79- UC~3424
<br />KNOW ALL MEN 8Y THESE PRESENTS: Thai Kenneth R. Spiehs and Barbara J. Spiehs, Husband and iiife,
<br />thereinafter calisd the h~ortgagors) in consideration of the sum of
<br />Thirty-six Thousand Seven Hundred and No/100----------------------pollars(536 ,700.00 }
<br />loaned to Mortgagors, do herebyy grant, bargain, sell and convey unto COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION of Omaha,
<br />Nebraska: {hereinafter called "Commercral"), its successors and assrgns, the following described real estate. situated in the County of,
<br />Ha11 Stato of riehraska. to-wit:
<br />tot Thirty (30) in Sass Second Subdivision located in Section Fourteen (14), Township
<br />Elevea (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.H., in Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />according to the recorded plat thereof.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME.. with the appurtenances ihereunta t>zlongin;, unto Comm?rr~al. its successors and assigns, forever.
<br />Said fdcrtgagcrs hereby covenant win, said C,ommeru_==!. its successors anal ass!gns, that M1".ortgagors are lawfully seized of said premises, that
<br />they are free #rum encumbrances, and fix? they writ fxever warrant and defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of al! persons
<br />whomsoever.
<br />Provided, nevertheless. these presents are upon the fu!icwiag canditrons:
<br />Thai whereas tt:2 said Mortgagars as members of CammerL+.al have this date executed a note 2videnLing such !oar: and agreeing to repay said
<br />sum of money. with interest, in payments as set forth .r, said note and have agreed ?o abide by the t2rn~s L' said note antl Charter and By-Laws of
<br />Commercial.
<br />That whereas this mortgage shat! secure any aadr?ia,a! advances, with interest which gray. at roe aptiun of CucTercial, be made by Cum-
<br />rerciaf to the undersigned Rtnrtgagers ar thew successors ;n t!tte for any purpas2. ai any t!me beto:2 the r?:ease and cancellation of this mortgage.
<br />~;t PROVIDED. HOWEVER. at ne time shat! dIe aggregate prnnda! amount secure, Dr tlus morisaag2. being the ameun[ due aE any time un sard
<br />L~igirzl Hie and any addiLOnz! advances mate, exceed an ?^a:nt 2Guai :- '?S ^'rL2n! of ±he a,:.ount of tha or!g.na1 note. taut in rd event shall
<br />rata not? ?XCeed Gi? maxnma~m amount perm!tted '-'y raw- and PROb'lOE0. HOWEVER ifiat naL~ing herein contained sha!I be considered as limiting
<br />ttre ar;uunt that shall be secured hereby when adtand2<7 to prn12L2 the s2LC,~ty or m accordance with Covenants contained m the mortgage.
<br />No»_ if the laic txa,'ica~rs shawl par cr cause to t>z „a!,d Me said suds of ; they wh?n due, as set forts !n said Hate. and any othe[ note fur
<br />a'kib~'>ai aa,ances r..ade until said debt ~s fully pa;d will interest. Hen these presents shall be vciu`: uth2rh~ise, to be and remain in full torte and
<br />ef'ect ^.>ttt rf defani; ahoultl be madz:
<br />a= !n any a tn? payments due ~i sard nsie, and any nLh2r note fir atlort!Cnal advances made, as Herein agreed fa he made far three months. or
<br />;h; In keeping t?e ir:pro~"ame^ts on said prem;ses ~nsured ae3,^st i•ass by ~easan cf i„e- +;fitn!ng. and erher hazards incluoetl in eXl~ded
<br />carera~ ,ns>;rae=_e !n an a;^ns:nt Hat less than the unpa!e h:!a,`:ce a? sa!a r-.Cart~g? id3n- in a dempany ur cam.pames acdepiable tc Cam-
<br />., Lai, Me dnamai Lt sac,`, p !CV or p;loci?s t7 x he,a ` vomm.eri~a', and w~€h z mortgage clause attached ?d said ^a!idy or ;~alicies.
<br />rn ta;vr of CammerLial: a.
