<br />MORTGAGE _
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. _ E 63439 _
<br />KNOWALLiSIENHYTHESEPRESENTS:That DOUg7d5 ~. Whitman and Susan A. Whitrndn, each in his and
<br />her own right and as spouse of each other Mortgagor.whethu one or more, in considtrat}on of the sum of
<br />Forty-Five Thousand and NO(700--------------------------------------------------DOLLARS
<br />loaned to said mort¢agor by The EquitaS)e Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 45D shazos of stock of
<br />said ASSt3CSATION, Czrii&wie No. L g~~ . da horrby graat, casn~ty and murtgagz unto thz said ASSOC}AT[ON the fallowing
<br />described real estate, situated in hall Coun~~Neb'raska:
<br />tagtihrr waih al) thr ienrment>, hered,taments and sppunensn;rs t)tr:eunte- h-to^etng, tncludutg attac}trd ft,wr ~v:rrsgs, all window stxteas,
<br />t+^:ndow >.adrs, Isisnds. starm ssindaWS. awnings, tveaimg, a!r .ond:t!on:nc, snd piwnbctg and water equigtrxnt and aurssaries titttrio, pumps, stoves.
<br />rrfr..eersiar<_, aria aiher fixtures~.d rgwpmrni now ar herraitet atta4hr_' to or usrd ;n v,>nneci;on with sail res! esta=.r.
<br />And wherras the sa!d r3iargagar has :,grred and dexs hertt+y aii rt th:t tF.r :a:~;tagor 4all ant wi!1 pay all taxes and assessments 4vred or
<br />assea~sed open said premixs and apan this mortgage and the bond secured therrh. before the samz shall lxUmr dr}inquent: to furaish approved
<br />insurance upon iht bindings on said prtmis-, ytuated m the su^i .,i ~ 45,~~0. ~O r^3f-sh)r to seed .4SStX 1ATI0\~ and to dt?isrr to said
<br />ASSOCIAT)ON the xlicrts iru sand msuran: r, and not to commtt .:r prr;tu; any >.aste on ,,r atk ut svd prrrmsts:
<br />lr. case cd- drinult in the ps~tfarmv-:cr o7 ark o the tetttu ati3 cond;ttims v1 ihss martgag::~r the band secured ht^; by, tht mortgagee shall,
<br />as demand. lse tnttt)td to tmsnrd;ate possrseron of :hr mortgaged prrmtsrs and the martaeeor herr`v} assigns, trans3rrs and sets over to Lhe
<br />mangaget aii the rents. revenues and tncamt too: dtrved Ctom the m,.a*_ragtd premises durtrz suc!r tune as t'rt mortgage mdebudrrors shall remain
<br />tu:pnrd: sad the mortgagor sh,Jli have the {k wet to appo,s•.t and agent or agrnts n mad desire f.~r the putposr of repauine said premixs and renting
<br />ihr same and co'.irrtrng 3ht rents, rcvrnars and mcame. and tt aia} pub out : f ssrd m.amt al) expenses of repairing said premises and nzcessary
<br />x+mmissirr,ns and expersrs ;ncurrtC :n rtnung and macagu3g the saint and , f calltctrng rrnia)s i}itrefrom: tier balance remaining. if any, to be
<br />=pplied toward t:ir ..:achatgt t,i said mortgage u,drhtcilnrss: terse rig.tits ~+l the trwrigaeer mad Gz exercised at ar.~ <i-ne during the rvsteat~ of such
<br />default_ isrrspr 4nr of an} rrm{sorn uarser of the saint.
