<br />ASSIGNMENT'JF RENTS Loan Na. 49420-3~_
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Dale W. Gewecke and Marilyn J. Gewecke, Husband and Wife,
<br />(hereinafter called the Mortgagors) in consideration of the sum of
<br />Thirty-three Thousand Five Hundred and No/IDO--------------------•-Dollars (333,500.00 }
<br />loaned to Mortgagors, do hereby grant, bargain, seA and convey unto COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION of Omaha.
<br />Nebraska, (hereinafter tailed "Commercial"}, its successors and assigns, the following described real estate, situated in the County of,
<br />Hall State of Nebraska, to~wit:
<br />Lot Thirteen C13), in Island Acres No. 7, a Subdivision of part of Fractional Section Seven C7);
<br />a part of the West Half of the West Half CW 1/2 W lJ2) of Section Eight C8); and part of Lot
<br />Twenty-four C2r+), Island Arses, alt in Township Eleven C11) North, Range Nine C9) West of the
<br />6th F.M., in the CiTy of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska;
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, w:Gr the appurtenances thereunto belonging. unto Commzrcia!. !ts scctzssors and assigns. forever.
<br />Said Mortgagors hereby rvenant with said Coi,.mercial, its surcessdrs and assigns. that Mortgagors are iawfu!!y seized of said premses, drat
<br />they are free from encumbrances, and t*at (boy telil fcres~r vrarrant and defend thz title to said gremises aga;nst the lawful c!a;ms of al! persons
<br />whom:sozv2r.
<br />Provided, nevertheless. these presents are upon the fallowing ronmtioos:
<br />Thai whereas the said Mortgagors as members ei Co-nmertial nave L^is date zxetutzd a Hate evidencing such ioan antl agreeing to repay said
<br />sum of money, wa inizrest, to aayments as set forth in said Hate cad have agreed to abide ~ thz terms of said Hate and Charter and 3y-Laws
<br />Commercial.
<br />That whereas ibis mortgage snali szCU;e any 3dditid a' aC~rrices. w!fi interest. wt'~:ch -ay. at the opt!on of Caamernal. ~ -ode b, C,~
<br />mertizl td the undzrsrgnzd Mortgagi,rs dr thz;r successors =n tits tar arty ~urpcsa, at any bne bzfdrz the rzleasz anC canc2ltaben of ihs rertga~
<br />but PROVIDED. HOii'EVER, at no umz shall the aggregate r~!nnpai amount secu;?d ~ firs ?crtgage being thz a^duni due at any tine cm sac
<br />nrrgirat note and any addiLanal advances moor. exceed an amount equal to >IG p2rten! at the air.ount of the origin3t note. Dui ;n ne evert s:'rat~
<br />said note axczed tha rrazimum amount permitted Dy law, and PROVipFD Ht,iVEVER that noth~r,g herz:n canlu:.^? sha•' be tens~a2rzd as '.:r:U.^g
<br />ihz atrn-nnt tt!si Shai+ tK secured hereby' w#en advancau prates Me ,e; u.,7~ er .n accdrdanc2 write evenanis ,-,entamec in `++e : drtga~.
<br />Ndw, +f the said Ak~rtgagdrs shat: ~y or cause to ~ r .~ fin said s;:i^s e. ^onz7 wren due, as set te:dr .n said note. and any o,Rer n to td.
<br />add,;gnat advances made unit? said dabf is fairy aa:o wim interest. men n?s? p:?minis sna!~ tie ~•iu: cth2rs:se to be and =zmaFn :n fur: force and
<br />zfit2ct: but !i default shsuio !>z made:
<br />a~ .r, any of thz payments Cue do said oats sod ant/ :'her n;,±e for adCit:onai aceancas':ad2 as thzrzin agreed to be ~rad2 for threz °o,-rfis. or
<br />~D; In ;taping me :-rptox~em2nts dd said prafii52s insured aga+nst loss by season of fire. lightning. and oNer hazards ,nd„azd ~,n eztend2d
<br />tarerage vns3;rantz !n an anouni nt !zss g!an "±z unoa~.C D=_ ancz of said matt; ge ioan. !n a cee:pany a companies acc2ctaD12 to Ce^.
