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_..79-;.~ ~ `?. X70 <br />MORTGAGE _ <br />`tORTGAGE LOAN No. L 23.376 <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Jimmy G. Swartz and Lupe J. Swartz, each in his and <br />her own right and as spouse of each other, <br />Mortgagor, whether one or mart, in consideration of the sum of <br />Twenty Two Thousand and No1100------------------------------------------------- OOLLAitS <br />loaned 2c said nxirPgaga; by The Equitable Suild;rg and i..aan fi.saciatian of Grand island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, open 220 sheers of siodc of <br />said ASSCC'IATION, Certificate No. L 23,376 , do heeeby grans, Canvey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the follawing <br />described real rs[ate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />LOT TWO (2) IN STRAWBERRY LAttiE SUBDIVISION <br />CITY OF GRtL4D ISLILND, HALL COUNTY, i~EBRA$KA. <br /> X-ith aL' tht tenements, hrredrtaments and appurtrnanrs th2:runto htloncing. including atiacltcd 11aor cerenngs, all X'mdaw' screens, <br />winilOw sl'ladts, bimdS. SIaftr! N;ndUX'S, 3X~LSS, 1v23iing, 3:r ;;Dn3;C}anln>;, 3n3 pfllmbing and X'ajer egtiipmenl anal d:,:e550r1CS Lli[rela, pump3,5(OVCS, <br />refr~etaiors,and oihrr fixtures and equtpn;rnt nuX ,+r hrrraftrr at?achrd'o or used rn c.,nn;coon xit?a said real es!ate. <br />And wiurras the said mart_eRgor has agreri and dxs hrrtb}~ agree that the m~rrtaaga; shaL'+ and wiL pay all tares and a~essmrnts le>icd or <br />assessed upon said premises and u{xan thu m.,rtgxge any t#:2 b.,r..d x~t::ed thercbv belare the same shall become dclingitrnt: •,o ftunish approved <br />insurance upon rhr buildin'es un said prrm:sre vt:a3te.t u: ihr sum ~•: S c"-2>D00. ~0 pa}abir to said ASSOCIATION and w denser to slid <br />ASSOCIATICtN the ~ iirirs ice su~i e.°ti'sraa:r, a-::i not to :.~mmn :~r ;xrmit an} waste or. ut askut said premises; <br />Sn case of defauh in tht prrfatrraar. ^r of ins c,f the terms aad ;ondrt,ans a thrs m.>rtgac: or the bond st.'vtcl htrtby , the rnarigagee shat!, <br />on dtntand, br en;itkd to ammedeatt possrman ?i liar ;n:.rtcaerd ,nd !}.r mt+rEeator hereby assigns, uansfrrs snd uts oser to the <br />arongagee all rhr tints. rnrruts and tr._.~,mc to etc dirtied from the rrwrteagrd poemases dwmg suc±t trmr as the mortgage rndrbtedtxss shad nmatn <br />unpaid: aad the rx~ngagec shelf [rave t"tec p:~.trr to appt,rn? ant at^en: or agents ei nab drsuc tut rhr purpose of rtpatrine ssad premises and renting <br />iht sa_~ snd ct:lk.ting the rents. rr,c;:urs ant tn:ome, std at ma} pad out of said m vmr aL• expenses of rrpatrmg said p*rmesrs and nettmr} <br />cornntissaans and rarptnses mcurred n rrntmg and rrsar~gtng the satlx xr=3 >f ,allrct,ng rrntsls therefvam: rhr 6alancr retraining, S any, to be <br />applied te,ward ihx dixhargr +f sxtd ttk:tea¢r sndrbttdlress. thrst rzghts t.f rhr mortgagee ma} k+r txrri~scd at an} time during the existence of such <br />default. itrtSpePt}t'. 31 .an) t~ 2~. tvgrl a'aR^et bl ih[ S4IIYt <br />Tncsr Prrsrnis, nawtres~ art open ute Condoler. That :i thriY=d'4torteagor si:ali rrpa~ >.:td lea:. nn at btfort tht tnattarit}' a1 said shares b} <br />px~ment. px} m,nthi}- tt, -urd ASSOCIAT'I'ON of /hr s!rm sprciticd to the Sortt+ sr-:ur.,f Irerri+} xs an3 prs.:sal on wd loan, on or before <br />the Twentieth dad of each and rsrn- rnbn!h, :anti! said loan rs fuli}~ peed. pa} all uxr=_ and assessmrrts irsird a5'airtst said > retrises and on this Ytottgage <br />~ xUr $aad sccutrd ihrrrb}. tarfore driingt}rnc}: fu.