7~si4-,HEL.EASE OF MORSGA~".E-Corporalioa Huffman and feltoz~ 8 Wolt. Ylalton. Ne. 68461 i
<br />~ ~a._ t,f~4Aia ___
<br />I IN COtVSIDERAT1OAr of the payment of the debt named therein, the Commercial National Bank
<br />& Trust Company, Grand Island, Nebraska hereby releases the mortgage made to
<br />Corrmzercial National Bank & Trust Company, Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />by St. Paul's Lutheran Church Foundation of
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska, Inc.
<br />on the fottozving described real estate, to-znit:
<br />rls Per Attached
<br />of Section in Tauyzship ,Range of the p, ~., Hali
<br />I County, State of Nebraska which is recorded in 1l of Rea! Estate :tfortgages, page
<br />o} the records of said County. Document #7$-008487
<br />Lti TEST13tO/~'1' if'HEREOF, the scid Commercial National Bank & Trust Co. ~ caused
<br />Shese presents to be rrt°euted by its presid~rzt and it; C'orpvrate Sea! to he nfised hereto this 31st
<br />dnv hf Mae 74
<br />i'.'itness: ft ~ammercial National Bank & _Trust Co.
<br />.. .~.1 _.. ' B} - ,1,Q.w. A II Vice
<br />... P sid
<br />' ... ....- ~ . _. _ _..... .. fittest ~~._.. Cash t
<br />. - -. tier, Sene ar~~ ~
<br />~1'A~:'t1F4q~,~Ykgbrtsk3 .............. County of ...... H~11 .......... 1
<br />,•'i$e.fot~b,Lg t$~ttazent was acknowledged before me .... M?Y. 31 ............... . .........19 ~s... j
<br />t+ti~':~#2.--.~,, f3~33sis'~1,. 3I V.P. of y~~pyp~~-ca~,Yational,Bank s Trust Co. i
<br />~. ~ +:.`- . ~.. 3ietiasask~r'............. rnr}wration, an behalf ofkljie corporatioer, I
<br />-
<br />1 j
<br />fR ~...
<br />~- .. ~~~Part of the'
<br />~SoutA+west QzSarter iSY,'~, of Section Seventeen {l7). in Township Eleven {ll}
<br />£~rth, Range fiine t9) +~est a. tht Sixth P,:~;., more particularly described as
<br />follows. Commencing at a tsoint t; the Nord: line of said Southwest Qua.rter~
<br />~~'~?.~ ~€€'t kest Cf t?:€ ortheast corner thereof; r-tin~lnzj t,D,ieP.C~ West fl:^. Shcd
<br />=:crth line, 333. ~ zap±; t!~~nce Sout~:, r~aralel with the ease line of sai@
<br />Southwest Quarter, fi4^ fear; thence oast, ;3arallel _th the tiorth line of said
<br />Southwest Quarter, 352. `, feet; thence `~artl:, ;parallel with t,`~e £ast line of
<br />said Southwest Quarter 6~^v feet te, the ;:lace of begi:~nin,, reserving, however,
<br />a strip of ground 3tJ feet in width off the nest and South ends of said tract
<br />for a riGht of s.~a}• for a public road; saic tree^. containing 5.58 acres, more
<br />or less. Also: cou~tenci: at the Northeast vrner flf the ~iorthwest Quarter of
<br />the said Southwest ~u3r~er~ running thence~tiest, ?o g ~,~ ?north lines of s~i:d
<br />3outitwest Quarter. _,_.~ feet; thence South, para~~e~ w~tn the £ast amine o~
<br />said Southwest uarter b~L' feet; thence £ast, oarailel w th the '3arth liner of
<br />said Southwest ~uartc=, 35x.5 feet, thence tiorth paralle~ with the Hast Sine
<br />flf said Southwest Ruarter4 edG Feet, to r_he place of 'osc~inninqq reseruin
<br />howe~e~ a strl~ o; _ rc+urg ~~3 f~e~ in wid~h off tie E~s~ a~id.SCUth e~l~s ~~ said
<br />trace ~~r a rsg~t c_-:cdt ~cr .. .:$'~ road: sa3L rac con ainlnG 5._ acres,
<br />~, ~y ,.. -~or< or less.
<br />.,
<br />
<br />..,.1
<br />~:....
<br />