30134-,RELEASE OF MOR°IGAGE--Cozporatian
<br />Huffman and Felton ~ Wolf, Walton, Ne. 68461
<br />`.i- €~ Lf c3 c3 C3 J
<br />-<N C©NSIDERBTION of the pay+next of the debt na,::ed therein, the Commercial National Bank &
<br />Trust Co. , Grand Island, Nebraska hereby releases the mortgage made to '
<br />Commercial National Bank & Trust Ca.bp Mid-Continent Enterprises, Inc.
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska '
<br />ox the foUo~ixg described read estate, to-tent: iot Twenty Four {24), Block Six {6}, Unit Three (3), ~ '
<br />Continea±al Gardens, an addition to the CitS~ of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.;
<br />of Section ix Tau~nship ,Range of the P. M., Hall
<br />Cor~nty, State of Nebraska a?rich is rerorded in Hoo.N of Real Est¢!e :3fortgages, page j '
<br />of the recar~ of stci+i Cor<nty. Document # 78-007851
<br />IN TFnS5r13ktbM3! i~Y'HEREOF, the said Commercial National Bank & Trust Co. has causrd
<br />tieest f>~'extr-hf'bz~ra'ecatad icy its President and its C'oriorat,• Seal in be nlTised hereto this 30th
<br />-.~{., 4
<br />fdy. `^E ~_.-•~'la~ ' T~ 7~-• f`~..,,~..~~....:..i \S.. t:.. ,-..,L SZ ...,,4 P_ T..... ~.F !',.
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<br />e; i..r~ v' _ u i
<br />~ ~.. f ..~ _... .._.._ By~ . . - ~ ~ icE:.., President ~ ,
<br />--
<br />~ _... .... .. ,... .. ~....~ .. , ... .n .. _, Cashier.. Secretary
<br />S~I'9.T&AF . Nebr3S~r .......... ,County of ..............~f-{'......... .
<br />_ ~ :>
<br />.;pz...
<br />'I'Iie oin~aastrument wes acknoveledged before me .... i12a} . 30. .......................i9. 79• ,
<br />>,y~'om.~'rt'Rkiplt,._~'ice.P."eatdeRt....... of C4~uZercial Nat.i,gn3,1_Ba,n~c.&,Trust Co.,,
<br />Y . - ..... Ne11r~Stta ............ corporation, on behalf q€ the corporation. '
<br />MZ7Y ~dt1Df_.:i '
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