<br />m>err;ai the origrna; of such pa!; cy or rx,}aies to H held ~ Commetuai, an_ with a n3rtgaa° e!aus2 atached to sofa policy or pe!+ttes-
<br />i~~ fawr dt Com;nerc{ai: 3r
<br />m the payrr~st of tax.°5 and assessme-s iev:ez' uvn sort . _ ses. -, on t",s c_ tgagn :xfor= they are ozi~nq;;ent. e~
<br />rd? If their a any change •.n the awrers-;~ :? me tea! grate -~rigaged herein. hq r!z ether ouGsgtr+. 3: !y iand ccnttact- 2.: by ass;gnranf of
<br />cry ;nt°tESt tf;2recn ~ ,otherW~:sat
<br />Thar..n arty o' dr2 a1 w_ se! forth zxw pis th? w';;, c ndebtedness harzby secureC seal. at the opt:gin ;f is^.mercai. IT^ er ate!v become due and
<br />pay:.b!e x~icncat farther noire>- and fie amount >~<e _t-r=r sat e Hate and any other Hato tc~ admt:=anal aovanies Haas s;1a;1, f'oT fir date nt d;Q zxztclse
<br />of Sa;d aptra^ Dear r^t2resi a; the max: m:;°: ego .- per an'io'n, ar.d fi,s mortgage ,riot/ than Lti ;.sec:os~ :c Sat tfr L'<e am,un: due an said note, and
<br />any c~er n3?e f3. ao-da ona:.uvanczs- -oe2~`zr „gym ,,.` suns ,mid !+y Cnm, e~tra: `a. - -su,anr? taxes assess-z".fs cad a;'<t;act txtansron charges
<br />w!'th interest #hzrewn from 7~ Cate .f ;ay;'1'eata: mz ?.a~~.m:,- i?gat ;ate.
<br />PROVIDED Sat ~n na exxnt- either 9rf,e c. fit--i Cetau t shalt »:? inte:es: cue ~adzr sa:~ ...e an„ tr,- s n,rtgage and ar,_: am2r Hate for 3d-
<br />diflonai advancas mCda ex.e=.a t^tz n:ax::,v>n .aw>> .-=te•e;t -ate
<br />PROVis^,c_ ,:rtnet ., ~t r the 2~.a, 7a: ? a_ . ~~=s tnz iron s the .,,.y- .:5 ? 3 -- r r;;e an- . :,^, .:',. ..i2 r dmt.ana!
<br />ac.an,es as ~ e- grid ...F .. - _ _ _ s__ :, ,.. as a*~ , „_., _ ;_ x - ' :,>; .ar:en ^'athe thxes
<br />:;r assessments ev,ed uroa n? pie- ses „b:iw~d._. :re, u; ~ 'ts 5: De:.re _ _ _. .v,e , Con, e Hal s".a:. De znt .i?•d
<br />s3 ~c ,C;ct~3:2t? p:t5S255:3". .. ire 7:2:'x: ScS s~,'F ',Y~:'~:ri'- ;2=.Fr'! K'..: 3-.' ?^,S 31hk.35 a. >5_2i a';5 "g Ct;: „ „ 2 .,c'=f>25 ant fiat/
<br />:f 'SS TSC'nt:3i, .:Sr tirc tE":L S. ,. a5 ae2, ~ 'X25531 ..,. ?i:.. _ -_ .^,ai,~ag '2wa~!5 ~J ? L,e ,. '" Se5 3*1;. '. . ~_ uari e9i ""st Pt.
<br />ra
<br />pt~,:.=unrs. ixxes s=rC ass2s5rr+enis ::.~:;s s..~ e-a:-,-s__ an,: tar -.tess_ 2x.z.-,,.s - . e,i:„ ss..: sr,s?s . _ ~~ : g -?r.t fieret;~a° and
<br />' a~M 3a~ on 3a: c' nr;a any ant r~.icS er`:da'~_ r J.ti`2 acxant., "e'e,n~?. L1I.~ .;,e .`73°:,,2¢3255 SeG`a. ~ i r i,.
<br />~LyLD3~d, an,. ^' Ss7Ch ,`xtrN52S.
<br />trw. urrdersiy~ed dce5 hereby se,: assign set ,~va~ a "an.srr ,nr. ,,ant. , ,,: a'~ ~' sa o :rots : ueeeas any . ~:=+es ;nc!un ng any !ono tonttact
<br />~ym~r~ dare mnttyeg2 ow;r2r_ ? a?y ai;:_ _ ., _s , mny iypz wha~sa2x~ .- sac ,,~ .y :>< _c, li?d ,;R n3tzs a I've dzs[r:f?2d, tLt sand
<br />C3r;:Rier:.a! shat:?n nn case be .~abic * ~ Cie .,, : 12 t,: ~.. C6ia tenants *...._ ... `entS ... , ; Se C:i?e ac'. a^.s t^ iz ~:e~ :asses s: an of sarel pre;ntses.
