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79-•1~~-3~18 <br />MORTGAGE _ _ <br />MORTGAGE L0.4N NO. L 23440 <br />>L~iowAIJLMENBVTIIESEPRESENTS:rnat Jaseph J. Vavricek and Janet R. Vavricek, each in his <br />and her own right and as spouse of each other <br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in consideration of the stun of <br />Forty Thousand and Na/100--------------------------------------------------------- DoLLARs <br />loaned to :aid nwrtgagor by The Equitable Building and Luan Assoeiatien of Grand [stand, Nzbraska, Mortgagee, upon 40D shares of stock of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23~4~ , do hereby grant, comcy and tnortgaee un[o the said ASSOCIATION the following <br />described real estate, sierated in hall County, .'r raska: <br />LOT TWELVE (12} MEADOW LANE THIRD SUBDIVISION <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRRSKA. <br />together w~ii: all for tenznents, }terednamznts and appurtznan;es therznnta hrhrngu;g.:t:cludang attached tlwt ~rosYnngs, a13 window screens, <br />window s'tades. bloods. surm wusdou~s, aw;~u:ss, hra:utc_ ar• candrt,on4*y:_ and plumbutg aad water egtspmtrt and acxssaries thereto. pumps, stoves, <br />refr!gtratars, and .~tt:er futures and rquiprnrnt now or 'rerraftrr attacltr~ too; uxd to can~ect tor: wnh card tra3 estate <br />And whirrs the said rtmngagor has a_;rerd and does nzreby ag-rz that the nx;•co~,sr sna;! and w;fi pad ail taxes and assrsunents {evird o[ <br />assessed u{wrn said nrtmi:es aad upon this mart.agr and the t'wmd se:utzd [berths E`rtu:e [ttr saint shall btcanrr dehngxnt: is turtish approved <br />insurance up+~n the bu:ldu~!gs on said premises suyatrd in the sum ai S 4O,OOQ, DQ m>-ah?z :o sari .4SSlkl:lTlO\ aad to delisxr to said <br />4SSOCIATIO\ the nolrcros for said insurance; and ^o? to cummi? o; permit am w'astt ar.:•r abe ut sacd prctttisrs: <br />fr, :as` of default rr. the perfurmanx of and .,t" the terms and condrnans of ttus murigage ..u the band szcured ttrct!+: ,the mortgagee shall, <br />in dcrtsand- br eninlyd is irnrxdaate pr,ssrssaan „f ihr t*}an¢aeed gremases and the .uteag,+• zrrbti assigns, trar+.sfer> and sell over to the <br />rta:ngagee zIi the ants, rerenuts aad mcu*nt to be dtnsrd from the mortgaged prem:ses~ due:rg wcl; ttrar as the sortgage indrbtedttess shall rzmairt <br />tu.;rasd: a_nd tier r*.r~r*.gagrr shall have the power to apparrtani aeert ar agents at mad drsue f<,; the pnrpase a'; rrtwring sai~ premises grad rcntutg <br />ihr sattar and ullretrng tttt rents, rerenues and income, and it ara t' pay aut s>t said :ncUmr ! t2ptnses of rrpa:ting said pretttim and ttecessaty <br />axhz~cz!s and rxpeases mcurted m mating and tnanaerrrg the saint and of .airc!rrg :rntals tl:utfram: the t+aarx rertaaitting, if any, to )# <br />appir;d toward ahr drxhar.~e of sand mx rtasgr mdzbtrdnrss: thtx aches ,~!` tht mvrtiagrc ;raas br tser, :std at any time during the ezistrnx of such <br />drtaas4t. ir;tspective of anv trmpurars~ wats'et ai :ht sar;rt. <br />Tatse I'rescntc, hautaer, are upon the Cand4ior,, T."