79w, 1; ~! 3 3 5 0
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<br />OicDIi:At:CE N0. 6439
<br />An ordinance creating Sanitary Sewer District No- 445 in the City of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska; defining the boundaries of the district; providing f.or the laying of a sanitary
<br />sewer main in said district; providing fur plans and specifications and securing bids;
<br />providing for the assessment of special tales for constructing such sewer and collection
<br />thr_reof; and providing for the effective date Utercof.
<br />SECTION 1. Sanitary Sewer District No. 445 of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />is hereby created for the laying of a ten-inch, or 25.4 centimacer, vitrified clay, or
<br />polyvinalchloridc plastic pipe, line and appurtenances thereto.
<br />SEC'll0t, 2. The boundaries of such sanitary sewer districC shall be as follows:
<br />Beginning at the Northeast Cnrncr of DI'.D Suhdivisi.nn; thence running, southerly
<br />on the caster7y line and t.hc Ct~---..h t,rolcmfl~,at.ion of the easterly lino of said
<br />-•hdivisiar. fc.r ilia cc cC - ,~ .. .. °3 ... _ - , - - l ro-
<br />of Old Potash Ii:r,'.~:av;Jthrncc r:utninp,~wc•scorly on t.hc ccntcr~~linc of~~0ld Potash
<br />High.:ay for a cli::tancc of 7ita Cott, or `11.4!,0 :actor::; tl:cncc rumtiu:• narthcrlY
<br />an Um South prolun.ation of she +:cscerly line and on rite wrsterly lines of said
<br />subdivision for a distance of ?35 feet or ;tS4.9fi3 meter::, t u fl he K<n~tl;;;csC Corner
<br />of said subdivision; thcnco rur.nir.t; casrc:'ly mt the northerly Lino cf ::aid sub-
<br />divisiott to Lire Scrthcast Corny r oC said ::ut.,tit•isimt, Lein+•, the point of
<br />bcgiruing, al ] a:: shoat on t l:c hl;tt r+irkcd f::;l:ibis "A" at Lathed hereto and
<br />incorporated hcrc•in by reference.
<br />SECTIOit 3. Said ir.:provemeni:: shall he made in accord,nco r~ith plans and specifications
<br />prepared by [hc Engineer for tlu City who shall cst im;+tc the cost Chcrcof, a;td sub;:+iC the
<br />same to the City Cuvncil, and upon approval of U+o samo bids for the construction of such
<br />sanitary sewer shall be taken and crntiracts entered into in t.hc r~:uvter provided by law-
<br />SECTION 4, The cost of construction of such improvement:: ::hall. be asst^aed against
<br />the property within the district ahuttinF upon the strccC or other ri.};ht-of-way within
<br />which such sanitary sewer main will be constructed triUtin such so+mra};c district to the
<br />extent of benefits to such property by reason of loci; improvemc-nt, and a syrcial Las shall
<br />be levied at one time to pay for such cost of construction as ::oon as can hc. ascertained,
<br />as providedi by law; and, provided further, such special tax and assessments shall consCitute
<br />a sinking fund for the paymcn[ of any bonds with interest issttcd for the purpose of paying
<br />the cost of such sewer in such district; such special assessments shall be paid and collected
<br />~in a fund [o be designated and knmat as the Sewer and t,'ator Extension Fund, and oat of which
<br />all warrants issued for the purpose of paying the cost of such sanitary sewer shall be paid,
<br />SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect Irotn and after its
<br />passage, appravai, and publication, without the plat, as provided by law.
<br />SECTICii G. This ordinance, with the plat, is hereby directed to be filed in the office
<br />of the Register of Deeds of Hail County, Nebraska.
<br />• SECTION 7, After passage, approval, and publication of this ordinance without the plat,
<br />notice of the creation of said district shall be published in the C•rand Island Daily Znde-
<br />perde:xt, a legal newspaper published and of general circulation in said City, as provided
<br />by law,
<br />Enacted ~Y 29. 1979,
<br />Robert L. Kriz
<br />Attest: 1t. R tR allick KOiti:RT L. Y,RI%, layor
<br />C1t• v Clerk '
<br />