<br />79- ~; t~,~ ~ 61 1UIORTGAC;E
<br />THIS INDEAI'I'LIRE, made this 3Cth day of MaV ______~_ , 19 79 by and between
<br />Jar3 A Sell~irs :,r,~ xaran .I Sellairs husband and wife each in his and her otan right
<br />alas spouse of the other
<br />of._ Eall Cewnty, Nebraska, as mortgagor ~ ,end Grand island Trust Company of Grsnd Islatat, a eotfwration
<br />arganizsrf and existing under the laws of Nebraska with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island. Nebraska, as mortgagee;
<br />W ITNESSETH: That acid mortgagor s ,for end inconsideration of the sum of _ _
<br />Fturteen .Thousand Seven Hundred Fprty Five and 46/I00 - -'='°`~'~a~{s"°' •~sis~ ~i5.b6 ~.
<br />the receipt of which is hereby aclmowledged, do _ by these presents mortgage and warrant unto said mortgagee, its a }u~ s,
<br />forever, all the fotbwing described rest estate, situated is the County of ._ _ _.__-_._Hal l___
<br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />Lot Twenty-Four (24), Island Acres Number Seven (~), an Addition to [he
<br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />T.ogetlrs wish all heating, air condittonimg, lighting, and plumbing equipmeeat end futures, intludittg scresos, awnings. scam windows and
<br />dtataa, and windos~ shades or blinds. used oa ~ in conne~ct.ion with said property, whether the same are now bcatasl on said peopes;.y or heresfter
<br />piaoed thereon.
<br />Tfl HAYE AND 7'O HOLD THE SAME, together with alt s~ singular the t®esneats, hereditnments end appttttenaaces thereunto be-
<br />ar m arytrfae appertaining, ftxeo~, end warrant the title to the same. Said morgagor ~ _. htxeby anemnt -with said
<br />nsoetgatee that ,_ _ t he~__8re...__ , at the dt3ivery Frereof, the lawtut tncner 5._ of the peemiaes above eatve±°ed aai described.
<br />sad arP _ wired of a good and iadrteaa~ie estate of inheritance therein. free and clear of all enrumhran.ES, and than ._S_3sey_wiA
<br />sartiant and defend the title thereto #orev~ agaiwt the claims snd demands of all p~soats whomsoever.
<br />P~CYiDF.D ALtd'AYS, sad thin insinrmemt is executed and delive~d to earcvre the payment of the sum of _
<br />Fourteen Thousand Seven Hundred Forty Five and 4b/tnn _ t~l;~sts;s 14.?45.4fi
<br />-- - _i.
<br />with istareat theeeaa, togethc frith e~h charger and ~^aaces ns mny be dsre and payable to said aart
<br />gages utxier the terms acrd conrditions
<br />~ the prnmiaaory note of even dais herewith and setw•ed hereby. ezerutsd by said tnm•tgagtx _s,_. to said mortgagee, payable ss ezpresaed
<br />fa Arid aa>;e, sad to saaite the paformtntr of aIl the utm+ and conditions contained therein. The terms of said mrts are hereby intnapereod
<br />h~ h9 this refartatce.
<br />It is the inteatiem sad agteetme~t. of the parties hereto that this meutgage shall also serum any trttue advances made so said mortgegnr~
<br />hY said mortgagee, sad any eMf act + -'ah:~__=: in add3txin to the amount above stated chic}. said mortgagors, or any of t6rm. may awe to
<br />said mal~gagae. hosever evidtncad, whether by ante. book aexnuat a otheraise This mangage shall remain in full form and ef[trt between
<br />the patties heasto a~ their hiirs, persomt tepteszatatit`es, succa sad assigns, until ail etnotxats secured heveuader, inr2uding future
<br />rdvanas, are paid is fuC with iat~.
<br />Ttr mortgagor~_ battby assign -- is anxi morgagee ail cents and income arising at any and all times from said property and
<br />hesnby autharias aai6 mengagee a its agent, at its option, upon defautt, to cafe charge of said property end collect all rents and income
<br />th~erahvm a~ rutty the acme to the Fa3'mant ~ morass.. prixiprai, .~=,rs=._ pr~inms, taxes. esseaamaers. repairs or improvemrnts
<br />ei to beep said proptrtp in t®antable comititm, or to other t$arges or payments provided far barza or is the note hereby secured. This
<br />rest assignment shall txattintra in tares tmr the ut~aid bnlaace of saw reefs is fully ~~. The eking ^f peessessu~n hceunder shall in rso :canner
<br />) ar tatartt acid ~t~se ID tAa t ed said same Iry feaerlons:e or othswiee.
<br />The fa3aaa ~ the taatgsg~ee !o asamt say of its zsghcs Iteeeuatfer et arty tmta shall sot be tunesrtrsd as a waive of its right to assert tbe
<br />case at mY '~ time, sett to iasiea npOa ant eaeefrirte shirt r~tplianoe with a!t the terms and provis~rm rd said Hots std of Chia mortgage.
<br />I! said martgsg~pt & shall Haas W he mid to acid maneipae the satire arrrcr.nt s~ it ~•, ~ u_*~ e~gx at~.a ~t penvs~ns
<br />od and mta lataely aeeered, irrehrdiag futrus advattaa, sad anY esimriona or remsrab thereof in sex»rdance with the terms and provisions
<br />tf+aeeef. sad it acid mortpgrr _...St_ eha8 nsmPtY wNh all the pmvisiom o! said mte and d thin aaoatgage, thm these prmeata shell be void;
<br />tttlfatsrya to r~vn iv itrII ftrroe sad aBeex, and paid tamtgagee shall be entaled W the poaeession of au of said property, and may. at its option.
<br />tlaolue cis raheie td acid cross epd afl iadeb00dsesa repteae~ad thereby m he immediately dve end payable. and may foreclose this mortgage
<br />tr take say oNSer &tpi aet+aa W presser. its rigit. Apprsia~t arrived.
<br />T~ sirsg Ise hag nPna ud abrft mere to the bent>st of the heirs, euenrtora, administrator, auaressnra and assigs<a of the
<br />retire perfies h+artla
<br />IN WITNESS WHLBEOF, pod 1Naetgsger s ~ vE heareetuw t+et their y,~,s the day sad year fast above
<br />tm
<br />a
<br />r ~ ~~
<br />