '2, 19711, Julti 1, 2970, alaril 15, 1971,
<br />Drcrmlrer _>0, 19; 1. Januan' 15, 197, July 1, 1975 and .tune 15, 1918,
<br />under u hich Consolidated \lartgage Bond.? of se+•ersl series are out-
<br />standing (the t?riginat ~Iortta~e as h~retafart supplemented and
<br />madified being hereinafter called the "Indenture"`; and
<br />~C uEera> antler a Sixth Supplemental Indenture thereinafter called the
<br />"Sixth Supplementer! Indenture"), dated a of Juii' 1, 1975. to the Inden-
<br />turn, the Carnpsn}' crested s series of Bond. under the Indenture knoc+n
<br />a. "Cansalidated ~lnrtgage 9?v ~ Bands, Series E. Due :KMkI", hereinafter
<br />called the "Did Bands": and
<br />\'i"nett~.+s, the C"ctnkpsnc h3-' br pral~•r corporst~ ai•tian uutttur.:.•cl
<br />incxlificatian of the rate of intrrc•-~t parable at: the Old $i,nd. the t rid
<br />Sands as sa madifird bring hereinafter cslle•ti the `Binds of ~•rirs E~•,
<br />and has ubixinrd the ,i,rlrnt W such motlificatian b~ the sole holder
<br />i.hrtYCif; arxd
<br />~Cnetee.-. the i'aurpsv}' deirr: be this Eighth supplemental lndettture
<br />to e: ideate Lhe ternx: and prurisians, n.. determirteai b}' iL Buard of Ui-
<br />rx~t•tz~rs, of Lltr Bottds of Series E. all a` more fully ,et Earlier herein: and
<br />~~'ttt~~:+_+-. nil aetc anti firings ptesdrit,rd b}- Isw. b~• the Restated ('er-
<br />tiftcate of Ini;3rparatlarf and Bt~-I.au~s of the Compere.: and b}- the lnden-
<br />itt_rn hxt'e bent. ju1_? parfarn,etl a_nd t:omplieti faith to nixie this Eitirth
<br />3upplenreatai Indrriture and the Bondy of Serie E, when dal} exeeutrd.
<br />
<br />