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79--!~C+34 A 6 <br />MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE LOAN N0. L2~4~~ _ <br />[Q90B'ALLMEN$YTHESEPRESENTS:That Robert D. Short and Donna R. Short, edch to hls dnd <br />her own right and as spouse of each other <br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in consideratian of tht sum of <br />Seventy One Thousand Six Hundred and No/100--------------------------------------- DoLLARs <br />loaned to said mortgagor by The Equikabte Building and Luaat Association of Grand lsland, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 7I6 shares of stock of <br />said .4SS0('IATiON, Certificate No. L 23436 , a~ hereby grant, convey and mortgagt unto the said ASSOCIATION the following <br />described real estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />LOT FIVE (5}, BLOCK SEVEN (7}, IN REPEAT OF <br />RIVERSIDE ACRES, AN ADDITIDN TO THE CITY DF <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKR. <br />togKthrt with all tht irrrmrnts, hrrtdrtamrrts and arpurtenanrs thereunto 6eloncing. including atta,:i[ed naor vvertngs, atl Window sartns, <br />window shades, a:inds. storm umdeu~s, awnines, hrattne. air xrdit toning, and piumbine an3 water ryuipmrn[ and acxssorits thtrtia, pumps, stoves, <br />refrigtr:tors, and other fixittses and rquipnxnt now or hereafter attad-ted to m used to a+nnr,[ron atilt said teal estate. <br />Ana w-herea~ the rdd snartgagor hes agrrtd anti does h:rtM ague >.hat the tr.~r?x gor inali and writ pay a33 taxes and assesmxnts ltvied ur <br />assesred upon said prrntrsts and urn thrs morgaet and the bond se.urtd thrrcb} ?+riore the same shat become 3t!i.~tyutnt; to furnish 2pprord <br />irtsurartct upr~n the btnldtrgs on sand pretmsts s:s uatrd m the sum ai S 71 ,SDD. DD ~}ark to sstd ASSOC1AT10N and is dtlivrr to said <br />A,SSOCI.ATION the p<Shctes i,tr seed utsssran.r. and not to comma „r 1*rz mJt any waste on or aTa~ut Said ptrtnises: <br />In cc.3sst t•i driaui: m [!gin ztrr'tartnan.r :.+i a.r,~ .> the arms vnd ,,?ndtvons of thrs mortgagt cr the bond secured berth}, tht mortgagee shall, <br />.zt dernaad. be ttttrtled tv tmmedraie p.ssrsv:+n of the ..^.n~rtgaerd prtmsx~s and tlat m:>rtgago! hrrrb}~ assigns, trarsftrs and sets over €o tht <br />trtartgaget all itst :rnts. rrsrnxs and *.n;vrne t.+!+r dr;.i+d f:4m the rrnkt~grd prrruses durng su.h [tint as the mortgage [r..*.rbtrdrtess shall restuitz <br />uapard; aad the trsev[gager stvall itavr the p,•wrr ;e s,~~.+:nt s;j} agrm ~,s agents it may de>,rr for the purpose of repairv-,g said pre[neses and renting <br />:hr saint and a+lk:[mg t![e rents, rrornurs and inrnmr, and n may pay ou; :,f said ires+mt all ranr_nsts of :rpairtng said premises and neorsrary' <br />ait;lnrss>,~ns and raprnses incuntd :n rcnt•ng a:rd znanagrrg t!:r sasttr and of ttilkcttng rentals therrinim: rf?e baianct remaining, ii any, to 6t <br />appittd inward the d,schargr :,f sa±d mJrt;agr mdrNrdnes;; titrsc rights of the tnartgagtt tna}' Dr rzercisrd at am ttrtx during tl+t txiuena of stscft <br />dtfauli, uresptctivr of any trmp..trari- waiter o1 tt:t same. <br />Tlusr P; esents, iru,.rkr, art upon t?tt f_.ndeti~u.. Thar ai the sari; `sl ortgager sl+-alt :tpat s,id 'e:sz on ar `~.ciotr v'tt maturity of said shares 6y <br />payrtxr.[: pay [runth!y *.o said ASSOC1AT10N of t;tr sum sprii[ic:' ut the Bernd stcurtd `^errb} ss :nterrs*. an,: pr:c;>pal on said loan, an ur before <br />i?[G Twenti: tli day of each and rt~sn month, anti( ::ltd roan :s ful!