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79--U(43423 EXPANDABLE MOETGAGE <br />ASSIGNMENT QE RENTS Loan No. 820289-2 <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That David M. Bewley and Therese A. Bewley, Husband and Wife, <br />--- (hereinafter called the Mortgagors) ie consid¢r lion of the sum of <br />Fifty-six Thousand Fifty and NoJ100-------- ------Dollars (S 56,050.00 ) <br />loaned tq Mortgagors, dq hereby grant, bargain, sett and convey unto COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION of Omaha. <br />Nebraska, (hereinafter called "Commercial"), its successors and assigns, the fallowing described real estate, situated in the County ot, <br />Ha,21 State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />Lot Twenty-one (21) in Meadow Lane Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska; <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME. tviN the appurtenant?s thereinto t~!cnging. unto, its successors and assigns, forever. <br />Said Mortgagors hereby covenant with Bald Commer,al- its successors and assigns. Nat "Aortgagers are lawfully seized of said premises, that <br />Nav are tree irwn encumbrances, and u:at they well foray?r aarrant mod d?tend ih? tdlz to said premises against the iaxiui clams of all p?rsm~s <br />whdmSd?<'er. <br />Pr3vided. navettheiess. these presents are upon the fc-:Ewing cond~Lons: <br />Thai whereas the said Mortgagars as members of Commercia< have this date e%?; ufeG a not? ev:d?nc+ng such loan and agree,ng to repay said <br />snm ci moo?y. with interest, ir, payments as sef forth m said note and hay? agreed to abide by N? terns pf card retz and Charter and By-Laws of <br />Cornrnerciai. <br />That wh?reas Nls mortgage shall secure any addibw,a! advances. w:tl. ,merest. which may. of the opt;en of Ctmrneuia!. be made by Com- <br />mercia'.- to the unders:gnc~ !dorigagers cr then suecessors !n 5t".? for any purpose. at any time before the reteasa and cancetlat.on ct 6his mdrtgag? <br />h:t PROVIDED. HOWEVER. at nd time shall Ne aggregate principal amount sz•:ured dy Nis !ncrtgagz. b?ing ;he ar oun? due at any time cn saiq <br />or,gina! nose and any addlhenaS advances made. exceed an zmai;nt equal to i1C p?.cent of the amount of Ne ong;nal Hate. gut in no evens sfiall <br />sa+d note ?%c°ed Ne maxirum amount permitted by~ tax. and PROVIDED. HOYdEYER- Nat noNing herein coaained shag be aans+deretl as hmibng <br />N? ~~~t that shasi he s?cut?d hereby when advanc?d to protect N? secure- or .n accarcance w+th covenants centamed in the mddgag?_ <br />Non. ~f the said Mor!gagLrs shah Dray or cause to ce paid Ne sale sues of n.:mey ,then du?. as set font, r said note. and any other Hate for <br />_ _ ,~3,1 ~~;A :s-we ,c £„i14 ns ,n ta!aer thaw fhnea _~ ca.~tc efui; na mot, A' ~}iwi.~ea i-~ iv aeu3 ,a n fntrn vui <br />ef#ect !x!,t ~fdefaUtt SfiDll!d De T+adf::... ., :., t,,,.~ ..: ......... ... ,,.... ..:. ~- ....._ ,..... .. .. .....,..., .. ,...... ...... .., «.,.. ....,,..,...,.. ....