<br />The #lorigagurs Fu he= appa;n: Commerc.a' cr Jn.ah; td2b'asna tae' attn!ney n ;at .rnE ,a a.r;m2, ,,:w r ;;ia,=rapiy starer cn ;L dWn
<br />name m #origag-.as' names th taco a.. o2czssary s~_._ fa prt~tza;. s25 rv :ate': c1 >tne~w s_ t3 wu~_ ,,,. uan ises t: 5e vacatzv tc r3liett rentals
<br />;ir aLh2; ,nco-aws d:,e, and wraan vacant. t_~ r2r2? the sa=ne t: r.aee =as::. a ..z,a::s a,o ;a'; :axe.. ,~.. ,. _ .2..., .- i;,s..,~;Cac: paymeas ar
<br />:4L01*.25. an"_ 1C dG a!. Such th~n~5 e!fhe' Dy ! i5 Dwsr , i':~rat5 " ht .tti2. [ ra - a. ~. ~^, _2-- 3~tl ___. .?t -:.v . _ ~~'6 .,: Said pl;tp35e and
<br />iC :.":;arge _:t nay a "aSDilahiE fat fD`. Such S2r YiC25. a-.. ..f fi? 3x2 r' ~~ ~..t _: =~i+; ~, .`5 3-,t . _.,,.. ~,.~ _ ... .. ; r' ~;,_. .. . , ,;5 17 'h2~r Sa t
<br />a125T2Y r:".3) 5?a.,!!'. ~i WyM fv:i .~W°~ .. au ^•.5.i tilt::..,
<br />'r';a ~,';gzg;n's fserabv agree ths'_ ~ , _r:'~' ? thrr :. _~ ~ i -_- - _
<br />•... r . R ~ a t S;.c. ~ •-fret ng --_ 2- ,-_
<br />t' d:x tie?esr.~r -£ csesc=:be^ r a; 2sfit :n.s r• sage :: s.~ ~ i. to : i _s _tne trr,, _ t:_ _,~ . :s:~.u~e~ .y ..x 2, _i~, .A==igag.,rs w r
<br />2'G'uc:,sE i;31; :P,br~tar iGi ail ':asxaG! „~f5 ., .,__ .y -~a~-t~~... .ti 3'~ ~;... ,."5_eC_•..,~~i',~<T-~ :z'a ~t.5 ~'L'lE' aS~F2 a7at ` h= ~e 2-, :`JfF
<br />deSCi;+yed teat zs131a ur any part ins e, .re ^bnd ~ .roe' h ,awe. ~1 .: n2^.t ":3f~'oir. .S a11Frw s9 acqu:iHd i ;-~e':-1 use '1 n:mages
<br />arsarr~a. ilia ^*caeeds °:~ fie taxi;?g, a,d tc--; fi? r~.s-~-_?,:a, ! , .,cdu.s : ~ t =zi-,rr ; -~i~ a-:ou.,, o ? ~ :err-a:-..n~ un,:a.d ;ndzvted-
<br />ness seered i+Y its morigE~, Dz and Lhe~ haraDy are ass: ~.2d t_ Con.a2;tea! and sha;i2bz a:^ ,orirw;`h tc Com e=_;a! ,^. tvr ap °a ,n taint 3f
<br />iRf taFt.^.!aikir45g1 ,P:~~i~I/,!L$~_~-.if5 "f rr`JC::C[d?~t?-^..C~w. n
<br />;raid dpi:s ~-.'.i3y J .itSlr! .:~ ~.3__ t _
<br />lJ 1`
<br />N4 T' ° cENCE OF r ' ~ `~ x/ ~ L<~"~-G~>~ ,, _
<br />= ~ j i Dale W. Ge:reek~ ~~ .
<br />- MaM~ilya J=1 Gewecke -----
<br />ss.
<br />~DllNTY L?r pl~I i, - ---- -
<br />On arts _-__ day of .~>~ _-- , ig 7~-. , Dzfcre rite. a notary gu,hc :nand far ,aid County aersdnafly came
<br />gre above-agreed
<br />Dale ii. Ge*,raicke cad t4~~ilya J. Gewecke, Husband and Wife,
<br />to ire weiS knowrr L tie itre 3dexfticat person or pars~rM~~~~. ~parres arz affixed to the ab3ve mortgage as granter or granters and they, hz
<br />--. ar shg- sewratitr arknowiedee_tte said i t;~ ~ ~greof. ir. bz tne,r va!uriarv act and deed.
<br />"' ti~r.Oa t7. ta78
<br />Ri ~ :•r _ . ___. __: u_~.:_ _ ,asx awv2 wriaran.
<br />€~~ ~ ria„r, ~„s,.II,~r~t S~af y~,~~'ri!!!` -. _ ~~ ~ / % y
<br />_ _ .r_~< -.__
<br />~7p ~ ty t3ty r~bhC
<br />My etP~niss:on expires ao the ~ ~ ~~ d of ~ ._ ! 9 l~ !- M 5+J
<br />fi -~-.
<br />