°nzsh appeased asurancr upon tfrr bueldangs ihertun in the sum of S 22 ~D pa}'abk <br />to saw, ASS{JC1,+tTl;r\: repel t~ saa:l ASSt'X'1A7i0'v trpt~i dtrtar3 all none} t3 ~t peed our su h !arts, asstssments and insuranx wit: intttest at <br />the ataxtrmm icgal rate t;;^ete„n fri:m date of r'a}•ment all of which linngagor hrub} aeries to pa}•, permit na w ante nn said prt*nises;keep and comply <br />wait ail the aetrt~:u and candiii:,ses of ihr Sand for S 22x000 DO !has da}~ :alto b}• t="~ aa:,d Muttgxs~at [o said ASSOCi.AT10\. snd comply <br />with all Llu requrrecxnts of theCarssututson and Bs-Laws of said .ASSOCIATIO\: *.hrn these pteserts sha3 become owl and nand, otherwise they <br />shall retrain in full farms 2nd may be fortda>rd at the optitn of the stud .ASSOCIAT30N aftr! faai!~rc for there munt}ss to ttaskr any of sans <br />Qa}menu ur br there months in nesters in maiirag seed mtanah!} pa}~men;s, ar tb kup and :ample w„th the agtccrixnts snd rnndiiions of seed Band; <br />and !darigagor egrets to hsvt s re:zirer appomted fort^.with vn curia lure: i.3su:e pt.,cet-1mu <br />if there iE any chsn~ in awlaetsrup of tsar rrx3 rsrajr rwrteagea harm, bs sak or athesavtse, then the entire rrmaineng indebtedness hereby <br />trcurcd shat?, at ttx optnrr, of The Equitahk Building and L.}ats Assw-rataar: of Cxtand !='-snd, Nclsrasia, bera:nr imr:xdu[riy dace and ~yab]e without <br />f;sr2arr nati~•, and [hr artwtrnt rrnaaitrmg due under said 3saan, end xt;}- ~~ihtc blind fa; a^.y additxinal a@yances made thereunder, shall, from the <br />date o; esrr~se of said apliian, hear inte:cst at tfie rrraxa'itrm?-. kga3 tall, and Iii;; r:'rang'.3e trot; ilacn t~ foreclosed to atis{y the amount due on said <br />bond, sad sox athcr bond for additn-,oaf adaanxs, Iagrchrr wit!: sutt¢s pare b. sa±:d T'r~r Eq;sitablr B,_it~'i.g _ d tea Assw.:tation of Grarsd Island. <br />Veb*tesia fat tnswanrr, rases and asscssmrrrs, snd aMtrac?s~.t exert:swm : 'a:'ges, with tnierrst thrrron. from date of psrrtrrni at the maxunum <br />kgat rate. <br />As pnn~idcd m the 6lotad stcured bcrt~) , wilt th:s r„e}rtzngc rarax„ns m r!?ec1 t^e martgsgee asy hrreaftrr advance sdditionai sums to the <br />maims of acid Sand, tlsca ass~~:•+. su::~_-ain sz utttrtsr _ +.°f~.q-h suits soli br Xstiun t3rr ;eceutr}' of thss marigage the carriz as the funds origisutly <br />selected ihtarl+}~, rht fats! attaataaz rf 3srm""ate debt u~t is rxaea.: 9I am tame rhr aragrrul arm.~;artt o1 this nartgage. <br />LYatrd ttds 3OtH. dsy of HdYCh A. 0 . l~ ~~ <br />ar - <br />sTwTl~ oI~ t.~i3xAS1cA, >t<. ~n tt>ia <br />CO~.ix7Y~FiA1Y 30th. day of Plareh 1974 ,Ixforetne, <br />t!u utadertagtud, a tirutary Public in and for said County ~ personally tame <br />Jimmy G. Swartz and Lupe 3. S~rartz> <br />each in his and Her dm~3~ as spouse of each other ~ba are I'e*+o~BYinawnta <br />~q <br />ter ~ ~ x~ ideasieal l~n y __~~cc ~ sa~~ ^ affized to the above itturttitrent as traortgagor S xnd they severally <br />srkn°w#edged dst sid ~ ~C ::s'~ {+' - • ; ~t wd dxd. <br />'ATTNESS ml' !ma NQ~ tlle'~a afotrsaid. ~~~/j' <br />MY Co t" ly ~r~ : ~ ~ L/~2~ <br />°. ~"~ :.n r'° ~' Notary Public <br />at.~t tit "r,~" °,..:. • ~ ~-"`,r~ <br />