~ <br />gar to any of Ne payments doe an sa,d not? and any oth?r no?? fm ado"iPCaat advances m,adf as tne12in agreed to de made for three ^nonihs, er <br />b+ to keeprng Ne imptaveme,tts on said prem,5es snsured against !oss by reason ct fuse. Oghtn,ng, and ether hazards Inc!ud?d m eat~ded <br />cavaroge insurance m an amount not ass Nan Ne pnpa:^. *~a+ance of sa+d oe!igag? loan. !n a coepanr er co:Tpan:es acceptable to Con+- <br />mrctai. the original ei such paitCy of ~I,c!es to i1e he!d by Commere,a!. and wiN a mortgage c'aus2 attached to said polry or pol+aes. <br />in favor df L'amr°rC!a l; n, <br />c1 Ut Ne paya+ent of tr%es aid ass?ss~~,atG evi?d :;can said nt?, or en Ns mcrtgag?. befit? N ey are delinquent ,. <br />;` theta a any a';ang? +o the cwrne~~hip of N? rza! estate ^ artgaged hetern- by sale ?iNer euc~;ht or t3' rand root+act or by assr3nm?nt e! <br />arv :merest that?a;, at otherx•is? <br />irten, to any of Ne aboxe set-:drfi etients. tic wno'e ~ndebt?tln?>; -~2re~~ serulza shzil at me apt; on ci ~nmeraaL ~ ;m?tl~ateh~ 6ecem? due and <br />payabl? wat#reut E.;th?r nat,c~, aid Lhe anour,t due under situ note as arty oN?r Hat? fcr addit:ona~ advane?s sad? sha?;. from N? Wit? of N? a%erase <br />df sa+d~~dtlim.. bear +nier¢st at the ma%+mum ie~! -a*.z per anno-,:,, a:c Nis ncrtgage -ray e:ar. i>z +o~~.os?o tc sa;;sfv';i? a-cua;u:? on said note, and <br />ffi;y cL~ tiate f~ add,bonai advances_ togzNer w+ih a!: sums paid by Corim?rc+a? far insurance Ca%es assess?ants and abs2ct?xlensmn charges, <br />watt; interest iher~m tram Ne Hat? df ~vment at N? m:a%~reum legal rat?- <br />PROVIDEJ Nat :n ro ?vent e,the+ azior? or aftz€ default s~s'~ Ne ,merest ~,,e and?* sa~ note and to s -nrtga~ and any otter net? for ad- <br />tYtha9ai advances r,-,ate e%t?P-tl ffi? n;ax,mr;m, !axle! ,at?tes". rate. <br />PROV!uEt;. f;:rMer. "rat .n Ne rv?et .., d? a~ , ~_ ~~5 .,. N? ._.'n3 .. .. ,5 _. ~ a:+d =; a -~ ?- ~ .z fcr add; t: anal <br />advaac.5 as tr,?'?s, xgrc;c t, rp !ray? __f,..s N ., ?^ ses '. 5.-c, ,....~.~ _._ _ .. _.: x -a-.? _ ,aymer,tct Ne to%es <br />•~: assess-Af.'nt5 Et'.2u" ur9^. Cries p!?"f:I S?S aLt•_t+?~~^S:'. tln^ _ u~D"; C't~S r..';g?:~f. _i? . _`:^?1 ., .?y _rt ^.. ., i13? Shall bf £n it t)?d <br />..". tn? ~14T,Y`!a i2 pass?SS a: .. "N? p'e^:5?S cR, r_ des:".'t2 _. `!t?- w~i"~ 3 '?-^ _ _._...,?~.,5 ,. ,, >_,.c a _ : ? ~,_n' >QS, and .::ay <br />,. -t5 tl, S_ ,.ti0'7 ,; SB N.e T^r5 &. .... a5 c! qi~"S ._. SS3 i of `:48 ]..- .~S„ '+a a .,, ,? _... - !.:r _.. 5.., _ ... .'.'.21t B InSI'ran C? <br />pi e'•?t'LiP•S. ~%eS antl aS5eS5'n?C1S open S.;C". ~ni2i: 5?_ a`1~ tCr '1?CfSSa'y ?%pf31:S°S '1'4 ,CC ~^ •?^.,' a S>:, :.'?C~."5_S a~~C C^,Pt., ng •2ni Nor?tiCT. and <br />it apTn ty yme n.. Said note an,", Sits '?"Les ?V+q?~ 'n :j_er? a. Yom.:?> "~ ~n1f; _^i '.na .-tla _•t-n,.t~ .?r_-a c i_l;y ra.i ,,n f._t c,rh n,r~~S. <br />ut3t92, a1ra'[+ v~5 ~,2 f_n ~ 3531 ~+ ~t Ct~ ,. ;:an> r- . j 4u,. ,? ~. a. ~. >a.,:.;-. _. ..._ _ . _...