+~ patd: pa} ail taxes and asstssm: nts !evitd against sa:~ premises and on tius bortgagt <br />and the Bond secured thereby, t:efare dthnqurnci furrsh approsrd insu[ar~Y upi,.n titrbu[]dvtgs thereon vt *.he rum of sJI,500,OD payable <br />to said ASSQCLaT10N: repay to satd .4SSOC3ATIt1\ upon demand all mtute_s by rr psid for such taxes, assessmrrts and insurance w'itfi intertst at <br />t ~ ,:.azira;tu, =t_~l rate :l:rtr~ n f; _... „__ s pa' *Mns all _,f wh„~h l,~an_?agor l~rebs ag-ells to pa+: permit ^a waste on said prrrattsts;teen and comply <br />with al the agrrrrrKnts and cund:th:ns of the Bend for S 1 ~ ,6DD. ~} this day givtr. b} the sa;d Mortgages: to card .LSSOC1ATtON, and vmpiy <br />with all the requirtrnrrts of the Connttuzion and $}~-Laws of sod ASSt7CiAT1pN: then thtst presents snalr become nail and svid, uthtrwix 32ty <br />Baal! rrrrsaitt in t;=:': iiarce and ttu} be fertc?ostd at tfte apron of the satd A_4SOCIATiON alto fsilurr for three mortis to make any of said <br />paytnrnts or br ihrte trt.:na~s in arrears .n mak[ng said ntonzhl} pa}'moots, or ro keep xnd :Dino!} whit the agcetmtnis and rtndriions of said &?nd; <br />and ydortgager agues u, lzavt a rtce:vri appointed iorthwrtr. rn su:.h forrclosurr pti+cetdLryS'. <br />15 them :s sr.}~ :.hartgr m ow2xrship of the real estate mongagtd heron, ht sale a*. uChtrwtsr, then Ilse entire rttnaining indebttdntss hereby <br />aecurrd shall, at zhr op[icsn cf Tlx Equnabk Budding and L41an Association of Grand (stand, Nebraska, `xcurtte immediately due and payable without <br />iurthrr eseti:e. and the anwunt trmurturg Sue u[sdrr said t+otd, snd any othzr bond for ans additional adsances trade thercuttt~r, shall, from the <br />date of txer_^[st c+f sand optu:n. `+taz _n[errst at tht tnazimum lean( rate, and tins m:.*rtgagt may then bt iortclostd to sattsiy the atnaun[ due on said <br />txxsd,and ant oz}rrr blind let additsonal adranYS, [t>ltethrr with aU suttts paid bs satd The Fy[ntable $ui]ding and Lawn Asso.-.iation of Gland island, <br />Nrl~ssr lot rnsu:rsx, taxes as.d assexs;*tents, and abs[ra.'ting rxtrnsin :,.harget. wnh srrres uterc~rn. from da?c u; pay:nont at zhe ;rrtinium <br />legal rabt. <br />As ~ra>.?deil in the Band secu;td hr_eb}, whsst tl~as rtxirtgagt remainr sn tfftcz tht t:rortgagce tray hereafter adiance addrtinnal stuns to tht <br />-.":trs o, raid & rsd. they asstgrs or :u:.: rssu> v^. t.^.*.tresr, wh;r~ sums shall be wttha n ~Sr secunry ;es Lhu mortgagt €hr sa[ttt as the funds origi;ully <br />stcurtd thttrb>, tlu total amausx of prirrctpa! debt rc=*. to exxed at an• time the or>$inal amoana af~ this mortgage. <br />Ilat "; 25 day ~ ,Tune A- n_. t•a ;9 <br />o_r~~~ - - <br />mot. Fps-.s~e ye-r-t,-~~ <br />uonna ~3nort <br />STATE OF ~BitASKA, g On this 25th day of June 19 79 , befurt trx, <br />ctu.~rnt ~ liAi.L <br />Robert (1. Short afld Opnfla ~. Short, tht undetsigsed, a Notary Public in and for said County, personally entree <br />€l~h in his ! her right a~ as spouse of each other who are ptrsanallyknowe[o <br />the to bt tht ~tical persan5 rltose mete 5 are aET-rud to tlg aboae ~rstrtursent tt[[rrtgpgur S and ~t1f@]3evrraUy <br />adcisoar~ed xht said iarstnsmisrt to be their wlwrsaty act and dted. !, <br />Yt'!7?+`ES`S mY hffisd std ?3otaiial Seal the date aforesaid. - i`~ ,J <br />lay c°t~rr~r[ ~,r« // ~~'''''7~ <br />/r Notary Pubtt'c <br />~:-a GFllE4~ Mrttatrr _>~ iII -:,~, ~.... - `~ <br />3/+saE5 tt:. 4lSOH <br />Yy Cmam. Faye Mrn. lT, 19TJ <br />