<br />,. +n dIe payment of razes and ass2ssm?,,nts i2vred up„r sa!d ; -,ses. o en ?~s -^crtra;e.+zrer= they are cef!nGuent or
<br />?t `here is any *_hange m the uwn2rsh:p ct the r2ai 2s'ate -_atgaged ;:?r?sp trr sale ?:they a.asi~: or by !and r nlraLt. or by assigr:ment of
<br />any :nter2;t dr2reun ur a'~?rw,s?;
<br />*~zi . <-; any et the aM;v2 set-torvi events ? x'7uie !ndebt2,'.ne>s neretry secured sha::, a? t^? cnL~:n . C,^mm2r. a' m!r2d at2iy beLOn2 due and
<br />payable n;th=o_r turner not;ce, and tlIe amount"a_:e :,nez: sa:"u wale and any ;,the' note *ur add~t Ana! _...znces "adr sh..:i. `. t^e date 71 the eXmt,se
<br />pi said a;tiun. Dear ;r,iereSt at sie max;mun =.ega1 rate ;xr asnusr~. ant: tits mortgage may h;zrr tx; 'c?L~ps:'o h sattstp ,!? ac punt due ai said note, and
<br />any u"Ier ~rQ for addhanai advanc?s. togetr?r w°!In a:! saga pa!G by Commerua± ter !r!scianC2 tares- ass?ss,~:2nts and abstr-aci eXtensien charges.
<br />wrth interest flier?an fram ;ate date of ~yment at ne mex~'.r;:dm !2ga'. •a;e
<br />PROVIDED ti:at !n as event. a!m?; be'or2 :r at'2~ a?'ast. s':a', the !ntz est sue ~ntl2r >a.--~ a:,te and :., - . ;gage and any uae; Here for ~-
<br />d!hmlar adva.,ces r>ad2 exceed L,? ^.cx,rnu^ 'awful me:?si rate
<br />PR~Yiy~!' f. ,.tar. ?a' 'n t"f e><:nt .,LLa v=h,1 : 1=[5 '_^2 =ak'IS . .., a,-Yr'.S ]„_ .. .a _ ,.. _~ 3, y . . .. 3 .. v t;Cti3i
<br />aCi'an%. 35 n!?r2,n ag'2?L ;_ R :,,d_ .. nee;.. 2 ?'12 ,, r~'.~SeS •n5»'2d. 35 ~3'h 2 .'cr-~2_,. ti . __ _ - S' - . - ..._ ¢ai ~cnt ?f Ltie "ujX25
<br />u. ass?ssf._ ;' !2v~ u,<r tae p•e ~__ .hcv- a2_~ ,`~ ~ this ,:rig-: ;2- br._.= N?t r L~ `sw "__ _ _ . _ ;?a oe~:nh?led
<br />t." Te 'rsmE",~aie ~,^SS?SS ::, ;' t^~ pre--',525 ax r~-'.~'SL"~~d t.g?;ii? w-C! a:~ '2"._. ~,: ~?v2?d5 3;L SS„eS 3 _:'; ;d„.:.._ _ P-~iS2c. 3,d rah.
<br />:s d,sL,et~ar use m;? reas s: t~• as ~.: o~ms a2cessa,y ~~< re {wr nLSe of max .g `epa;s ~F~', ..,2 ..2: ~?s ant =_ ,_y ., ~+,issranL2
<br />pt?rrn:ms taxes and assess:. e*.ts ;,pin surn :reR,:ses avid t; cessa^, ?xeens?s •nci..cd ;, rent- sa :, _:re!-:;,_> a, .. ~~ _, .s ;eat rr e#<,,:;. and
<br />_ _.-^,.=y Sar.:_ .._ d . .... ..=r ., L,'...:. ,,.~ .. ~ {ti._ - ... ..,., ~. u. , ~-.C ,.•aru,.,,,.,253 a...., _.. 5 .. x 3 a n. -_' ~~fi ter. ~?•iES.
<br />tn2 ,t'!~P'S!g~e. ~;rt'i hor?"Y,' Se:: s~:gn 5°t .^r 3..., ^`tt_- _ ., .. _. u _... _{2..._ -a ._ .. __..g 3.'+t -.3.... ,.',~ tr3Lt
<br />C.iy.:,C^?5 cY.'f ?tP.g2g2 Jw.n2.S ~• i^q . trrt' .n.:3r".k5 3rY yp°. M ._tSD2 _ ,._"' Sr ~~~k.•Y .,, ',~... __ .. '''t' ,ta5 ?y„r•? naSL!; 32•.'. ',31 Saetl
<br />Cu.?^r_,i,a' S,3 c n. .aSe he ' .the ,.e t,.. „r 1...,.`2 t?r.ar's t:..' 2.f .?ntS _ t_ v :>?ictr ~. ."5,. ..;yC r?3C__S , .' Sa ,. ,^aSES
<br />k4J_yagr.: 'u~1',f* a;,;r:,nt ~c,,;r_ . ~.. - N .~as.a att~ Bey v .... g v^g sa::tr ~:y .~,~cr ,?r._..~}' e;C:e , ;ts own.
