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I <br />79-- ~!~~'t~4`7 <br />THE MORTGAGOR FTJR2'HER COVENANTS AI~D~AGREES: <br />That fhe Mortgagor will pay_ the indebtedness as hereintrefore prervided. <br />That ihe Mortgagcir is the owner of said.praperty in tee simple and has good right and lawful authority to sell and <br />convey the same'and that the same is-free add clear of any lien or enrumhrnnce; and that ~i ortgagar •will warrant and defend the <br />title to said premises against the claims of atl persons whomsoever. <br />To pey iaunediate}y when due and payahle all renerai taxes, special taxes, special assessmenb=, w~a?rr charges, sewer sen~- <br />ice charges, and other taxes and charges against said property. and all taxaa Ir.-ierl un the debi scourer hereby, and to Cornish the <br />14fortgagee, upon iequesf, with the original oY dupiicatc receipts trisector. The \Surtgagur at; err=s that tkrerehall be arlded to <br />coon monthly payment required hereunder or under the ev idoncr of debt secured hereby an anuwnt estimated by the ;ttortgagec <br />to ire su8icient- to enable the Mortgagee to pa\', ets they Ls•cnme clue, all taxes, assessments. and similar charges uixrn the prem- <br />ises subject thereto: any deficiency because of the insu fTciencc of such arldilional pavmenis hall Fr forthw-tth ;irprnited by th,- <br />Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand }>, the :'.f urt;;agc e. .9nr default ureter this par:+gra#,h s}salt '.+ d.~.~mcJ a default in <br />payment of taxes, e_~.es_emenfs, nr similar charges requited hereunder. <br />The Af orlgagnr ag re,s that theve shall also he added to a=art, mr:athly payment of princtj?aI and iatrrest inquired ftere- <br />under an amount estimated M~ th.• 'ltnrtgagee t<, be sufficient tc. enable the 4forigagoe to pay, as it Fwcom.•c rl u.~. the insu r:u,ce <br />premium on an}~ insu cosec iK-Lc_ 1rF=verr,i to the ~Sortgager- ;'\r:x deficiency b«rause _:t the in.:xtTicioncy~ of such additional pay- <br />menf_s shall t>P forfhwit?r dcp.xiterl hp the !lfr:rtgagnr with fhe Af origagee upon rieman:! by the \iu rtgag=•r .4 nv drf,, u#t under th:s <br />paragraph snail fie deemed a default en the pa_: meet of irsurance premiums. tf the fu,l ioc or pa}icies da#:.=+itr+l arc such as ix:rte- <br />owne~ or ah risk }*nliria, and the drlKxsib~ €. r- insutficrent to pas' Yee enure premit;.r., the ~l nrtgaec • ,r,ax .rplry th,~ :' ,r,:.Zt to <br />pay premiums cm risk required to t+r incur xi by this curt gage. <br />i'acmeeL made !.,r the- it r~rtFag:,r under the ahrne paragraphs rosy, at the option of the .lk,rtgagee, br held he rt and <br />commingl~ri with other .cxch t~,;nds .:r us funds for the paymei:t of such iterns, and until cn applied, ssh pa> m,'nts are herrSy <br />pledged as secunt}~ for the unpaid La(ancr of ih.• inn±t~aEe ind~htedne±. - <br />To pra~ure, delix~ r ,,. and rnatn?a~n for the benefit ,:f the- Ainrf gaee d;~:~ng the life of the mortgage• original p..!ities and <br />renewals thereat, dehverrd at Irani te•n dais t>Ffore th~• e•vp^~,tinn ~~f anp .v€:ch policies. in.u ring against fare and other ursu cable <br />hazards, casualties, and +trntingencies as the Mortgagee may require, in an amount equal to the indebtedne=.s secured by this <br />Afartgage, acrd in rnmpanies acce}~ahM to the Af origagr,=, wk!x h~~. #,ayahh• clause in favor cf and m f+,rm accrptahtc iu the \fnrtga- <br />gee. In the event acv przlica~ is oat nmewr-1 :•r. or My &,n• ten Macs of its exp;ration, thc• 'ltart¢agee may prneaxrr innir'ance on the <br />improve:_nents, pay the premium therefor. aa.i =urn sum stall hoc.=toe xaunediaiely d'ue and payahle with interest et the •ate set <br />forth in said note unEl paid and shat'. fx• secun•d by thi> m.r. tr;;u;c. Failure on the- part a£ the ~i artgagor to furnish such rene•xaL <br />as are herein required ur folio re ?~, pay any sums ad:arce~ h.•rrunder ~haii, at the option of the :Mortgagee, consti trite a rlr-faun <br />under the terms o{ thin mortgage The deli: cry of =u.S p„I„;,-a <hall ~-. ihe err.., of r#efanit enast?!ute as 3signmenL +ff the un- <br />earned premium. <br />Any sums rrrriti-e;i Lt th,~ Ll::ngage-e he cease:: .:( l+ss ur damage mwred again.,; may- lse retained by the yortgagee <br />and applied toward the }:a}~ment :d [rte dent hrretw a. ru red, nr. a# the .:pi:cn of fhe '-1Sarigagee, such sums either wholh~ nr in <br />part map he paid over t„ the 'rl::;igator t.= tie ^sed ic; rc parr such hwEdings or t:. build new huilJinga Lx their place o, for one <br />other purpose ur object :atrsfacior, to the ]-iurtga~.