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_ _ . ,- ; .: <br />__ _ , <br />30.154-1tE[.EASE OF MORTGAGE-.-Corporuliaa 7~~T (j ~ r] r,9 (1 ~'S Huffman and i•efton 8 Woif. Walton, Ne. 68A6] <br />IN CONSIDERe4TIp:Y of the payment of the dzbt xamed therein, the HC"E Ft DERAI SAYINGS & LOA"d , <br />AS SOC I AT i ON vF GRAi>iD i 5 LAND hereby releases the mortgage made to <br />HQt~1 EDcRAL JAVif3GJ 8 LOAN ASSOCIATI'Od GF GRANC iSLA::D <br />bti; CARL l_. SAI_LI ~-ER iv'JD 3EULAH I. SALLINGcR <br />husband and wife, each in his and her own right and as spcuse or the other <br />os thr foUou'ing described seal estate, to-wit: <br />LOT FIVE i>) I'J nLOCK ONE (I) IN GLOVER'S SiIEDiYISiO?f LJC.ATED ON PART vF THE NORTH-EAST <br />~LARTER (NEB} OF SECTIJN T~9ENTY-ONE (21), IN T~NSHI° ELEtiEN (il), NORTN, RANGE `TINE <br />iy), 'NEST OF THE SIXTH P... , <br />of Sertion ix Towxrhip ,Range of the P. M., HALL <br />~ `' Coxa~ty, State o{ 'dE~RASF:A which is recorded in Book { ~? of Real Estate Mortgages, page 94 <br />of the records of said Cosnty. <br />IN TEST;3f0'~~1' tt'HEREOF, the said HOi~'E FEGERAL SAV.tiGS 8 LOAN ASS~3C.ATivN hos roused i <br />;Huse presents to be esetuted b}~ itt.tjFr'sidextTifs Corporate Seal to be wised hereto this I st <br />€~ _ i day of ~'une r~, 'i9 HOldt" FE DE R,4L SAVI ~ G.S ~ LORAN _. <br />i { 1'i'dxess: ......1~.~.J~1GI.A?.).OY_.QF ::~'~lll...).~I.AI~11.._....__. i <br />~'' <br />f ~ __......_....- IO.Aw~-,-~' ~,._ __ _ __....___.__..__._.._..._...____ ....._. ~Y...~..._~~ `.w.~.2.r,....~7~,'-' ~__ z~e ~~T~'08S <br />I .~,1!Q---. dttes• ~ <br />~ic#X 7A)t <br />~ r~ •~e.~~ c>~nmenY was acknowledged before me ....:%n?....' .........................19 . ~y.. <br />E .,.~ 'j - - .. .... ....... .. ' <br />~-. G i''!?X$}`3•Z~~?-r ~°S.i.1~'.n -T~-~~~~ re `. of ri~Oti'E H ~? ~ ` GS S LOAN A Si1C,I rjT 10`i <br />...~ <br />..- <br />~ a . y~'Y,,~: ~ ....... corporation, on behalf of the wrporation. <br />~ > <br />.. ...... .:~:~~. .f'x ..: ~:,. ........ ... ..... ..... <br />5 .._c <br />- qwN~,-. _ .. _. - -. . ~ ~ ~...-..:-+-ter <br />