<br />Thrst Presrnis, h:>s:-rs_:...r upon tt:r C'ond;tior..'That rf the seed ?,tortgag<sr shsll rc-a} sasd l,an an •,.r i+t: ;z the matwtiy of said shares by
<br />n-=y nxt:t . Isy nrar^t::`E to sat; ,L4y0('±ATIO\' . the , -:; spr,-rfxd i:. i23t $ard secured Fatto~ as interest aru ^_ :,napal as said loan. an ar itziort
<br />tier TK~rmxth dai~ ,. tar:^. ns,, tt~_~:y ro::ntr;. anal+saod i:,rn a fsii~ pbd. pak all texts and ssstsstrrnts let7ed n,.ainst ~sd prtmis,=.s and on this tilengage
<br />an. tiit Hone'. secured thrttbt , lutiu;e de't:;aqurn:l . iur;ush appraxd sastuarix u}+:i-: iltr buiid;ngs iherran m :let sum al S 45 QD~~ ~ payabk
<br />.,? >axi A1~%iCIA 3:0\. rrnak t., !1 d ASSOC)Ai3t7\ upon Grman.] aL nwtxt b} rt pa,d fur su:^ texts, assrastnenu rind u;surante s :th in[erert at
<br />t'rre niaarmum irga) rat: ihr:t~+r:- ; r,,m dat: of ps}-men: all ,it a ttcn ytrtgagar h3rrt:t agrees to ¢ay: permit nu waste an said premises; keep and camply
<br />whir aTi the agrrxrraants and a,nutri,ur..,i [.he &,:t3 i,u c ,~~ dax asxt:, by t~ ~ hianxsgar ro Saud A;,SOCIATION, ar? :o^:p?y
<br />with ail tit rr;}uuetixats of tGr {'ursirtutr~m and Hy-Laws of~1~C>I!.Y.YCIO\. then rr,rx aresrnu shall bta~m: null and wid, atherwise they
<br />a}sa}I retivin to full for cr and .cut tv: f.xeclosrd x: the option of the said ASSOC}_ATION afiet failure Cat there months to make any of said
<br />pasmcris or br there trwrnths m aatrus ,r, _iakrrz sea tnczni'rl, payritnts, <rs :. keep an.i comp!. r•liii the ugrtrmrnts and canditians of card Hand;
<br />and Mongygos agrees to nave x rt Y,>:rt appuattrei ss.+rt:^,ra eth :n xu:?: forrcl.>surt pr.~rr3anp5.
<br />If !hest is any ~tatsgr m awt;ersiup of the zeal rstzrr marigtigrd IrrrtLn, by sa)r ur cihervrtse, then the tniirt reniaisusig videbtedriru hereby
<br />sectrred shall, at the ~tpricm .,f Tate iquzui:ie Huildtng ai:d L.,sn Assa,ssiron of Grand Island.. Nebraska brcartx tmirxdinit)y jut and payabk without
<br />t`trtther notxe, and the arrn+unt rrauntm dot under s,u,i !wad, and an; s+tnrr bond far any addiiiaral advances rnadr ihrn_tmder, shall, from she
<br />dart of tiercise of said apti<.,u. ooze interest at the mazsmunt )rte; :air. and thas nuirtgage tint then tx iarec)asrd to satisfy the atnaunt dot as said
<br />batad,anti an+~ other bond fo; addni>*:ai adanvs, itagrthrs ~-zuh aii s_:,s part M saes T'nr Ec}urtablr Htti)di'rg ad ! au:.Rssitcxiion of G:e.~:Is)a'rd,
<br />!rebsasla far irrruranar, taws afid ss:r~_nrms, and abstracting extr;sos clsarges. wrth sttrtsr thcrean, fram deer of paytticnr at the ;t3aximum
<br />I rate.
<br />.As providra m the Hand stcurrd trrroby, wh:.ir *_ras ?a,rigagr rr;ria>ns ~ . eifr z :E:.r ?ranaaeer may h•reai:•- advance additiara! sums ra :he
<br />maktss of sasd &'srrd. %xir assigns w sra~ -;sus , m u^srres:. u,r,:h ,urns shall ar w:thrn. the security ai ilus mangagt the saint as rho funds originally
<br />rr~zred thcr_bx, the total at:n=w.3 of prin:rpa? debt nc,t to ex~rr:: at anT iuxx ilx otsgrnal amount ci this mortgage.
<br />r
<br />Wired t lst ; da>~ „f June A r .14 79
<br />,~ r I ~=~ r _
<br />~ J hit~an~ `~
<br />Suzan A. ~hit~an
<br />57ATE ~ ~~' ss. On this 7 St ,any of June 19 79 , befars era,
<br />the «ndertagned, a Naiary Public w and for said County, ptrwnally canx
<br />Do~1as J. Y@sit~n and Susan A. 4~hitman, each in his and her _cH~ ri~h~t and ass u e of each
<br />~` 1 are ~~y known to
<br />far w bt the ident'sr..7 pet~n S vrhase Crane $ are afi?xed to the abo;re insVttnien! u ~rtgagor 5 and they! ~-~u's`rrally.
<br />~ tIx mid matrtiment io bt t~iei i" w3tmtary ut and died. f' /l
<br />~2?r%.a my hand tt>~ Nottrziad Seal the date aforesaid. ,/ 7
<br />6E~faA. 3t>?!#Y. S~•ta rd tfrporlo~ _ ~' ~'' +~':1~ ,- ~-~
<br />si-xfs fu f„i t;err r + -.: m 1 iSbl ~ - -- ./ ~~ 1 C- J -
<br />