r9~1 U'~~~4~3
<br />MoRTGnGE
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23438
<br />IiNOWALLAfENBYTHESEPRESENTS:That Eugene R. Hansen and Donna N. Hansen, each in his and
<br />and her own right and as spouse of each other
<br />Martgagvr, whether out or more, in consideration of the sum of
<br />Thirty Three Thousand Six Hundred aril No/100------------------------------------- aoLLARs
<br />loaned to said rnartgagor by The Eattitaalt Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mvr*.gagee, upon 336 shares of stuck of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Cectifrcaie No. L , do htreby grant, convey and mvngagr unto the said ASS~IATIt'7N the follow7rrg
<br />dests[bed real estate, situated in Kati County, Nebraska:
<br />tagtiher wtth a6 the ttnrrnents, hrtedi:amems and apeurteaanYS ;he2umo hekmging. includine sttachtd tlvar evverrngs, all window' u:eens,
<br />window shadts, biirnis, starm uinduw>, awnings, heaiint, air canditianing, and plumbing and w'atrregttipment and accrsst~ries therrw,pumps,stoves,
<br />rtfn3eraiors, and ; thtr tiatures and e~upmrn*- now az hczeafter atts•:htd *.u or used m cennecuon wrote card rtal tstaie-
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and dots hrreh}- egret that the mortgagor shalt and will pay all iaY:s and asstssr>nnts lev-ltd ar
<br />asstsstd upar. said premises and uplzn thrs mor!gagr and the bend srcuzrd thrreav before the saint strali becrome delmqutnt; to furnish approved
<br />insuranat uWr, ihr buildinss .,n seed prrmssrs s=tustrd r:, ihr sum of S 33 , fiDO. ~~ pa}able w said ASSOCLATipN and tv deliver to said
<br />ASSOCLATION the pc:iicirs t.+r seed rnsuran:r. ar.s not :.+ vmmu .,r x•mrt any waste un nr about said pnntists:
<br />to cast ai dtfauit in. the ptrfonttance c`.ay of tar tams and ~und:uons of [tees morgage ur the band secured htreb}, the rtrartgagtt shalt,
<br />en demand, iv eautlyd to imttxdiatr possessor, of t}er martesgrd prermsrs and [he mur [gagor `tereby assigns. ttansfrn and sets aver to the
<br />rtsarrgaeet all ihr rents- revenues and m_c,tne to be dtn:~rd tram the muneaeed prcmists duri.:c sucY: time as thz mancagt >nwtbudrress slsall remain
<br />unpaxl: ar:d the rtx.rtgagee shall aavx the p.+wrs :o ana+rnt any agent ~.: agents rt may drsrre for the puzpvsr of tepauing card premrses and renting
<br />ihr same and rolltctiag the arts, rererun and rn,:ontr, and tt may ps} aut of said uicome all tzpenses of rcpauiag issd prtmisrs urd ittasaaq'
<br />mrtrmissrons and e~ren~s incurred in renung and rrrar,aging the saint an~f of wtlecirac rentsis ihtrefram, [ht balarcr remaining, rf an}, tv bt
<br />applx•d reward ihr diseharge of said rnvrt¢agr rndthttvnes. these nehts .•` the merteagrc may br evttasrd a! ant ttnx during the rxisttntt of such
<br />drfa!rli, u:ts~trtlvx ei ang tempursn wai:~r of the same.
<br />Thes.: Prrstnts, h~wevrr, srr upon the l;imditum. That ii the said Mortgagor she?! repay said i~ar, on ,~r bet ate tar rrLVt unity of swd shams by
<br />paytntnt: pa} manthly to said iS50CiAT't0\ .,t ihr sum spr: ricd ;n the Bond secured hereby as ;ntezrst std pr:r,.:pal ar, seed k+an, an ar btfatr
<br />*,ae Twrn!ie?h day of each and rsxry ttrvnth, unlit :aid la,:n is frrh`y pard~, pa} all ta>tes and asseiments .es~rtd sgarnsr ~::~ etrrrttsts aad an thrs Mottgagr
<br />aad the B~t~nd secured thereby, before delinvucn_-y :furnish apgn>stid rmurar.x upna tar buildings thcttor.:n the sort. ui S 33,fiDO. Q{) pavablr
<br />to card ASSOCIAT'ON: zepay t. ~:°, ASSOCIATION upon demand alt matrry by n paid tut >a::lr ra>lu, assessments and msuran~t with zntrrest at
<br />the ttraaimrrm tail rate *.hnenn from date ui pa}'rxrt ail ..; whrch M~~rzgacar itrrrby acmes to pay. prrr~tt r;a w°asrr:.r sand aattnises: kcep and aamph°
<br />with ail the a~~iunts and inndrixons of the Banu list 5 3 , fi~j{); Q(} t'ns day yarn b; t;~ ;a,d ~icsrt,~-egos to ;~r3 .AS.aC}CIATIOti, acrd camply
<br />w h aL Llre ;t~uirrtrte[ru of the C'^siuutrnn a".d By-Las:r~sard .~SOCEATION: '-!-r-^- ±htst parse^^.s trhai; berumt a,~it and soil, ot'trtw'ist they
<br />sra31 rr.+rxain m full fr~rcr and rzuy be fwr:lased at !hr optsm .af the said ASSOCIATION si lrr fa37urr for three munahs to ntakt any of said
<br />paymtnis rr f~ there r:r~mt'tu us urra:s ~rz macorg sa,3 rnunthl} pa}nx nts, cY w ktrp and c+mpl} wait tut age errztrnts~nd ;auditions of said Band:
<br />xnd Nottgagot agues to h,isx a rrxnxr aplx>.nted fart a-:wr*.h u, su fi i,Yrrclusurr pnr:erd:ngs.