^a: rf nhr sand 'it arrgagt!r si^ait rraa_. ~,d loan on or before the mattuity of sid shares by <br />paytraem , pay m:enthy' to said ASSOI'3AT10\ of the sum spr.sfcrd in r':r Band se;.ur:d :aereby as rst and prrnagal an sand loan, on or before <br />the Tvwntiett; d;.,~ ai tack and nrn morth, unti3 std loan :s fuliv pard: paw all taxes and assrsszeznts les'xd agairit said protnises and on this Mongage <br />and tht Bend st_:s*td t hereby. befu!t 3rhnqurn:l . !ur~ash appnnrd amura,^ece ut+r,^ t;?r'3usdutCS t%er;raa :n the sum ai ~ 4(},QQ(}. OD nayabk <br />to sal.: ASS~'IATION; rrna1 to surd 4SSOC1:4TI0'v up^n demand ali murx~ bx ,t ps>Z for such taxes. assessments and ~surance with uNGrtSt a! <br />the tnaxrmrun Srgxi rate t':reteor, frc+m doer ,.:f payttirat =ii cf w h,.h \i.•rt~ut hrrcbs asters to pas;ptrrmt no waste an card ptetnincs;keep and cxamply <br />w712t all the agratnrnts and conutsans of the Bc+nC far 5 4Q ~QQ(}, QQ this dax g:rr bx the ssd SSongpgor to said ASSL1ClA770ti. and wmply <br />wuh all the rrquuer~nts of the C.snst;tutmn and B;-Law's of sand ASSOC'14TI0`~ . the , these .presents sluli become null and xstid, otherwise they <br />tisall re*naiF, rn foil face ant ma: br f.rrrcL~ie,3 zr tiu ~_ x,n t. tkx sari .451€1C1.4T3 t?\ .feet larlurz for t-`.etc r;wrths to make ant of said <br />payments ti+rtse ibex munttvs rn arrears ra rnakirtt card m.rrth3} ps~,t:ren±,..;.., ,.irk, uw ..•mpl~ w;th t e agrttrxnts and ,arditions of laid Band: <br />sad Cw!<+rt~aear octets to hart a rec!vr; ep,-xrrnrrd f~•rth+. rr>•~ :r: su::^ i,,rc. k+s::+.e p:.::•r:.:.~•ies <br />if ttserz as anx ehanpt to aw7arr5hrp of the tea: rotate ra>r tguxd ;,r rir,_ bi salt ,ra Jtherw7ye, then the tnttre ternatnirag indebtedness hereby <br />Scoured shoo, at tree option of Tex E.quttabk Builditsc and L~aa :4iaacat~.e ,:? a irar.3 Band, Nebraska, br ~t:u unrttedrnttly dur and payable witflaut <br />ftrrtlxr notice. arsd u4e arnaur;t :rmasraA.g due under sand band, u:,:.ana ~thr? t,:snd i.3r any addstto:ai adsarcrs made thrrcunder, shall. from tier <br />due 3f exrr-ist t* opti Lett in?rtes! a? !?~ x -:,„r. k~ r c ~ - -s ,.r;:gr"r ,av then be fcrccitrsed to satisf. tlx a,~oun't due on n:.i <br />bond, and any ot}!er frond fo additiuna~ ~.::.=_nss, t ~rther w,th art ~~.,~ F a -. s sax? T'x Eglitabk Building ana Luan Aswc:ratinn of Grand lstsnd, <br />?s~t6raska far insmaact, taxes sad azes~>xe:s, and ahstsa~~-t.~ tstrn~~.;:..arses, with interest hr:ter., from date o; psyrrrrni at the maz;,^nu;n <br />legal rate- <br />As. pr:3vidrd ht the Bona sz-;:teed ?>rrrb~, wf•,r;c tins rvngage :r,;,av3s sr, cfie,.~ tar ntortgagte tray hereafter asrusx additsona3 wins to the <br />trukr rs of sail $.ind, ttxir asstgt^s ar sxxsx,rs to intrrrs'==. w•hrch sur!v ~~ br writ,=r: the seeurir}' of ibis mortgage the saint as the funds or:giteaBy <br />urrd ±htrrby. the Fatal ~~ru±t of prinapal debt naxt ?o ri_°cad at ar^.} trier the xigral amou;tt of this mortgage. <br />I?atr-', z<his ~ t da-• a June ."- p--'`t 79 <br />Ray J-- +~ i~ek , <br />STATE O1: NEBRASKA, <br />~JN7,Y ~, ~~ ~ sa. Qn this ~ s t day of J Une 19 79 ,before me, <br />~ the undersignr~, a Nagy Public in and foe said Cotutry, ptrsattatfy tatrte <br />~4~ ~. Va~it~ic a;'1d Jaflet R. Vavricek, <br />- in his dies her o>mm right and as spouse of each other wl~ are petsonellyknownso <br />ttae to be the idetxical peraarts5 xhose tastne5 dre affictd to the above inszrutttn[ as mor[gagor5 and they severally <br />a&aowkdgzd the acid iaatrument to he twit valuataaY ad and dad. <br />iV1T'NFSS my load and Notatie! Seri the dose aforesaid. <br />My Cixarr~a exgues ` y jo / __ _ <br />"- tary Public <br />s-t,saa st f-; <br />.. ',. i <br />- `~~..,_z . 1, ` -~_~ <br />