~. i~~~ .;i,~~ a.7 .atau it'A9iia2t <br />Prayr~!~ ~,z „-,nrtp,ge ,.wrtzs u: a- y .^,zr int ,.,.s -., 1ny ?vpe ,rs?5o?.^2 T :~ . _ ,-__ _ ;~ a,.--_,.. .. ,nos a~Ye~dz=c-;~zd: cut sacd <br />Camrrer_ia!sha,:,n ne :.asz 2 iah,z i;~r the a _ _ L p J_..,??e^anis '. ,_' c:, ,..•. . ,:5.,:,. 3....:> .. ?.~t_: ,:assess,,,; :i s31o ;szm~sES <br />The M?~tgagars ?oath?' ap:`r+^.? Comm?roil of Omaha, Nebraska the~r atu'n?w ,. ^~ sa..; ..t.:'^ ;towr; . _ab!y z~iher .:n .G dx'n <br />n3m? ar iM?:g3g!'rs' canes t to""«z ' nerxssary t?ps fu, ;-x?ed ngs n :su . .?h, w >_ ,: caes~ ,_ arc >?s .~ ;,z _ca.. d, ?a i;,, act rentals <br />a? nraer incomes eue, env a,"te,^, v2cant '.; rz!et "!z lime ?c ma4z a; re?;x:aC;e ;>pa,r> ,r,e ~,y 'axes ;,_ :' >a ~ .?r.ts tits = e^tratt par;.;asu or <br />- r c <br />,nnrnes anG *-_: do a!' s?.~rn fi~*!g<. e-th r nt .,; tw~~ :1T„zss .- ai _th?: Na't es duly dut`t. :?d anu _... t?c „ -. .s ~s ase, . ~; said Du-pos?. antl <br />to c;sarge a! nay c .?as_._;, z fee to t~,~ serv,~Qs a ;; ih. , b~._ u. re d:n? _; s:. ...?s a~. ~~~- -a., . _. , :a sr~n e..<_ as 4 :heir sand <br />2tt0'?kC5' !'.aY Sl'ur' iwci x:F ',. .i'ttF: tr S:;; ~2+ut~, _•.- _ <br />T`? ~",gagJ'S iW_*?5t 3_iP2 '.`,_. ..?,:t"-_...a: c'; 1'!Pr tr}; U;1.,, ,!r . c,IU t~ : v :x. , - - a.c :.a _ Y >:.,. ~ ~19CcMin~ rc!ai,{ig <br />!bz trer?;nbet;e deSC ~ ~.. ._ : tu, to s -rr-gag? or sa,c ~~,_ : Hates c'~2.,. ha _ 'a _i . _ ....._ _ :~ - ?dortgagcrs wilt <br />emu.=se 40. al: -eases«..: v:.?., bt' C~a'n'nr .~_: ~a~,c ,a,:~ z-~ _.?u,se ~_~ ,_ _ _ „ _ _ ~ .± ^r her?=abet,re <br />C-`25it: ~€tl :p@' 2St3t? ' ' . ;d'1 _ ._ :.k 'i'i3_._9?< a'!C?' 2,'te ;;L~K?' ~1 ~n?n; .- _ ., _b.r 3_~~~._~ _ _ ~~_ s58 .10 ~>"'ag?5 <br />arra-eed tt~e '9~°E'..5 i 1" uk ~ ~ f . 'h? ' 'te'a? !. > >:Cilr'S `'.. D%+ r m a ._ . r,^,a.d " <br />riess seCi::'tx+ tJ4 t"15 "fr,}ii6 gc r}' 31i,: they he'_ify i 355f gn_d ,_ .,) .rn'c~la anq $;7a ae ;.3~0 x .~ .. ~_ Y _ '!: F,}il __ _ CJJ ii + <br />t`ee i3T: ns~ ,,g f„5,'2.: .~,> : >.IL+ ..xu[?i.s..> .,,~{f ~ ~/ <br />t~IPd zti5 . ~' `ti a~ L73e _ . -i /~ . j _ <br />1t~t FSENCE.DF. . J ~ / <br />..Z... -_ L~_~_ _-.- _- ___ _.. <br />'- 6 , ~ _- M. Bewley.: <br />STATE DF NEBRASfKA <br />5s. ------ ----- <br />Cf3"tiNTY irF ~~, <br />- fla tAfs _.__~ 43y of Jae 15 ?9 ~iwe me. a not.;ry id!+c m cry fur sa,c G_nnr,- x~sonatty came <br />the abave-nametl <br />David M. Bayley and Therese A. Bewley, Husband and tiife, <br />iQ me ~ll'imorrn to ~be the r~ntipl prison of persons whose nacre is or naa:es are affxed to the ab:ue cort~-gz as g~st,r z. erantars cad they. nz <br />nr sha• sev~aity acimdw(edge the said instrr~ ~t a~tj~gpypersof- a oe ;hell valuntary a, e=o d~*h- <br />D_ 1N61~414 i <br />WiTNESS my tend and Notarial Sea~y t6y,d6~Q3rrli4?R. ~ ~rL~~ ~. ~f .~j ~-.• <br />My cor„mission a%p,re5 on me _/.~ tlay of _. .9 ~.9 '•f 5: <br />