<br />if three rs nny :.°tairgt ~rz aw~rshrp .zf the real estate rrt<rr!ttsgr~i trertm. b; salt .:r othrrw Ise., L+ri the entut retrsaaning tndtbitdntss hereby
<br />atrured shall, at the vptxia of Thr E:Iw!xbk Badd>,~g and Lau. Asiociatr;an of i:tartd !stand-Nrbrasla, btcYrtre tmrntdiateiy due and payable without
<br />:lather nutter, and tlu arrarurt cr..x:nz^e u:u l:,drr civil hrrrsd. ars3 any :,arts bt4a:i ur an. addrtsara: a3[anxs r;udt theret:ndtr. dull, from the
<br />dart oI txr..:ise of ~.rd opuna, bear n:trrrst at rhr tnaaunum legal tart. atad thrs znurtgagr .,,ay rhea iK faretivsrd to satisfy the amount ilex on said
<br />bond.and any oihtr lx~nd for ui;?.:r.=ra! adv~n:rs. together w;ti: all sua:~ prod t^+ said T` E~u.tabit Bur:d;xtg and Leas, Assxretian of C,rand fslattd,
<br />Nti:.aska for rnsuranoc. uses and xssrss-nrnis, ark: abstracttrtg rxtersrrm caargts. w}:!: mttrest ttsrrrun. from dart of asv-rntm a[ the rnaxirnum
<br />legal tart. - _ - -
<br />As proo-,dta u ihr )3and st.ured --trrb-.. -=:!;r ti-us rer-.y;g: rtr*.tains ir, rfftct the r;*r.:rzy!gzt t;tay hereafter adv~.rz~ addirra.-:al wres to ihr
<br />tnsktrs ,rf said Bvnd, zhtir as'~~as ::r st:.:,^rsxxs rn 1.^.trrrst, whi:::. suers shad br witl;:n tae st: urr:y o'. this mvrtgagt the sa.~rrt as ?fir funds arrgirsa}1}'
<br />sr::ured thereby, the toiai atrsi.,uat c,i prxt+-~, r dt~t ac+t to txxd at sr:a time the .+: ig;r-3i srra3unt of ihu nrurtgage.
<br />i~ttd t;>is ~ .as a, _> - _~ A. D.. 2? ?'?
<br />lam.
<br />.j.~''~LL,r'' ;B M~s,r'
<br />ST`i7'I; OF i1ESItXSKA, ~ ts. On this ~ S t day of ,}one 19 74 , before me,
<br />C(3L'7~1'I'Y t!F HALL
<br />Eugene R. Hansen d11d Donna pJ, 'i:~Ii~en, the trtrders~red, a Koury Public in and for said Corrrty, ptrsonaiky qme
<br />E~h in his and her CiMn right and as spouse of each other wha are ptrsotrallyiinowAto
<br />reel to be for id~tical pesnn 5 whim naax s dre affixed w the abo~t as mortgagor 5 I and theyy sevrrell},
<br />a=lirrowkd~ed the and iAStrutAant to bt the! r wtuntaty act and datd. / ~~ !
<br />NTi?+1FSS lay 6an1 gad ?~rtariai Seat the date aforesaid. ~, ///
<br />IdyContraissanezpsses ,,S~y~^'y„~-TG~,~_
<br />, ~ i ~-' 4a[uy Public
<br />at-au u ~ ~ GEME&itt ktITRRY • Std of Meter.
<br />.UiAtES W. C1t.SUM
<br />bey farm, Exp. Mm. I2, 1439
<br />