-a wath.,:+i affr-cut:- ihe• Len ,ar the mo-igage for the- fu'1 amour.[ secured h~re- <br />hy before such payment ever lock pace <br />To prc,rrpily repair. rector :.r rebuild zn}~ build irgs ..r tmprc,:ements nou „r buccal h•: on the premise-s rchich may he <br />come damaged oz deli roye•d: in keep said premis:~s in ga?d enndi6on. arci repair and free frr:ax am= mechantc•> lien ru other lien or <br />dorm of lien rot expressly suhordirated to the lien ixrreaf: nef to suffer -,. ,*ermit ary :: rilawful use of nr an'. r;uisanre b-i exrst on <br />sa:d property oar to permit Ovate rm said premise>. our to do am other art wh'r r,~hv the= prnfx=rtp hereby- c.•nveyed shat! become <br />less vaiuab}e. nor to d!miris?: or impale i!s value by ar;ti a+, er ~.~me~cior, t~: art t:, .n:np'=, .. i!h -,ll rrquir€=meet, :_, law with rr-spurt <br />to the merica~*ed premises and the use ihern•l <br />Thai shou$i the premises or am. part thereof kic• taken ur ramaFrd h. r::•as+-. r, of an•. t,u}+hc :mprocemrnt ur runder,.naiinn <br />pre=..wing, or under the r_ghr 3f rminc-nt dc~rrain. ;~r ;n any other marne r. th.~• ]l:+rtg-r.•.- <#:all !><- rritt;r<i to all rumpe•natinns. <br />awards. and any other payment or relict then•fc,r. and shall }ie entitled. at its npiton. to rr,;n_mc-err, anp€•ar in ami prrar.cestr in it <br />own rsme any action or proceeding, or to make env compromise or settle.^.1rnt to cr~nnerirnr. with suet: iaktn t,r damage :111 such <br />coni.pertsation, awards, damages, right of action and proceeds are hereby assigned ic. the Mnrtga¢e~, who may. after deducting <br />therelron« all its expenses, release any moneys ao n•eetved by a or atei>ty ehr .a+rte nn any in€k•bte<iness sectrced hereby. The MorU <br />xagor agrees to execute ouch further assignments of any coin pensauun. awards. damages, and right. cf acton and proe~-€•dn as the <br />Mtxigagee may require. <br />That sit case of failure to perforce any of the rnrenart.- h€~•rern, r...- Alr,rtgager may do ,.n the ^1lortgagor"s behalf every thing <br />as cmenanted: that ihe Mortgagee may also do any act it may riec~m ores-s-:a ry~ t., protect the Len there-€,? that the Mnrigagar will <br />repay opera dFinartd any moneys paid er disbursed by the Mnrtgagex far any <>f the ahcve p€irprnx*s. and gucF; moneys trrdetlier with <br />interest thenron ai the rate prc»ided in saiA noie shall }xa•ome sit much ad,i:tional indehti-elnass hareby_~ +rcurcKi and may tw in- <br />riudi-3 in any decret= forrilastr.,g this me•rigage and F paid out of the rer,u <:r proses-ds ui ale of said prrmrus if nef otherwise <br />ppd. Shat at shall not be ohlxgatt•n• upon the Aiortgagcw io inquire into ihe .aLdily of any lien, rncomhrances, or claim in ad- <br />vaam3n>; moneys a above suthoriza:d, but nothing herein contained shall be catutraed as requiring ihe Mortgagee tc advance any <br />rartureya f~ ang such purpose nor to do any aM hemurtdez; and that Mortgagee shall not incur any pe rsunat handily because of any- <br />tltiag rt stay da :er omit to do her+etender. <br />Ir. the went of the default try Mortgagor in the payment of any installment. as required by the \ote secured hereby, ar <br />in the perforntarue cri the otr!igaiinn in ibis mortgage nr in the note secured tl,en~by, the Mortgagee shall be entitled to declare the <br />debt eacured hereby due and payahle without notice, and the !tiortgagee shall hr entitletil at its option. without nnt9ce. either by itvelf <br />or try a «zoeiirer to ire appointed try the rnutY there€st- and without regard to the adequacy of any security for the indebtedness se- <br />cured hereby, to enter upon and takx fa*attes€r:,n of Itrr m<,rtgaged premises. and to rnl!ect and retrive the rents. ixsues and profits <br />therm, and apply the same, Irta cost+ u( operation amt nellectian. upon the indebtedness sere and by this mortgage; said rnnts, <br />iaattes and pto6ffi being hereiry assigned to the Mortgsgc-e as further sE•curlty for the. payment of all indebtedness secured hereby. <br />The ludoztgagee zdesttt haae the power to appoint any agent or agents if may desire far the purpose c,f repairing said prem- <br />i~s; renting t!~ same; txr3lzeting tlae rents, revenues grid irxcme, and i4 may pay cut of said insoles sit expenses incurred in rent- <br />irtg and managing the riafm turd of Collecting the rentals therefrom. The balance remaining, it any, shalt ter applied Wward the <br />dittclratZe ~ ttte ;morfgpga intlehtedzseaa. This aasigrtment is fo terminate and trecame null and void upon release of this mortgage. <br /> <br />