<br />rSans2 CH ~-A'ib-g S'`!-. .?$ t.: 23~? a ?: eSS3'4 St_.S ~.- _....,' '~.: K' ,,., ..., ., i.'N 1. ;. -___. Sn.., :.2T'S__ t. .l? .u_at2~ :_ _. -?L? ren tats
<br />a, L~?' '^=6F+eS 1,!?. an; wk'f: r3ia ..P, t^,. Sa.-f` .. _. aSS_!IS: ? epa. c 3r: v ~ '3'.:_ :,.. :! S. a E4I(S :. '.5 pOlraCt k lm.+3F1 tS G,
<br />..a„2.' 3ilL ._ u.., ' S»S. ~•PgS F,ff_. by ,5 JM .. ;°->. ~ h.; [~.a .._ dL-1 -3utn. _P. 3': ~.. _ . ,_L 'ti S ._ .t ." Sa,L pt!p:,Se. and
<br />crarg2 ;;' ~ a '23S~.,a.'2 __ .;,. S'.r:.'. S?~V. S 3' _,r ., ,. ?- 6_-.-_ ? .~'.2S 3n_ a .. :'. 1~ a:, i ~', L _ '~
<br />- _. _ _... - .. _... m< 3S ._ >¢.! Saw
<br />a'.T_•^'.t'w Fly SttK hey±. x, i,* ?:." pave?~ =! SL~'31~Gt~~."'.
<br />``>£ 3b.g2~€s',zre*,rr .~,_ i... _azr=,. :: n,: „ _.. - _ ..-,;-~ -., ,r.-. ~s ~_ _ ade .:.A. y _ _ ' c.:. _ . ac??d;ng r?faung
<br />Ya :'f :>ere,r~ u:E d@St~ ~~'23 eStat? .,' i. 1~ r ~~~ -- _ __ .. ^i~ ~ - w - ..~ .. t_,. ; ~_'h :?r O~as Fd9rl2a;~,'S wu':
<br />r@'::,.filar>e Gxm,t'c,a? :? ',' reaiy,d'~, cpS15 ,nd ,F,. _+f ~J^'~r . _ ~-' S.,'. .u _ _ _ . +d. -: _<.5 :L~:h_i. ag'. ~_ ha: .! :.'! -r2r?!ntI?1Dre
<br />~~.-?he; 'ea e*_t3t£ .' 3"'y ;m': ih2'2Ji d2 :;;apv ,^2?' 1!22 T_ .~? _ -....' k _ - _ _ ..._ w c~ 3_.~ 1__ ` _ FL_ _ __ . .:2 LaTag?c
<br />3Yx~dC ti#e yrC~2PG5 tN '!h? taP=ng- and tar lh2 Ca~SiD?°a G. ~' - sat t. a,- ,. S ~.], ~;" Sr, x•,~:t :.2 ~_`'~ ar __. ., ,--? _-:a.ning an6a:C -ndeiS2tl-
<br />~~ Y~ ~' t1k L.i. T rtgag€ t12 anE u,c}~ i'i2L*y firE 3iS; git_~ .. _~.~,"rt..-.3 sP.J 5;_- :r_ .,.... ~-with 'L ,_~..'~_.._ e~. t. .x 2r¢',f? ~n c+':..'u~l ?,
<br />past ..,.... _ :rrs ...,?;-;~ ;t sum :sdeb€edr:2ss.
<br />Oat t^,y-`-[ 1z5T ~ of June ._ _?9
<br />tN TH: ~REyENCE GF: ~ ~jf,~ - J~ `-''~`~ ~ ~` -",, ---
<br />.ff,~ Kenneth R. Spiehs
<br />_ r ~.
<br />Barbara J• Spied
<br />ss.
<br />u~tittTi itF WILL _________-.._-__ _
<br />{M his /51r ~ of __y,;,,a _~ , i5 ~9 before ine. a no'ary pubiir. ,nand for sa;o County, p?rsonaiiy came
<br />ills ~vt-aaveed
<br />Kanaeth R. Spiehs and Barbara J. Spiehs, Husband and kTife,
<br />~@t me melt Brawn to be the identical person or {ret'srms whose rams is ur names are arfix?d to tike ahoy? mortgage as grantor or grantors aria they. he
<br />ar Stia, severalty acknowledge the card inst;urneut acrd the execufion ;fi?rent, to be their v,!untary act and deed.
<br />0l~ge.~r /!` /~ A
<br />tTNEI~i i'dtis day and year fast abave wnttea. ~'/ ~
<br />MM Crrw. 6q, M. X ~1 `"~~~J'.s?'~ i'tls ,,r'-c,.~i-~r.Q.,
<br />c~ s~ /,{ Nraarr "~5r!
<br />My cc~nmiss:un expires wI dI? -~~ day at _~~~11.5~__-- i4 _/L . ";± 5,,
<br />